Page 147 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 147
21- Valeur des propriétés immobilières, dépenses, etc., des collèges classiques.
lI-Value of Immovable Property, Expenses, etc., of C1assicaI Colleges.
Valeur des 8ubventiOl1B Volumes
COLLlilGEB CLASSIQUES propriétœ 1 f'V~~~: du gouver- dans les
- immobilières - nement h[bliotbêquea
Value Year's Government Volumes
CLASSICAL COLLEGEB of Expanse.3 Orants iD
ImlDovablea Librn.iriea
• • •
Chiooutittû. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1,200,000 114,854 10,000 2-5,500
Gaspé . 285,000 34,550 10,000 4,000
Joliette.... . . . .. . . . . . 660,000 74,640 10,000 42,000
L'Assomption...... . ,.... .. 650,000 77,817 10,000 14,500
!km. . .. . . . .. . . . " " ...• 800,000 84,384 10,000 37,085
Mont-Lau:rier................•............... 625,000 48,948 10,000 7,000
Montréal (Ext. cl. Ste-Croix-cl. clay Bchool) . 275,000 19,660 10,000 11,000
Montréal (Ext. cl. St-Bulpice-cl. clay sehool) . 650,000 32,008 10,000 14,825
Montxéal (ébeuf) _•........... 1,428,500 151,507 10,000 85,000
Montréal (Loyola) . 1,424,515 94,358 10,000 50,000
Montréal (Ste~MlI.rie).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1,000,000 108,860 10,000 5,950
Montréal (St-Sulpice) ~ : . . .. . . 817,500 76,318 10,000 768
Montréal (Sém. de phil.-Bem. of phil.) •.......... 900,000 40,000 (1) 10,000
Nicolet..............•...... , ......•........ 472,440 62,358 10,000 40,000
~uébec (Petit sémina.ire-Minor 8eminary). . , 1,300.000 146,379 10,000 13,600
ltfi~:d.~~~.~~~~~~.a:~~r::::'.::::::::: , 245,000 39,547 10,000 34,950
525,000 , . 1,300,000 99,870 10,000 26,000
St-AJeandre-de-la-Gatineau '. . . 1 150,000 53,982 10,000 3,385
Sj;e.Anne-de·la·Pocatière. . . . .: 1 750,000 128,930 10,000 23,760
St-HYlI.cinthl'l ,... . . 1,200,000 93,214 10,000 48,750
St-Jean-St. Johns, . . . . . 245,000 55,225 10,000 8,625
St-Laurent '" .. . .. . .. , .......•.. 1,41\5,000 142,765 10.000 32.000
St-Laurent (Bém. Ste-CroiJ.) . 175,000 14,000 10,000 3.100
Ste-Thérè~e , . . . .. . . 700,000 117,895 (I) 51,240
St-Victor-de-Tring.,.. . . 150,000 22,907 10.000 9,456
Sherbrooke.......•...... , , . 900,000 112,990 10,000 26,000
Trais-Rivières-Three Rîvers •. , . 2,080,192 68,727 10,000 17,325
Valleyfield............•.......... 420,000 57,967 10,000 10,000
TOTo\L 1934-35..•... 22.802,147 2,249,08D 270,000 663,819
1933·34.. 22,833,384 2,157,93S 260,000 600.967
1932-33.. 22,935,628 2,181,261 260,000 605,122
1931-32. . , . 22,852,078 2,247,115 260000 594,957
1930-31. ' , . , ....•...... 22,520,Oï4 2,393,323 220,000 548,925
1929-30. . . . 20,496,500 2,20U,767 210,000 544,760
1928.-29. . . .. , . 18,731,500 2,130,119 210.000 534,4aO
1927~28 . 16,'154,1)00 2,108,481 200,000 550,817
1926-27.........•.............. 15,078.500 1,833,489 200,000 514,717
1925-26 . 14,206,500 1,841,518 11;10,000 494,550
1924"25.. . . 13,299,813 2,068,598 1~0.000 488,300
1923-24 , . .. . . . .. ' .. 11.828,150 1,848,221 190,000 489,038
1'0122-23..•.•..•.....••. 11,3U9.000 1,772,562 190,000 486,000
1921-22, . 10.801,000 1,819,229 19,000 458,000
1920--21. ., . 10,611.000 1,516.809 19,000 438,000
1919-20 , . 7,087.000 1",471,575 19,000 418.000
1918-19...... . . . . 5,708,000 1,289,326 10,000 0108.000
H1l7·18. . . 7,818,000 1.14R,626 19,000 0.38,000
1916~17......... . . 895.866 19,000 536,000
1915-16. . , .. 851,322 19,000 508,000
1914-15.. " . ... ·,i.:!i76·,OOO· . 829,71l5 19,000 483,000
1913-14., . 800.019 18,000· 458.000
1912-13.... . . 4,8i6,OOO 800,119 18,000 468,000
1911-12.. . . 3,848,000 757,174 17,000 457,000
1910-11......... . . 3,642.000 632,528 12.1343 4.,)6,000
1909-10.. , . 3,314,000 .s7H,277 12.643 386,000
1908-09 . 3,117,500 553,639 13.833 360,000
1007~08. . . .. , ' 2,988,000 1 533,315 14,785 380,000
(1) Non Ilubventîonné.-N"ot subsidiud.