Page 113 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 113

         29 -  Maria~es, naissances et décès enre~strésdans la province, par comtés! en t935.
        29--Marriag,es, Births and Deaths Recorded in the Province, by Counties, in 1935.

                                 Populat.ion       N lLiBEu.nCe!l-Birthl'  D(,c~9~Death.;;
           COMTÉS ~IUNICIPAUX     en 1935  Mariages
                   -               -       -             PO' 1.000        PO' l, llOO
           1Il'NICIPAI, CûtJNTIES  Estirnatoo  1:Ja.rriage8  ::-ifornbl'e  habitanl..'l  ::-.lùmbl'l'  habita nh
                                 PopuhLtion        -        -       -       -
                                                                          Pee l,
                                  in 11135        Numbel'  Pel' 1,000  Number  Popu[at llOO
                    -                           1        Population
        Abitibi.                   38,000    218    1,150    30.3     258     fi.8
        Ar~enteuU.                 19,700    113     403     20.b     106     8 4
        Arthaba~ka.                28,083    Hi9     817     29.1    ::n7    1\
        Ragot ...                  16,462    111     461     28.0     17:l   1 05
        BCI1U1-'e.                 43,284    279    1,530    35.3     482    11  1
        Bea.uharnoil>-.  ••••••••••• ,1  27,27.';  153  542  1!U~     218     , 0
        Bellecha.s~l'>.  . . . . . . . . . . 1  22,082  137  630  28.~  2111  9.9
        Berthipr. _....        ' .  Hl,l06   133     485     20.4     205    1 0.7
        Bonaventure.               :l!i,268  215    1,081    ;JO.7    419    11  9
        Brome..                    12.053     59     188     15.6     114     9  .,'5
        Chambly.'.:                21:1,753  112     355     12.4     181     6 3
        Champlain.... ...  '.      30,nf>    1.':i8  785     25.1     247     8.2
        Charlevoil\-Sagu(>np.y..   -l7,562   248    1,IB5    31.9     540    1  1.4
        Châteauguay                12,953     57     300     23.2     151    11 ,7
        Chicoutimi. ....... ..............  62,829  340  2,435  38.8  701    11  .2
        Compton.. .. .....  .., ... , ...... ,  19,176  11l  474  24.7  183   9 5
        DeU1~Montagnt"s--TwoMounta.ins....  ]4.276  74  319  22.3     165    1 l.6
        Dorcheeter ...             31.779    15U     959     30.2     259     7.5
        Drummond..                 28,659    225     !173    34.0     329    1 1.5
        Frontenac...........       24.1l55   106     000     .16. 1   230     9.2
        Gaspé-Eat-East.....        30,312    180     915     30.2     312    1 0.3
        Ga.apé-Ouest-West..  ...   10,198     67     384     37.7     124    1 2.2
        GatlDM.u.                  2:1,437   162     703     25.6     225     8.2
        Hull......... ,     .....  38,109    300    1.017    26.7     423    1 1.1
        Huntingdon.                12.013     87     217     18.1     137    1  1.4
        Iberville.................. , , , ......  Il,422  58  205  21. 8  72  7.n
        Iles-de-Ia.-Madeleine-]\1agdaJen lsl's.  8,481  47  .~08  36.3  139  1 6.4
        Joliette.......            28,253    173     821     29.1     340    1 2.1
        Kamourma.                  24,730    143     748     30.2     269    1 0.9
        Labelle..............      20,304    154     698     ::144    189     9.3
        Lac-St·Jean-Lake St. John..  22,107  136     fl21    41. 7    1114    8.8
        L'Assomption.              15,719     92     408     26.0     173    1 1.0
        Lavioiett{'.        .....  :n,234    203     895     28.7     312    1 O,~
        Lévis                      36,588    143     807     22.1     414    1 1. ..
        L'hlet·, ....              20,024    119     576     28,8     ]51     7.f)
        Lothinière.                25,014    153     826     33 0     258    1 0.3
        Maskinongé.                15,1l55   10'  i  474     2<1.7    170    1 0.6
        Matane....                 21,728    16'     6"      :lI. 9  .  244  11  2
        MatapMia                   28,632    201    1,042    36.4     284     9 9
        Még""ntic:.                36,23fi   21il   LOOS     27.7     412    13  .7
        MÏ1l~IIKjU01.              20,418    120     408     20.0     215    10.5
        Montcalm, . . .      . ..  1  13,4GO  H2     402     29.9     139    1O,:l
        Montmagny....        .  .  19,535    108     lilO    31. 2    224    11.5
        Mon.tmorency       ,   .   J7.944     8S     446     24.fl    163     9.1
        Mon.tréal &: Jésus, Iles-bl'I; (1).  ],09fi,l~6  7,040  20,380  18.6  Il,092  107
        Napierville-Laprairie.     21,,')03  121     472     22.0     226    10.5
        Nicolet..                  28.265    176     78.">   27,8     363    12 fi
        Papineau.                  30.322    160     758     25.0     237     7.'
        Pontiac...                 21.629     08     422     19.5     188     U
        Portneuf.                  37,858    190     1152    25.2     392    104
        Québec  .                  18fi.318  1,097  4,853    "'.0   2,592    13.9
        Richelieu  .               22.250    Il.">   480     21. fi   276    12.4
        Richmond.                  25,07]    151     617     24.6     222     8.9
        Rimouski. .. , .....       35.403    234    1,124    ::Il. 7  3."3   10.':'
        Rivière~du-Loup.           33.948    170     950     28.0     355    10.5
        Roberval.                  34,5.30   236    1,419    41 1     34'    10.0
        Rouville   .               13,824     90     312     22.l3    ll9     86
        Saint-H~'lI.cinthe., ...   26,9,">8  216     60':1   22.6     402    ]4.9
        Saint-Jean--8t. John.      11l.021   155     42<1    22.6     202    10.6
        Saint~Maurice.             74,095    478    2,009    28,3     Il.''>]  11.k
        Shefford.....              29,274    189     753     25.7     .3]3   10.7
        Sherbrooke.                43,559    2<10    903     20 7     556    12.8
        Soulanges...                8.711     34     J83     21. 0    97     11.1
        StaDl!tead..               26,081    172     586     22.5     260    10.0
        TI-miscaminguc             28.217    289     993     35.2     230     8,2
        Thniscouata.               22,937    147     720     31 4     198     8,6
        Terrebonne.                40.848    255    1,018    249      442    10.8
        Vaudreuil.                  12,199    66     240     HI.7     103     i',4
        Verchères.                 ]2,5!i5    94     350     27 9     168    13.4
        Wolf{'  .                  16,403    122     ,i07    ::lO9    164    10.0
        Yamaska     ,  ,   ,  .    16,324     88     461     28 2     130    11. 0
        Nouveau Québl'(~Nl'wQlll'be().                                4' .
                                ___I_,4~I     l_7_i_------"'-I_'  1
                                 !.D62,DGtI Il  19,967 i  75,267  24 6       18.7
           (1) Comprend les eomth de Hocblllflgll., L:Wlll et Jll.cques-Cll.rtier.-Include!l the eOllutle,.. of Hoehcla.gll., I,ll.val
        and Jp,cqUeIl Cartier.
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