Page 7 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 7


              The 1936 Statistical Year Book is the twenty-third puhlished hy the Bureau
          of Statistics of the Province of Quehec. Taken in its entirety it may be said to
          refiect concisely the present economic situation of the Province. Ail the informa-
          tion contained in the book is derived from the usual official sources: reports
          of the Federal and Provincial departments and special compilations of the Bureau
          of Stn,tistics.
              1 beg ta point out, among the principal additions to the present Year Book,
          in the chapter on Administration, a table showing the registration and votes
          polled in the November 1935 elections and the partial revision of the text pertain-
          ing ta Colonization. The section on Commerce, this year, contains the final results
          of the census of retail commercial and service establishments curried out in
          1931, as weil as an estimate of retail trade in the Province since that date. A
          new table showing the number of persans on direct relief in the Province and in
          the principal cities and a recapitulation of the operations of the ,Vorkmen's
          Compensation Commission, since the enforcement of the Act passed in 1931,
          now complete the data relating ta organized labour. For the firsttime also the
          Year Book gives a survey of the business transacted by ail insurance companies
          operating within the Province.

              1 offer my sincere thanks ta those who, by their collaboration, assisted in
          the preparation of this edition of the Year Book.

                                                The Editor of the Year Book,

                                                                   G. LEMONDE
          Quebec, April 28th, 1937.
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