Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 94
5-Superficie et densité de la population des cités de la province de Québec.
5--Arcaauâ Density of Population of CHies in the Province of Quebec.
A~m. ou diminution
Superficie PopulaLion, 1931 Population lncrellse or l>ecreBse
en mille"
CITftS earr~8 Par mille
Tol·ale carré
CI'l'IES Area in 1921 1911 H121-31 1911-21
' Total Per 5quare
mile~ mile
-------- ----- ----- ----- ------1----1----1-----
Arvida " . .' . . 1,790 1,790
Cap-de-Ia-Madoleine. . . . il: 68 8,748 1.309.·,8 6,738 2,010' . '6',738
Chicou'imi 2.66 11,877 4,4B6 04 8,937 0.880 2,ll-t0 3,007
Granby. UIO 10,087 7,058.00 6,780 4,700 3,802 2,035
Grand'Mère. 3.04 6,461 2.12533 7,631 4,783 - 1,170 2,848
Hull..... 6.25 29,433 4,70928 24,117 18,222 6,316 0,895
Jolie'!e.. 2 01 10,765 5,~56 72 9,039 6,346 1,726 2,693
Lachine. 4.68 1~,630 3,980.77 15,404 Il,688 3.226 3.716
Lé"i. . .. 3 47 11,724 3,378 67 10,470 Il,703 1,254 1,767
Longueuil.... 1.30 5,407 4,109 23 4,682 3.972 725 710
Mont.r~al 46.76 818,577 17,509 67 618,606 490,504 200,071 128,002
Out.remonL.. . .. 1. 52 28,641 18,8-12.76 13,249 4,820 15,392 8.429
Quéheo.... .... 8.99 130,594 tt,5Z6.59 M,19.3 78,710 35,401 16..183
Rivi<\re-du-f,oup 6.25 8,499 J,35984 7,703 6,774 796 929
Rt.-HyacintllC. .. 1. 70 13,448 7,910.59 10,859 9,797 2,589 1,062
81-Jean~'lt.J()hn. 2.08 11,256 ;;,4\1,01 7,734 5,903 3,522 1,831
St-Llllllherl. .. ... 1 86 6,075 3,266.13 3,890 3,344 2,185 546
Shllwini~~n FaU... 2.00 15,3'1" 7,672.50 10,ll26 4,265 4,720 6,360
Rherbrooke. 4.85 28,9.33 5,965 .57 za,616 16,405 5,418 7, llO
Rorel.. 3.13 10,320 3,297.12 8.174 8,420 2,146 -246
Thetford ~ines...... 3.2,5 10,701 3,292.62 7,886 7,261 2,815 625
Trols-R.v"'re.... . . .. . . . 4.00 35,450 8,862.50 22,367 13,691 13,083 8,676
Valleyfield, Salaherry de. 0.56 11,4 Il 20,376.79 9,215 9,449 2,196 -234
Verdun. 2.23 60,7-\6 27,239.91 ~5,OOl 11,629 35,744 13,372
Westmount... .. . 1. 53 2'1,2,35 15,839.87 17,593 14,579 6,642 3,014
----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----
TOTAL. . . . 1,329,652 975,:lU 749.IU 354,:1:19 225.418
6--Popu!lltion des villes de la province de Québec, en 1921 et J931-
l)-POl'u\rllion of Towns of tbe Province of Ql1ebec, in 1921 and 1931.
VILLES - TOWNS 1931 1921 VILLES - TOWNS 1931 1921
------------- ----- ---- -----_.- --- ----- ----
ACLon Vale .. 1,75:j 1,519 T.ennoxviJle, . . . ..... , ... 1,927 1,564
AmOB . 2,1;>3 1,488 Loui~f.l\'ilIe.........•.... 2,065 1,772
Art.habaska. 1,608 1,234 Magoj( . 6,302 5,169
Aylmer . 2,8:\'; 2,970 ~fa.ple Grovo.. 396 286
Baie-d'Ur[é . 211 172 MA:rieville . 1,986 1,748
Bagot.ille. . _ . 2,41)8 2,204 M6gnntic . 3,911 3,140
Barkmere... . . . 36 .... lm MeTcier . 247
BeaconBfield . 641 Montmagny . 3,927 .. ". 4.i4;'
BeaucoviHe . 707 1,448 MDntr(:al-.E:,l-Ea5t . 2,242 1,776
Dea.ûr.e\'H10.-r~al-East. . 975 Montr61\1-Nurd-l\rorth. 4,519 1,360
Beaubarnois . 3,729 ... 2·,2.~0· MonLrélll-0u••t-WesL. 3,190 1,882
Beau»On.. . . 3,242 3,210 Montr6..I·Slld·South . 1,164 1,030
ncù[orù . l,670 1,669 MOllt-Itoyal ... 2,174 160
Delœil , . 1,434 1,418 Nicolct. .. 2,868 2,342
BerLbier . 2,431 2,193 NOT6uda . . . 2,246 .... :i,3.50
Black Lake , , .•....... 2,167 2,of>6 Point e-au~-l'remble•............ 2,970
Tlromptonville........•.••.•.. 1,527 2,003 Point P.-Clnire. 4,058 2,617
F1uekingham . 4,638 3,836 PorL-Alfrcd.. . . 2,342 1,21.3
Château-d'Eau. . . 160 Qu6hee-Oul',t ·Wesl . 1,813 1.30
~~f:auo~la:.: : . 1,067 881 Rarine .... 105 .'2,4;'0
4,044 3,554 Itichmood. 2,596
Cook.shiro. . .......•....... 946 9,50 Rigaud ... 1,009 939
Courville. " " .. 1,678 1,293 Rimouski. . 5,:;S9 3,612
De Ury... . .. , . 561 540 Riverb.nd. 188
Dolbeau' 2,032 Roho.TVlll. 2,770 2,068
Donno.cona . 2,631 1,226 Rouyo . .3,225 ..........
Dorion . 1,155 8.33 Roxhoro . 25 23
Dorval " 2,052 1,466 Sle-Aj:tathe-de>-MooLs. 2,949 2,812
Drummoodville. 6,609 .) 8')" Ste-A T>ne-cl e-Bcllovue . 2,417 2,212
Ea.tAngue. 3,566 ~:RO~ St-Jérôme. '.' . 8,967 5,491
Farnharn ..... 4,205 ~ 343 St-Jo"eph-d'Alm a" . 3,\)70 850
Grecn6eid Park . 1,610 Ù12 St-Laurent.. . . 5,348 3,232
HampBte~d . 694 6.3 St-Lr.ono.rd-de-Purt-MaurÎcc. 4,53 462
Huntingdon .. 1,619 1,401 St-Michel. 1,628 493
Iberville.... 2,778 2,454 St-Ou,", . 615 622
Jle-Cadieu~.. . , . 17 Sri-Pierre. 4,186 3,636
Jle-DoTV~I. . . 19 "';,(}' Stc-ROBe 1,661 1,811
IBle-Maligne . 449 Ste-Thé"'B.. . . . 3,202 3,043
JonQ.uière. . ..........•. 9,448 4,851 St-Tite .. 1,969 1,783
Kénogami. . . 4,500 2.5~7 8a~ucnay.. . . 25
Lacbute .. 3,906 2,592 8cott;t uwn _. . , . 1,189 987
Llle-S~r}l;ent.........•.•. \) 60 'l'errp-honne . 1,955 2,056
L(lprall"le . 2,774 2,158 T~miscaUljngue........•....•... 1,8.)[>
La Salle . 2,362 726 'l'roiô-Pi,toies . 1,8,37 1,454
L'As50mpl.ion. 1,576 1,320 VictOrifWillo, . 6,213 3,759
La Tuque. . . 7,871 6,603 Waterloo ... 2,192 2,06.3
Laur(mtideFo............•....• 1,284 1,150 WinoBor. 2,720 2,330
Lauznn , .. 7.084 6.428 ----------
t::l:~~;:~~l~~cs:::::::::::: 2,716 1,989 TOTAL. 237,llli 167,1191
Extrait de Septième r.cen~emen' du CaT1Ma, Volume IL-Ex'r""l !Ta", Se.enlh C."""" of CaT1oda, Vol. II.