Page 59 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 59

CHRONOWGY                                29

         1910.-Quebee Forestry School established.  Employment bureau.s in~tituted at Quebee and
                 Montreal. Great Eueha.ristie Congress at Montreal. Temperance congress at Quebee.
                 A court for juvenile delinquents organized at Montrea!. Opening of the School of
                 Higher Commerci!ll Studies at Montreal.

               9th GQVemor General: His Royal Highness the Duke of Conna'lJ.{]hl (1911 La 1916).

                 IOTa LIEUTENANT-GoVERNOR: Sm FRANÇOIS LANGELlER (1911 TO 1915).
         1911.-A third transcontinental railw!lY (the Canadian Northern) connects Montre!ll with Port
                 Arthur. St. John's College founded. Canada's population 7,206,643 of which 2,003,232
                 in the Province of Quebec. College of St. Alexandre de I~ Gatineau founded. Two
                 inspectorB-general of primary education appointed.
         1912.-Creation of the Roads Department. Ung!lvo. added to the Province of Quebee, increasing
                 its a.rea 351,780 square miles.  Act to abolish toll bridges in the Province.  lst
                 Congress of the French I!lnguage in Canada held Il,t Quebec.  Part of the town of
                 Chicoutimi burned. Mercier monument unveiled at Quebec.
        1913.-Creation of Quebec Bureau of Statistics. Erection of diocese of Mount Lo.urier. Encoura-
                 gement given by the Government to music. Ungava given the name of "New Quebec".
                 Appointment of tirst six agronomists.
        1914.-Archbishop Begin of Quebec created Cardinal.  V{ar decJ!lred with Germany.  The
                 "Empress of IreJand" sunk by the "Storstad" off Father Point, 910 lives lost. Loss
                 of steamer "Montm!lgny", 14 victims.  Provincial Congress of Ca.tholic secondary
                 education at Laval University, Quebec. Gift by Provincial Government, of 4,000,000
                 lbs, of cheese (value 623,898) to the British Government; of $40,000 to fi!lnce, of
                 $25,000 to Belgium and of 85,000 to the Hospital of the French Canadian parishes
                 in Paris.

               11TH LlEUTENANT-ÛOVERNoR: Sm P1ERnE EVJ\RISTE: LEBLANC (1915 TO 1918).

        1915.-Inauguration of Tmnscontinental li,ll.ilway between Quebec !lnd Winnipeg. The Depart-
                 ment of Agriculture takes over the inspection of butter and eheese factories. The
                 library of the Legislative Assembly and that of St. Sulpice in Montreal inaugurated.
                 Conflagrations at Sorel and St. Georges de Beo.uce.
        1916.-Military contingents leave for Europe. Second dis!lster Lo the Quebec Bridge; 13 lives
                 lost. Destruction by fuI'. of the Monastery of the Trappists at Ok.o..

                      10th Govemor General: The Duke of Detl07l.8hire (1916 la 1921).

        1917.-Provineial Bureau of Statistics makes mst Agricultur!ll census in the Province. Sanction
                 of Conscription Act. Quebec Bridge finished. Scott Act voted and applied. Federal
                 Elections (l7th December); 63 anti-conscription members elected out of a total of 65.
        1918.-Enrollment of eonscripts. Orphllnage of the Grey Nuns in Montreal burned; 53 children
                 lose their lives. The Federal Government refuses to exempt farmers' sons from military
                service. Registration of ail persons of 16 of age or over in Canada. Inauguration
                of the Hebert Monument.  Epidemie of Spanish Influenzo.; 13,000 deaths.  Death
                of Sir P. E. Leblanc, Lieutenant-Governor. Siglling of Armistice in Europe.

                12TH LIEUTENANT-GOYERNOR: Sm CHARLES FITZPATnICI(' (1918 TO 1923).

        1919.-Union of the Municip!llities of the Province founded.  Death of Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
                W. L. MacKenzie King chosen leader of the Liberal Party. Visit to CaMda of His
                Roya.! Highness, the Prince of Wales and of His Eminence Cardinal Mercier. Montrea)
                University deatroyed by fuI'.: loss $1,000,000.
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