Page 57 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CH RONOLOOY                             27
                        6lh Gover1W'r General.; Lord Aberdeen (1893 UJ 1898).

         1894.---Opening of the Colonial Conference at Ottawa. Death of Hon. Honoré Mercier.
         189S.-Commercial treaty wlth France put into force. l<ïrst Council of Montrem.
         189G.-Petition of the bishops of Canada, relative to the reestablishment of Catholic schooIs
                 in Manitoba. Federal Act fixing the limita of the Province of Quebec at Hudson
                 Bay and adding a territory of 118,450 square miles.
         1897.-Mgr Merry deI Val, Apostolic Dclegate, arrives in Ce,nada. Mgr Bruchési, 4th bishop
                 of Montreal. Grants to elementary schools voted by the Provincial Government.
                 Rush to the Yukon on discovery of gold fields.
                    8TH LmUTIllNANT-GoVERNOR: SIR LOUIS A. JETTE (1898 TO 1908).
         1898.-The preferential tariff of 1897 comes into force. Champlain monument unveiJed at Quebec.
                 Death of Cardinal Taschereau.  Mgr Bégin, Archbishop of Quebec.  Meeting at
                 Quebec of the Anglo-American commission to determine the boundary of Alaska.
                 Death of Sir Adolphe Chapleau. Inter-imperia.! rate reduced to two cents.

                          7th Governor General: Lord Minto (1898 to 1904).
         1899.-Reduction to 2 cents of the postal rate on letters in CanD.da. Consolidation of the Eduea-
                 tion laws and the laws relating to the Provincial fisheries. Mgr Diomède Falconio
                 appointed permanent Apostolic Delegate at Ottawa.  Boer war. Despateh of the
                 tirst Canadian contingent to South Africa.
        1900.-Second contingent sent tA) South Africa. Extensive conflagrat.ion et Hull and Ottawa.
                 Losses $10,000,000, 11.150 7 lives.
        190I.-Death of Queen Victoria after a reign of 64 years. Edward VII ascends the tbrone of
                 Great Great tire at Montreel: losses $2,200,000. Wireless-telegraphy station
                 installed at Belle Isle. Population of Canada: 5,369,666 souls of which 1,648,898, in
                 the Province of Quebee. Visit of the Prince of Wmes to Canada.
        1902.-Golden jubilee of Laval University.  First Congress of the French Speaking Medical
                 Association of North America.  Mgr Donat Sbaretti, 2nd Apostolic Delegate to
        190a.-Congress of the Boards of Trade of the British Empire at Montreal. PurcMse by the
                 Government of the St. Hyacinthe dairy school.
                           8th Govemor General.: Earl Gl'ey (1904 lo 1910).

        1904.-Erection of the dioeese of JoUette.
        1905.-Alberta and Saskatchewan enter Confederation. Erection of the Apostolic Vicariate of
                 the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 'Withdrawal of the last Imperial troops stationed at Halifax
                 and EBquimalt.
        190G.-Settlement of the Federal subsidies to the provinces. Quebec receives $1,IlO,4BG more
                 than previously.
        1907.-Scho01 of Higher Commercial Studies at Montreal und technicm schools of Montreal and
                Quebec founded. Collapse of the Quebec bridge, 80 lives 10Bt. School of Surveying
                founded at Quebee and afftliated with the Arts :Faculty of Laval University. IDAu-
                guration of the Better Boads policy. Golden jubilee of the Laval Normal School,
        1908.-Celebration of the Tercentenary of Quebec's foundation. lJnveiling of the Laval Monu-
                ment. Quebec sends an agent-general to London. Conflagration at Three Rivers:
                300 houaes burnt; loss Sl,500,000.
                   9TH LIEUTIllNANT-GoVERNon: SIR A. P. PELLETIER (1908 TO 1911).

        1909.-First plenary council of Quehec.  Taschereau law relative to workingmen's a.ccidentB.
                Revision of the Statutes of the Province of Quebec. Creation of the Public Utilitie8
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