Page 53 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 53
l855.-Laying of the corner stone of the "Monument des Braves" at Ste. Foy. "La Capricieuae")
French frigate, ascends the St. Lawrence. Formation of Liberal lIJld ConserVative
parties. Establishment of system of money orders and registered letters in the post
l856.-Legislative Council made elective. Establishment of the Allan steamahip line between
Canada and England 1 running twice a month. Opening of a railway between Montreal
and Toronto.
l857.-Lower Canada divided into 19 judicial districts. Laval, Jacques Cartier lIJld McGiU Nor-
ma! School.s founded. Desjardins Canal accident (70 killed). Loss of steamer "Mont-
real", \Vith 253 lives. Ottawa chosen as the Federal Capital.
l858.-Adoption of the decimal system for tbe currency. Foundation of the Sodété Historique d-e
Montréa,/ by Jacques Viger.
l859.-Foundation of the Agricultural School of Sainl.e Anne de la Pocatière.
l860.-Visit of the Prince of Wo.les. Inauguration of Victoria Bridge at Montreal. Three Rivers
College founded. Unveiling of the "Monument des Braves", Ste. Foy road, Quebec.
La Banque Nationale and Morrin College founded Ilot Quebec.
218t Governo-r: Vi&count Mrmà (1861 to 1867).
1861.-Lower Canada'a population, 1,111,566 soula.
1862.-Foundation of the Arcbeological and Numismatic Society of Montreal, tbe' conservator of
Chateau de Ramezay. College founded'. Third Council of Quebec. Royal sanction given to the Sepa.-
rate Schools Act.
1864.-Project of Confederation of the provinces elaborated at Quebec Ilot an interprovincial con-
ference under tbe chairmanship of Sir Etienne Pascal Taché. First cheese factory
opened Ilot Dunham.
l866.-Fenian invasion of Canada. Laying of the transatlantic cable. Great conflagration a.t
Quebec, (2,129 houses burned). Montreal Veterinary School founded. Civil Code and
Code of Civil Procedure come into force.
l867.-Collfederat,ion of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick and Nova
Srotia. "Moniteur Acadien" founded. Diocese of Rimouski erected.
1868.-Departure of 350 young French CanadillJls to defend the States of the Church at Rome in
the regiment of Papal Zouaves. ABsassination of Hon. Thomas d'ft.Jcy McGee. Fourth
Council of Quebec. Adoption of a uniform 3 cent lettcr postage rate. Postal6Rvings
banks founded.
16t Governor General: Sir John Young, Ba.ron Lisgar (1868 to 1872).
1869.-Entry of the North-West Territories into Confederation.
l870.-Province of Manitoba organized. Mgr Elzéar Taschereau, 16th bishop of Quebec.
l871.-Entry of British Columhia into Confederation. The Alabama c1ailDB se1.tled by the treaty
of Washington. Codification of municipallawB. Imperial troops garrisoned Ilot Quebec
and difIerent points in Canada are withdrawn with the exception of those stationed Ilot
Halifax and Esquimault.
2nd Governor General: Lord D-uiJerin (1872 tn 1878).
1872.-Abolition of the legislative double mandate. Act concerning the keeping of registers of
civil status.
1873.-Prince Edward Island enterB Confederation. Death of Sir Georgc Etienne Cartier. Fifth
Council of Quebec.