Page 51 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 51

CHRONOLOGY                              21

                              Ad:minisl-rator: Sir Ric/w,rd D. Jack8on.
                           113th Governor: Sir Charles Ba(Jot (1842 /.0 1843).

        1S42.-Responsible Government. established. Lafontaine and Baldwin become Ivlinisters. Return
                 of the Jesuits to Canada. Ashburton treaty. Organization of the Council of Public
                 Instruction of Lower Canada; J. B. Meilleur, tirst Superintendent.
        1843.-Launching at Montreal of 1.he rirst iron steam vessel built in Canada.

                         ]7111 Gove1'1Wr: Lord MfJI.calje (1843 /.0 1845).
        1844.-Erection of the ecclesiastical province 01 Quebec.
        1845.-Return of the political exiles of 1837-38. Two great conflagrations at Quebec; 25,000
                 persons left homeless. The rigbt tü vote given to the clergy. Bishop's College founded
                at LeDnoxvilJe.

                            18111. Governor: Lord Catlu;arl (]84510 1847).
        1846.-Joliette College founded.  The House obtains control of the Supplies. Education Act
                amended and separate schools established.
        1847.-Telegrnph line built between Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and Buffalo, a180 betweeD Mont-
                real and New York. Irish immigration, typhus epidemic; 13,800 victilllJl, including
                several priests. Hundreds of Irish orphans taken into French Canadian families.
                Agricultural societies created. Terrebonne or M!lBson College founded. Foundation of
                St. Laurent College. Arrivai from France of the Frères de Ste. Croix and the Clercs
                de St. Viateur.
        1848.--8t. Lawrence canals opened to navigation.

                             1911. Governor: Lord Elgin (1847 to 1854).

        1849.-Rioting at Montreal and burning of the Parliument House and library of the Legislature.
        1850.-Mgr Turgeon, 14th bishop of Quebec. Construction of the "Northern Railway" begun.
                Rignud College founded.
        1851.-St. Mary's CoHege at Montreal fOUllded by the Jesuits. First Council of Quebec. Intrfr-
                duction of postage stamps. Population of LOlVer Canada, 890,261.
        1852.-Dioceses of St. Hyacinthe and Three Rivera erected. Queen Victoria signa the charter of
                Laval University. Construction of Grand Trunk Ro.illVay begun. Great in Mont-
                real (10,000 persons horoeless).  Creation of the Department of Agriculture. The
                Clercs de St. Viateur found nschool at Jolie1.te for Cntholic denf mutes. In the following
                ycar, this school is tra.nsIerred to Coteau St. Louis, near Montreal.

                           Administrator: William Rowan (1853 to 1854).

        1853.-Collegea oI Ste. Marie de Monnoir and Levis founded. Mgr Bedini, Apostolic Vicar, viBits
                Quebec. Arrivai at Quebec oI first transatlantic steamship. Opening oI raillVay between
                Montreal and Portland. The number o[ members for Lower and Upper Canada fixed
                at 65 Ior each province.

                           20111. Gove-rrwr: Sir Edmund Head (1854 to 18131).

       1854.-Abolition of the Seigneurial Tenure in Lower Canada. Erection oI Municipalities in Lower
                Canada.. Inauguration of Lnval L'niversity. Second COllDcil of Quebec. Mgr Baillar-
                gean, coadjutor and administrator of the diocese of Quebec. Reciprocity treaty between
                Canada and the United States. Great Western Railway in operation. Secularization
                oI Clergy reserves.
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