Page 45 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 45
3rd GoVe.t'li,or: General Ho,ldirnand (1778 ta 1786)
1778.-First number of t,he "Cazette Littéraire de Montréal" published by Fleury Mespleta.
1783.-Tt-eaty of Versailles. Recognition by Èngland of the independence of the United Statea.
Ces8ion of the country situated south of the Creat Lakes. Immigration of 25,000
U. E. Loyalists to Canada and their settlement in Ont.ario, the Eastern Townships,
the Bay des Chaleurs and the ~1a.rit,ime Provinces. Foundation of the North-t'lest
Company to carry on the Iur trade.
1784.-Populat.ion of Canada: 113,012 soula.
1786.-Carleton returns to Canada with the title ol Lord Dorchester.
1788.-IVIgr Hubert, 9th biahop of Quebec.
4th Gove.mor: Lo'rd Dorchester (Sir Guy Co.rle/on) (1786-96)
1791.-Ca.nada divided into two parts: Lower Canada and l:pper Canada. The House of Aasem-
bly of Lower Canada comprisea 50 membera and the Legialative COUDcil, 12 roembers.
The use of the two languages is recogn-ized in the parliamentary debates and the
reports of the votes and proceedinga of Lower Canada. Estahlislunent of a semi-
monthly postal service between Canada and the United States.
5th Governor: Sir Robert PreseaU (1796 la 1807)
1797.-Establislunent of a weekly postal service between Canada and the United States. Mgr
Denault, 10th bishop of Quebec. Arrivai of 28 French priests.
1798.-RecolJet convent and church at Quebec destroyed by fire. The Governor opposed to
the erection of new Catholic parishes. Execution of, accused of high treason.
Administrator: Sir Robert Shore Milnes (1799 to 1~05)
18oo.-The Government takes po~eeseion of the Jesuite' estates on the death of Father Cazot.
1801.-8chool founded to anglid7.e the French Canadians, under the name of the R.oyal Institu-
1803.-Slavery declared illegal in Lower Canada. The Nicolet Seminary founded by Mgr Plessis.
Adminislnuor: Honou.rable Thomas Dunn (1805 ta 1807)
1805.-The "Mercury", founded by the English.
lS06.-:Ylgr Plessis, llth bishop of Quebec. Le "Canadien" founded by the French Canadians.
Population of Canada: 250,000 souls.
1807.-Public schoola established in Upper Canada.
6th Governor: Sir Jarnes H Mry Cro,ig (1807 ta 1811)
1808.-House dissolved by the Governor. The same members returned by the people.
1809.-1'he first steamboat, "The Accommodation", descends the river from Montreal to Quebec.
The presses of the "CllJladip.n" seized and Bedard, Papineau, Tasèhereau and Blan-
chet imprisoned. Mgr Ple~sis opposed to the Governor having the appointment of
the parish priests made by the ICing.
ISl1.-Founda.tion of a seminary at St. Hyacinthe and the Herald newspnper at Montreal.
7th Governor: Sir George Prev08t (1811 10 1815)
IS12.-The Americains Canada, but are repulsed at Detroit, Queenstown and Buffalo.
At the Governor's request, Mgr Plessis is officially recognized as bishop of Quebec
by the King. Legal existence of the Catholic religion recognized.