Page 43 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 43

CHRONOLOOY                              13

        1759.-Forts St. Frederick and Niagara eaptured by the English. The English defeated at Mont-
                 morency. Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Montcalm n.nd Wolfe both meet death
                in the battle. Quebec capitulates on 18th September.
        1760.-Battle of Ste. Foy, where the French under Levis win a victory. ArrivaI of an English
                 f1.eet. Levis falls back on Montreal. Capitulation of Montreal. The leading officers,
                80Idiers and citizens sent back to France, the clergy alone remaining in the country
                 with about 65,{)00 Canadians.

                              TERMS OF THE CAPITULATION

             1. AlI the French posts to be delivered to the English.
             2. The Canadial18 to retain their religion, laws and property.
             3. The French troops, civil and military officers and the nobility to be conveyed to France
                 at the expense of the English.

                                    ENGLISH REGIME

                     ABSOLUTE GOVERNtviENT PERIOD (1760 ta 1791)

                            ls1 Govemor: Lord Amherst (1760 to 17(3)
        1760.-Establishment of the Militnry Regime. Civil and criminal matters judged by oflieers.
        1763.-Signing of the treaty of Paris. Canada dismemberedj Labrador and Anticosti annexed to
                 Newfoundla.nd. Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island to Nova ScOtiai the region
                south of the Great Lakes joined to the American Colonies and Louisiana ceded to
                Spain. The French laws abolished. Imposition of the Test Oath. Pontiac, an Ottawa
                chief, incites the Indians and attempts to destroy the English.

                            2nd Oovernor: James Murray (1763 to 17(6)
        1764.-Murray assisted by a Council of 13 mcmbers, only one of whom is French, administers the
                colony. The "Qucbec Gazette", published in English and French, founded.
        1765.-First book printed at Quebec. South-west part of Montreal destroyed by fue.
        1766.-Mgr Briand, 7th bishop of Quebec. Murray recalled.

                                   Ad17linistra~ar: M r 1nring

                           3rd Governor: Sir Guy Carleton (1766 W 1778)

        1770.-The grievances of the Canadians heard in England, where Carleton plcads in their favor.
        1773.-Suppression of the Order of the Jesuits and confiscation of theïr estate. College of Mont-
                real founded.
        1774.-The Quebec Act:
             1. Establishee a Legislative Council of 17 to 23 members.
             2. Extends the boundaries of Canada.
            . 3. Abolishcs the Test Oath.
             4. Restores the Freneh civillaws.
            5. Assures to Catholics the free exercLse of their religion.
       1775.-American invasion of Canada. General Montgomery defeated and slain before Quebec.
        1776.-Independence of the United States proclaimed. The Jesuits' College at Quebec turned
                inta a military barracks.
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