Page 164 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 164

                  24.-ClassiBcation, par faculté, des étudiants inscrits dans les universités.
                 24.-Class!1lcation, by Facullies, oC the Students Enrolled al the Universities.

                ANN:Ir;ES      Théologie  Droit  médicales        Scienees
                   -             -        -       (1)      Arh      -       Total
                 YEARS         Tbeology  Law     Medical          Applied
                                                 Soiences         80ien""s
          1003~4,....................  470  298    1,131   14,839   2,140    18,878
          1002~3.....................  ~5  326     1,029   13,773   2,238    17.831
          l001~2......•..............  4-li4  296  1,083   13,523   2,148    17,604.
          1000-31 .....................  622  294   009    13,137    2,134   17,186
          1929-30.. ,., ................  641  261  940    12,891   2,067    lS,800
          1928-29...... " ... , ... , .....  M7  2118  929  11,689  2,922    15,546
          11l27-28....... , .... , ....•...  Me  251  766  10,475    1,900   14,048
          1921}-27.............. ... ....  655  246  75S    9,359    1,529   12.545
          1925-26.....................  6S1  234    920  (2) 11,217  1,628   14,720
          1924·25.....................  649  239    881     5.739    1,838   9,34S
          1923-24.....................  672  21S    916     5,302    1.751   8.947
          1922-23....... , .• , ..... , . ...  663  202  848  4.810  1.407   7,930
          1921-22 ....... , .•.....•.....  611  203  824    4,797    1.102   7.537
          1920-21. ....................  648  199   845     4,285     902    6,879
          1919-20 ....... , .•....•......  691  207  852    3,864     381    6,995
          1918-19.....................  601  244    781     3,539     428    6,493
          1917·18.....................  4118  2M    712     3.671     452    6.W
          1916-17......•........• , ....  4M  260   608     2.003     433    4.S79
          1916-16......... , ........ , .•  422  218  651   2,822     464    4,477
          1914-15........... " ..•.. , .•  411  211  507    2,562     450    4,141
          1913-14 ............•..•.....  421  230   477     1,5M      383    3,D76
          1912-13 .... " .......... .....  393  229  481     701      360    2,164
          1933-34.....................  19  101     665     2,347     949    3,981
          1932-33..... , ...............  18  89    563     2,204    1,013   3,887
          1931-'32.................... ,  27  94    546     2,252    1,024   3,943
          1930-31, .........•..........  33  98     551     2,403     9S8    4,953
          1929-30 .... , ...............•  39  93   565     2,364    1,034   4,095
          1928-29.....................  28  82      M3      2,S24    1,078   4,376
          1927·28............•........  Z3  65      5S4     2,127     725    3,50:4
          1928-27 ....... , .............  21  61   576     2,237     829    3,724
          1925-26.......... , ......... ,  25  72   S28     1,821     734    3,280
          1924-26...... , •.............  20  66    690     2,104     834    3,714
          1923-24., ...................  16  76     88Jj    2,113    1,U6    4,206
          1922-23.................. , ..  13  74    948     2,123     955    4,113
          1921-22.............•..•....  11  95      908     1,1S03   1,027   3,544
          1920-21. ..... , . , ....... , ....  8  132  917  2,221     876    4,163
          1919-20....'.. , ......... , ....  11  136  718    802      885    2,551
          1918-19............... " ....  9  62      644      560      292    1,447
          1917-1S................ , ....  7  44     446      493      241    1,231
          1911}-17........ , ...... , .....  5  62  373      536      251    1,217
          1915-1R.......... , ..........  10  63    339      546      430    1,388
          1914-15..•..................  .9  69      389      608      493    1.468
          1913-1'........ , ............  11  76    373      648      764    1.762
          1912-13............... ......  16  M      380      530      555    1.5.'10
          1Il3J-34, •.. , ..... , , .........  489  399  1,696  17,186  3.089  22,859
          1002-33 .... , ................  483  416  1,692  15,977   3,251   21.718
          1931-32...... , ......•.......  481  390  1,629  16.942    3,005   21,447
          1930-31 .. , ........... , ......  M6  392  1.650  15,MO   3,102   21.239
          1929-30.....................  680  304   1,605   15,265    3,101   20,896
          1928-29.................. , ..  675  360  1.4&3  14.313    3,100   19,921
          1927-28..........•. , . , ......  679  3]6  1.330  12,602  2,625   17,662
          1926-27.............. , ......  676  307  1,332  11,596    2,358   lR,269
          1925-2R.... _.... , , .•.... , . , .  f>86  306  I,M8  (2) 13,098  2,362  18.000
          1924-25......•..............  669  305   1.571    7.843    2.672   13,060
          1923-24, .. , ... , ......••.....  688  292  1,801  7.506  2,867   13,153
          1922-23....... , .............  676  276  1.796   6,003    2.362   12,043
          1921-22.....................  622  298   1,732    6,300    2,129   11,081
          192~21....... , •.. , .....•...  656  331  1,7S2  6,50S    1,777   11,032
          1919-20..............•..... ,  702  342  1,570    4,6S6    1,266   8,546
          1918-19............... , .•. , .  610  296  1,325  4,089    720    6,940
          1917-18.....................  605  298   1,158    4,064     600    6,718
          1911}-17.....................  460  302   981     3,469     684    6,896
          1915-16 .... , ....•.. , .•. , ....  432  281  890  3,368   894    5,865
          1914-15.... , ................  420  280  896     3,070     943    6,609
          1913·14 .. " .................  432  306  850     2,113    1,137   4,838
          1912·13:................ ....  409  293   866     1,231     905    3,704
              (1) Comprend la médecine, l"scieace vétérinaire. la chir~rgie den~alre, la pbarmaoologie et l'byglène.-lacl~dil1g
          medicine veterlllary seienco, deatal surgery pharmacy aad byglene.
             ,  (21 proyanant de l'affiJiat.ion de pl~sieurs couvent.• donnant le cours de letlr.....scie.n""s o~ de
          "Higb 8obool".-lDorease due to tbe !LfIiliation of sever"l convents giying an arts-sciencee 'or bigb school cOUrse.
   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169