Page 148 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 148
L'école primaire élémentaire comprend trois The elementary primary school is composed
cours réguliers de deux années chacun: infé- of three regular courses of two years each, viz:
rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara- lower, intermediate and superior. A prepar-
toire prépare au progro.mme élémentaire Jcs atory section for children who have not yet
enfants qui n'ont pas encore fréquenté l'école. attended school prepares them for the elemen-
Dans la section préparatoire et dans le cours tary course. In the preparatory section and in
inférieur, l'enseignement est purement oral. the lower grade, teaching is purely oral. In
En 1932-33, il y avait 7,193 écoles élémentaires 1932-33, there wcre 7,193 elementary schools
avec un personnel enseignant de 11,859 illBti- with a male and female teaching staff of 11,859.
tuteurs et inatitutrices. On comptait alors un The number of pupils enrolled at that date was
total de 349,607 élève.9 inscrits. 349,607.
3.-Statistiques des écoles primaires élémentaires.
3.-Statistics of Elementary Primary Schoole.
, Nombre des Élévo. iD.crit. Préaence moyenne
Number of Pupilo EnroHed AttBDdanoe
- Inot.itu- Inelitu- Pour-
YEARS Écolee leur8 hiceB Ga.reon. Fill•• Nombre cent age
- - - - - Total - -
Sobool. Ma.le Ferro ale Boye Girl. Nurober Per-
Teaobere Teacbera
1932-33............ 6,661 626 9,685 148,073 149,441 297,514 243,183 81.74
1931-32 ....... , .... 6,836 774 10,381 160,998 163,283 324,281 266,349 82.14
1930-31 ............ 6,774 741 10,266 168,372 101,604 319,976 260,376 81.37
1929-30............ 6,680 746 10, 148 166,088 160,689 316,777 249,266 78.9-3
1928-29.......•.... 6,624 762 9,969 156,193 158,227 313,420 247,042 78.82
1927-28............ 6,696 807 10,020 166,474 160,089 316,56.1 260,279 79.06
1926-27............ 6,571 728 9,889 156,331 159,408 314,739 248,649 78.97
192&-26.......•.... 6,569 766 9,792 155,299 157,482 312,781 245,374 78.46
1924-25 ..... ....... ll,653 714 9,669 164,907 107,898 312,806 244,230 7808
1923-24 (1) ......... 6,630 643 9,692 164,243 169,498 313,741 212,766 77.38
1922-23 ....... , .... 6,846 239 7,2M 112,918 119,138 232,06& 174,780 76.32
1921-22............ 6,822 228 7,2011 114,104 118,849 232,\)63 178,266 76.62
1920-21 ............ 6,686 239 6,967 111,034 116,962 227,986 1118,681 73.99
1919·20............. 6,608 234 6,861 108,497 114,832 223,329 1110,639 71.93
1932-33....... , .... 632 110 1,539 211,721 26,372 62,003 41,890 80.41
1931-32............ 647 110 1,572 211,800 26,207 62,007 41,091 79.01
1930-31 ............ 673 98 1,671 26,283 24,857 61,140 39,924 78.07
1929-30....... , .... 6711 94 1,540 26,987 24,756 60,742 38,786 711.44
1928-29............ 699 96 1,60.5 26,142 26,060 61,192 38,678 76.66
1927-28.......•.... 613 97 1,606 211,111 24,917 61,028 38,868 711.16
1926-27 ....... , .. , . 639 101 1,628 26,276 26,149 61,424 38,614 74.89
192~26............ 6611 80 1,606 26,161 26,482 61,633 38,762 75.07
1924-26............ 659 76 1,009 26,612 26,822 52,334 38,695 73.94
1923-24 ....... , .... 11112 76 1,586 26,086 26,508 51,694 38,000 73.65
1922·23............ 683 70 1,621 26,283 26,9311 62,219 38,262 73.27
1921-22 ..........•. 1186 48 1,662 211,128 26,121 51,249 37,987 74.12
1920-21. .......... 1184 46 1,636 24,787 24,310 49,097 35,893 73.H
1919-20............ 704 66 1,625 23,669 23,468 47,027 33,170 70.63
1932-33........... 7,193 636 11,224 174,794 174,813 349,607 286,073 81. 64
1931-32..........•. 7,383 884 11,963 187,798 188,490 376,288 307,440 81. 70
1930-31. ........... 7,347 839 11,837 184,666 186,461 371,116 300,299 80.92
1929-30..... , ...... 7,266 839 11,688 181,076 186,444 366,619 288,OH 78.69
1928-29............ 7,223 868 Il,624 181,3:16 183,277· 364,612 286,720 78.36
1927-28............ 7,209 1104 11,686 182,686 H16,006 367,691 289,137 78.66
1926-27............ 7,210 829 11,617 181,606 184,667 366,163 287,063 78.40
1925-26............ 7,226 846 Il,398 181,460 182,964 364,414 284,136 77 .97
1924-26............ 7,212 789 11,278 181,419 183,720 3&6,139 282,925 77 .48
1923-24 (1) ......... 7,192 719 Il,278 180,329 185,006 365,335 280,765 76.86
1922-23............ 6,629 309 8,916 139,201 146,074 284,275 213,042 74.94
1921·22............ 6,607 276 8,768 140,232 143,970 284,202 216,262 76.09
1920-21 ............ 6,370 284 8,603 136,821 141,262 277,~ 204,614 73.83
1919-20......... ... 6,312 2DO 8,386 132,056 138,300 270,366 193,809 71.69
(1) Voir la Dote (1) Ala page lIll.-Bee foot-note (1) on pago 116.