Page 65 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 65
The tables concluding this chapter condense the observations made
at different stations concerning sunshine and monthly precipitELtions.
As a whole these data give an accurate idea of the atmospheric conditions
of the Province. The variations recorded from year to year in different
regions are indicated; these are caused by the degree of altitude, the
prevalence of winds, the distance from the sea-board and various other
physical phenomena.
33-Monthly Duration of SLlnshine al Montreal (hours).
~~~~_::"~ 1024__~~~
Jo.[luary ... 7·1 52 98 112 115 82 70 74 55
Februo.ry ........•.. 75 134 1J4 88 99 105 127 58 100
J\1f],TCh •••...•.•.... 208 125 171 lt>4 19(1 118 132 131 ]64
April. . 195 122 150 194 175 167 J6.1 199 170
Mn.)' . 214 190 2.12 307 269 226 170 139 154
June ..........•..• : ni 248 231 aoo 174 180 261 191 187
July . 257 264 224 240 28.> 20.; . 253 17,q 266~
August . 227 204 252 2M 236 228 204 22~ 213*
Soptember. 115 177 155 210 246 168 150 1:'", 175
October . 129 125 145 J22 123 149 190 12,1 9-1
Novembor . œ M ~ ~ ~ ü m 00 M
December. '. 54 ll4 30 55 6,3 59 57 56 66
--.---- --- ------1-·-- ------ ---
TO~lll. 1.847 1,790 1,894 2,098 2.040 1,738 1,8~~ :1,636 1,707
34-Monlhly Duration of Sunshine at Quebec (hours).
__ MONT~_S__I~l~ ~ _1_9_2_1-t_19_2_2_If-l_0_2_3_I_l_92_4 I_f)~__1_9_25_
JELnuary ..•.•••.. , .. 67 58 94 91 102 9l 01 104 80
February . 80 126 85 94 102 148 128 75 110
Mareil .•........... 188 124 153 136 190 142 114 103 181
April . 202 118 147 169 13.0 177 168 180 145
May . 184 209 2.14 272 234 203 167 109 178
June ............•.. 226 223 216 236 148 216 236 184 239
July . 220 214 200 209 266 206 23ll 191 239
AUguBt . 223 203 246 203 233 202 188 2~6 213
Sepl.ember . 120 127 137 104 200 177 156 149 156
October . 123 124 143 114 !l8 160 19.1 08 ll7
November .......•.• 64 62 72 59 QI 76 63 76 5!l
December .•........ 61 81 56 55 65 64 72 52 80
Total. , . . . . .. 1,753 l,", 1,803 1,832 1,864 1,862 1,817 1,!.16 1,786
35-Monthly Duration of Sunshine al Cap Rouge (hours).
MONTHS lll18 1919 1920 1921 1022 1923 Ill24 1925 1026
--------1--- ------ ---------- ---
January............ 38 46 71 72 86 82 75 73 62
Fobruary. . . . . . . . . . . 63 !l0 66 82 89 135 109 60 100
Marcb ••.......•... 1 172 113 143 128 182 130 103 100 160
Aprü ; 220 1I8 140 174 134 183 162 IGO 155
May ' 182 215 247 275 251 219. 166 18() 163
June... . 211 227 224 235 l'." Ill3 254 146 ]83
July...... . ....•. .. 231 220 205 217 273 200 236 189 236
AugUBt.... . ... ... .. 229 208 255 210 233 208 108 240 220
Sept.rober. . . . . . . . . . 118 129 121 187 200 151 136 143 HO
Octob.r.. .. .. .. . ... 116 124 134 99 90 143 186 85 81
No".mber...... .. .. 60 ~2 61 47 81 62 52 76 50
December .• iI' ...... _. 48 67 38 43 ô3 50 37 61
1,759 1,727 1,528 1,601
(1) EI.ven months.
* Farnlulm figure•.