Page 262 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 262
Table 8 indicates the amount of the funded debt of the Province of
Quebec, at the end of each fi~cal year, since 1897. The increase of the
debt, after deducting the sillking fund for the period of 31 years ending
in 1927, amounts to $34,610,297.07.
The consolidated debt of the Canadian provinces in 1926, (including
the invested sinkjng fund) "las distributed as follows: Prince Edward
Island, $1,873,000 ($21.53 pel' cap1ta); Nova Scotia, $38,486,323, figures
l'or 1924, ($71.27 pel' capita); New Brunswick, $:35,325,909, ($86.75 pel'
capita); Quebec, $7H,004,f)2,6, ( 30.45 pel' carita); Ontario; $285,371,094,
($90.72 pel' cnpita); Manitoha, 64,433,594, ($100.83 pel' capita); Sas-
katchewan, $53,614.176, ($G5.35 pel' capita); Alberta, $86,894,665,
($143.01 pel' capita); Britifih Columbin,B71,485,736, ($125.77 pel' capita).
The cstimated population of the Canadian Provinces, compiled by
the Dominion Bureau of 8tatistics, in 1926, was used as a basis to
establish the debt pel' capita.
S-8iatement of Funded Debt and of Temporary Depo9its of the Province of Quebec.
Funded rlebt Teml'ora.ry
YEAR8 (1) de[Ju~il& Combioed
)1)21)-27 , S ~s.,'c 12,!J5l. ·15 $ 1 -12,702.10 :i (; ·,1.');"),713.;j[;
lG151.6. . .... iltl,·l2H.557 t:-:, 12,~ ·.Qfi..... 2ü fi,' tli~~ 1,(;,'6 .OS
101·1-2;)........•.......• , ....•.............•. (;2,.J(i3.104.61 6.:l :l 'U:l !)::! ')~,7!jlj,Utl<'S.M.l
1923-24 .. , , .......• , ,., . OO,i\S!I,801.37 6,6n,.3~·~ .04 6~,250.12,j.41
1U~2-23 , , , ....•.. , . ~7.lgG.280.67 1",311,0'13.00 58,nI ,323 . 67
1021-22, , . 5~.72.~),251.94 l ,20Ei.R.t.->. 7:) fJ:I,932,007.69
1020-21 ............•.................... " . 49,27ï.'>94 8:; 3,007,7U2.20 52,2::1",387 . 14
1010-20 ' . 3/;,:'31,7;>1.30 5.778,661.30 41,310.112.fl3
191R-19. '" ...•....•.......................... 37,71G,2R6.97 1,741,,,82.42 39,·I"7,S69.30
1~17-18.............•....•...............•.... 31l,015.604.48 71~,447.07 38,nH,102.45
1UI6--17 •...•........•........... , , , , . , , 37.lll7,9:i8.10 631.628.7,1 3R,HO,5G6.93
191'......16. , ..•.....•.......... , , .....•...... 36 , ,780 76 r>12,224.8S 37,371,005.64
HlJ4-15 .•. , " , , . 3:j,I~~,281 .00 Gl2,oJ6 84 33,765,,,07.84
l{}l3-14 , .. :!·1,:,7Q.IG(i AO I,Q;iG.8:l0 37 2(~,.!'")1!j1996.86
Hll~-13 , , . 23.552,63·1.07 :)78.~43 ,"~ ~4,130,877.65
1011-12 ,', , , ...........•.... 24,1119.781.28 660,S79 QI 24,~30,661.10
1910-11, , .. 24,400,354 .54 707.0,0.37 21\,1 I7,3~4. 01
1000-10 , , , .. 2-1,:;.',8,305.05 683,820.72 25,242.1 k6. 07
1003-<J0 •.... , ..•.. , ' ,', ,. 24.696,216. OS 530,003.00 2;i,225,300 ,17
1907-<J8 .. , ...........•..... " .•............... 24,Il:l3,10598 404,021.Rl 25.3~7,J27 . 79
1006-07 ..............• ' , , . :,HI~lG2.9~H.7~ 4G71~nO. ~3 2:,,'1~0,31 1.02
1905-<J6 , •............•............. , , 2:5,08.;':i31.:lG 441,375.:39 2:\:'26,;06.95
IQ04-<l5 .•....•.......... , ..•...... , .•.... , . 24/'{):!.473.13 1,120.176 20 2:,.612.9·19.3.3
1903-04 , , , .•................. 24.617,399,6<1 l ,JOR,G;j8.Il.j 2tJ, 7~\Î,:237 . 79
1002-<J3 •.....•..................... , •...•.. , .. 24,731,109.3U 1,Q68,084 95 2'-"S.1I0,094 ,31
lQ01-<J2 •................•...... , .•.. ,. , . 24,834.ns 95 1,140,787.84 2.\97:)f~-)a6.79
HIOO-<JI .... , .. , ... ,., ................•.•..... 24,03.1,-\11.26 1.138,974.74 26,072,419.00
18Q9-1900 •.........•..... , , . 2:'.02~,:IRI.05 1,0·18,.166.05 26.070.7-17.10
lR9&-9Q •... , ....•.............•.... , . 2',,10:;,000.77 1,01>3,018.15 26, lIifl,ll7 .92
1897-98 " .. 24,279,163.7i) I,J66,7:>6.46 2fJ,445.870.21
1896--97 ••...••.... , , _........•... 24,202,654 .08 1.357,2L3.82 20,,j,j9,867.90
1) B:<clusLvc uf illve~tcd !:;il\l~illg fuml ~llld dé!Hrt(:(l pa.ymeuts; rUlld p,mouuled to g,;,106,737.15
00 the 30ln JUIJG 1927, alld dc.fertcd pl\.ymcuts un~r the Aet. 14 G~(J. V, oap. 3. amoufllc(l tn $1·1.t)031~f>O. Vt'l~
must alrio tllke il1l.o o.e(:oun~ t,hat dUl'iJlg th0.1a:~t fl::lI':: l Y~8.r aD aUlount or $1,000,000 wa~ u::lcd t.u nxleem part..
of tb. fuudcd deut. a~ appeMO 00 t..ble 5 on pUll';e 223.