Page 155 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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                                There have been sixteen Legislatures in the Province of Quebec,
                           since Confederation, most of which lasted four sessions. The sixteenth
                           was dissoived an the 19th April, 1927; generai elections were held on
                           the 16th May following when the liberai party was again returned to
                           power by a large majority.

                                         4-Duration of Legislatures and of Sessions, sinee 1867.
                               ___Le_g_i_sl_a_tu_r_._.__)  ::ioasion.  (Jpcaîng.  ProrogetiOD.  Dissolutioo.
                             lot. ...     . ..... 1.t...  ~7th Docember. ,1~~7.. 2~t.h Feuruary. 1868 ..  l
                                              2nd      "120tb Jnolll,rJ.1SG,  üoh Ap,,), 1800  .  J27th May, 1871.
                                              3rd        2:lrd Nuv"JlIuer, IbGO.  l.t Februar~·.IS70 .
                                              4th ....•......  3rd Novelllher, 1870. 2.Jtb December. 1870..
                             2nd               Ist...    7th November, 1871. 23rt! Deecmoor.IS71 ..
                                              Znd.. . . . . . . . ..  Hh November, 1872. 't'Hh Dece",ber, 1872..  <7th Juoo, 1875.
                                              3r<l ....•......  4th Deeemuer.lbn.. 2Sth JanuUTY. ISH ...
                                              4th ....•......  3rd DCCClllbN, 187-:l.. 23rd Februnry. 1875 ..
                             3rd.  .. . .     lst............  4lh Novcmbcr. l;;ïli. 24th DccemueT. 1875..
                                              20d       , lOtb ]\;ovember, 18ïEi. 28t.b Decembcr.ISïo..  220d Mar. 1878.
                                              3rd ....•..•.. , 10t.b December. 1877..  Oth :\laTch. 1878  .
                             4th               lsL       4th June. 1876  22",d July. 1878  ..
                                              Znd .•......... 10,h JW1C. 1870  318t Uctouer. 1879  .  17tb Nov. 1881.
                                              3rd        28th May. 1880  2·1th Ju\y.18S0  .
                                              4th       28th April, 1881.  30th .Jnnc, 1881.  ..
                             5th              IsL        8tb f-I  ch. 1882  2ïth :\1 ay, 1882 ....•.
                                              2n<l       J th JaDuary. 1883  30tb :\Inrch, 1883  .
                                              ;Jrd      27tlt Marel,. Illli-!  JOth Juoe. 1884  .  Otb Sopt. 1886.
                                              ·Ith. "  ,.  ~t.l, Mareh.loilo  9tb :\Juy, 1885  .
                                              5th        8th April, 1885  ~J,t June, 1886  .
                             6th        .     lot       ~7th January. 1887  18th Ma~·. 1887  .
                                              2nd        15th M.y, lti&!"  12tb July. 1888  ..  10tb Ma)'. 1890.
                                              3rd        9th January. 1889  21.t MaTch, 1889.•...
                                              -!tb       7th Janu"ry. 18UO  2nd April, 1890  .
                             7tb              let..      4th Novcmber. 1890. :;0,1, December. 1890..  220d Dec., 1891.
                             8th ....•................ Iet.  26th April. 1892  2Hb June. 1802  .
                                              2nd        121h Jnnuary, 1803  27,h FobTUUTY. 1893 ..
                                              3rd        9tb November, 1893.  Mh J.ouary, 1894  .  6th Mareh, 1897
                                               ltb .....•..... ~Olh Nov.mber, 1894. 12thJaounry, 1895  .
                                              5tb       30th Octaber, 1895  12-ht December.IS05 ..
                                              6tb        17th Novcruber. 189G  9th Jo,nunTY, 1897  .
                             Otb              lst       1z3rrl :-lov.mbet, 18U7' lfilh Jalluary.1898 ..
                                              2nd        12th J.nUM)', 11>99  IOtJ, M.rcb. 1899  .  Htb NOT. 1900.
                                              3rd        18tbJanu"ry.IUOO  23rt! Marc!l, 1900  ..
                             IOth ....•............... Ist  14t.h Febll'MY, 1901 .. 281.h M.reb, 1901.. .•.
                                              2nd        13th Febru,,,y, 1002 .. 2ùl.h March, 1902  .  4tb Nov. 1904.
                                              3rd       , l?6tb Fehl"UaTY, 1903 .. 251.h April, [003  .
                                              40h       ')20d Mareb, 10()4  , 2nd June, 1004  .
                             llth             Ist (1)    2nd Maleh. \005  ,Izoù> M"y, 1905  ..
                                              20d.....   18th Jaouary. 1006 ..• 9th Mareh, 1906  .  6tb Muy, 19<18
                                              3rd        IMh January, 1907  l4th Mareb, 1907  .
                                              4tb       ' 3rd Match. 1008. April. 1908  .
                             12th ..  ..      I.~        2nd March. 1909  ZOoL May, 1000  ..
                                              2nd    '" . 115th March, 1910... ..  4th June, 1010  .  16tb April, IUI2
                                              3rd .....•..... :IOth January.1911  Z·ltb March.191I  .
                                              4th        9tbJanuaty,l912  3rd April. 1IH2  ..
                             13tb" ....  . .. , ...... lot............  6ù> November. 1912 210t Dccember. 1912..
                                              2nd        1Jth Novemb'T. 1913  19tb February. 1914.  ] 13tb April, 1916
                                              1rd.       7t.,b Janu.ry, 10l!>'..  5th },of"..h, 1915  .
                                              lth        llt.hJanunrv 19IB  IGt.hMnrch.1916 ..
                              l4tb            let        7t.h Nov.mber, 1916. ,22od December, \916.
                                              2nd .........•.  4tb Decembcr, 1911.. 9tb Fobrunry, 1018 ..  } 220d May, 1919
                                              3Td . ...•..•.•. ~ht January, 1919 .... 17tb March. 1019 ....
                             15th        .    ht......   10 D cpmber, 1~1~..  14tb February. 1920..
                                              2nd        Ilth Jnnuaty, 1021  19t.h Manb, 1921.  .
                                              3rd        IOth Jnnl1nTY, 1922  210t M.rch. 1022  .  } 10Lh Jan. 1923.
                                              4tb        24th OctoLer, 1922  29tb Decomber. 1922 ..
                             16th             1.t        17tb Dccembcr, 1923" 15tb MaTch, 1924  .
                                              20d        7th Janu.TY, 192.;"..  3rd April. 1025 ..
                                              STd.      . 7th January. 1°26..  2-1th :.1arob. 1926.  } 19tb April 1927.
                                              4th        lIt.h Jnnunry 1027  IBt ApTil 1021  .
                                (1) Arljourned fToro22nd M"rob to26tb ApriJ.1905.
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