Page 156 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 156

FORM OF GOVERNMENT                              129


                             The following summary relates to the elections of the Legislative
                         Assembly since 1867; it gives the increase in the number of electoral
                         districts and general information of interest to the electors,

                             5-Generul Eleclions for the Legislaiiye Assembly of 'he Proyince of Quebec, since
                                                    Confede •• hm (1867).
                                               :'<umber 1 Number ~~~",j~~f t\U~;l'f}'1 ,'\umber~l:'fumher N\lmber "'umber
                                    D  l'~B Of'  o(    of  ele(',tor~ electloJl~  of  of  of  of
                            Yearl')c  01::Xl!ï(Af,..  decl.Ofl')  e\ecto-  re.!!ist-  b.....  (·ledione. ballots  ho.llols  polis
                                    I;U~(.'TI0NB  Tegi~l- 1  rn.l  ('rt·\-I per acclama-  hy  acr,cpt.ed rejecl,ed  op{m
                                                f>r"d  ~liR.trl,,:::(,s  dh.tric!.  t.iu.1I  vnt.i np:
                                                                . _--- --'        1·_·--· _..
                            1927  HHh M.v     1-67'fl07  R5  6,1)·~1  12  7:l  ' 3l~,O12  2,S43  3,8H\
                            1823  5th Febru~r.Y:  1>1:l,224  ~,-I  6,O:lS  8  7~  2~O.t}lY  :j,7l;8  :l,5:ll
                            1019 23rd June  ,.,  4.S0,020  81  ~.!1:l7  45  311  12\),d311  1,448  l.I)84
                            Iflll;  22nd M.y, .,.,  . . ..  l~ô,l~ti  81  6,002  20  !)5  20~ll52  2.7'07  2,,521
                            IflL2  lftth May.  lïfl,;'i.2'1  81  5,tuO  1  SO  29),148  ~,376  3,O~7
                            lUOs  t'th JunC<......  ll.'i, (JI  74  5,Illfl  1)  OS  243,~1\9  3,222  2,605
                            1904  ~5t,h Novmnber..  :\81,~  71  ·';.l61  33  3t1  Il?,453  1,013  1,471
                            1900  7th Decem ber ..  :-L"IU,5L7  H  4,730  6  68  103,422  9S0  1,158
                            1;:97 IIlh )\'l>ly ....  :J:1S.!lOO  74  4,57f1  2  72  225,179  2,393  2,370
                            lSn  8th lrb.Tch  ...  ~~Q,335  73  ~),977  1  72  174.,72j  1,771  1,\l:">~
                            1800 lït.h June....  1276,(,41  73  3,7~0  Il  02  1'.'l/)32  2,034  1,BOC
                            h~(;  HLh OCLober. , .  .23'J.~H  ti5  3,1>13  5  (JO  I·Fi$;O  2,699  !,i00
                            18S1  2nd December.  22:~,2111  fi-!j  3.45,1  17  48  tI7':)lJÛ  I,S54  980
                            1878  l.t, M".y.   217,1 ilS  0-5  3,351  5  00  1:H,475  1,804  1,252
                            )-s75 . 7Lb Juil"., ..........  1~-,7 3  lJ,;ï  ~.~~  20  45  ~ti,939  1,149  753
                            la71 1June and July ....... , 117213 IQ  n5  :.l.fIS:.:  25  40  60,395  (1)  382
                            Lg67 IAugll.1 •.nd S."lember.  HlI:~i>O  M  ~.1'J9  17  48  7f.,:t-.:,)  (j)  402
                               (1) BalloL' wpre not then lillllcl.
                             Table fi classifies Legislative Councillors by territorial divisions
                         and shows the date of their s'l-vearing in.
                                             6-Members of the Legislative Council.

                                               SPEAKER-Hon, AD;':LARD TURGEON
                                 Dl\-'rsro~B  1       N .....Mt";B O,f COaNC]LLOR8  1 D,'Tl; OF 6W~"RINO IN
                           Alma. . .          1i\t d6ric lvlnrtin".       , ... 'l7th Januory. I1l11l.
                           Bedford   , .    . . JO". J. l'te. Go••elin.      171.h Ja.nul\]'y, 19H1.
                           Golfe  , . , , , . . .  Fmnk Carrel.  , .. , .    l!tb Februaty.1918.
                           Grandville" ,.,..  John Han Kelly"  ,  '  , .. , .. , .. ,.  25th April, 1914.
                           Jli kerm<.Ln. . . . . .. . . . . . • . . • .  Georgp. Bryson.  4th Allg~.L, lBS?
                           ~:'D~~;~t.ay~~ '.: ~:::::: .. :':'e'o:r~~~ 'ÈÙ~' Xn:.y~t.·" ,"' .. ,  i6~1~ ·:6e~~.~·);e·r·, 'lf)ll,'
                           La Salle..... ,............  [:,.h';)ipj,~'j...P~;.:di~:::::::::::::::::::::::::'·  6th J~;';e·,19U.
                           LGu.on.. ..        Eu~ène Roberge ... , , .... ,....  30th Deeember, 1911.
                           LG Valliére. .. . . .  \d(lard Turgeon... .  . . ,  ,. ".  19th January, 1\109,
                           Lee LaurenLidee  , ..  l'hom,.. Chapai..  .  ,....  lGtb M.rch, 1892.
                           Lorimier.. ' ........• , . . . .  r~aD (; irouard  ,  27th lVl1\rch, 18~7.
                           :VfiUe lelea,. . .  rlecl'" Champagne.........•........... , .. , .. 30th Seplember 11l08,
                           ~lonLan~lIe.,  ,.".  'œclJh Léooide l'erron  ,  ,.,  , ,  13LhAlJcil. 1916.
                           llep6nI,..Jgny............  GeoTRes Aim~ Himard........................  12th November, 1913.
                           R.igaud      , .. , , , "  Edou'ard OuelieUe.  . , .•. , , , . .. .,."." .. 20\h Seplember, 1920,
                           n.oul';cmonL.  , .,  EmeBt Choquello  ,........   12th Marcb, 1910.
                           ~~~~~i:~~          "i6~è;~ë~;~~~' ,','::::,': .. :::::::::::::::::  let Jun~·.·ùioi.. ·····
                           Sorel. , .. ".  .  ,  ["'rompl,ile ll. DuTremblay  " .. , •.......• ,  30lh Decembor, 1~24.
                           S~adacôna.  ..,    Gerard Power. . .  . .. ..•........  .  7th N"overnber, 1023.
                           ~!~~~~i:t:~~..::·····  ,.  ~~m.r:Wr':i.;rî~k V;'I~•.·".· . ':., ".,"',  2~~~rg~r~~~/9?93ù
                                                  CLERK-RoBERT CAMPBELL
                                                   JOI:-JT-CLETIK-A. E. P.L""ET.

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