Page 66 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 66


 The Ontario Register
                                              Western District l\Iarriages                                    61
 .   dward Willson,  Joseph Gosnell.
 13 December 1832 ·  w ·  E  ïd  Mohs  both of Colchester,  24  Jan   Harris  of Sarnia Township,  26 August  1833.  w:  Elijah Harris,
 Rufus Hayward and Matt  a   .  '   ty
 C  t  ,  Ameha McCar  .   Ramsay B.  Hannay.
 1833.  w:  Edward 1\lc  ar}'   b  th  f  Howard  14  Feb
 h  Gosnell  and  Esther Rushton,  o   o   '
 J  osep   d  Willson
 1833  w·  Richard Rushton,  Edwar   .
 .   .b   Sm t"th  and  Anna Cornwall'  both of Howard,  15  Feb   Marriages by Rev.  Isaac Elliott
 Barna  as                                 Baptist Minis ter,  Kent County: '
 1833.  w:  John Burgess,  Joseph Richardson.   .
 .   'd   of sandwich  and Mary Budd,  w1dow of
 John Mel vm,  wt  ower   •
 Howard,  51\lay1833bylic. w: Joseph Richardson, Isaac Bell  J.P.   Ezekiel Mclntyre and Mary Messmore, both of Chatham Town-
                   ship,  were md.  13 Aug 1833. w: James McMullin,  Thos 1\Iclntyre
 Ralph Stibbs  and  Ann Bee,  both of Romney,  14 May 1833.  w:
                      Isaac Fowler and El ver Green, both of Sombra, were married
 Thomas Renwick,  John Robinson.
                   3  September 1833.  w:  Hector McDoughgald,  Joseph Vinson.
 Alexander  Brice,  of London,  and  Ann  Dol son,  of  Dover,  on
                      Thomas  Mclntyre  and  Susan Traxler,  both of Harwich.  were
 10 June 1833.  w:  Alexander Irons ide,  John Burgess.
                   md.  8 Dec 1833.  w:  Ezekiel Mcintyre,  Peter Traxler.
                      David  Ward  and  Anna  Bayles,  both  of  Dawn,  were  married
 Marriages by Eleazar Powell,   10 Dec 1833.  w:  Alexander Walker,  W.  Granger.
 Deacon of the Gosfield W. M.  Circuit:
                      Peter  Harris  and  Barbara  Traxler,  both  of  Chatham,  were
                  md.  1  Jan 1834.  w:  Robert Blackburn,  Peter Traxler.
 James  Emlah and Sarah Elliott,  both of Mersea,  2  September   Henry Hoeg, of London, and 1\lariah Reynolds, of Camden,  md

 1833.  w:  John Hampton,  Fany Hampton.   19 January 1834.  w:  R. S.  Taylor,  Edward Sherman.
 George Huston and Maria Pardo, both of Raleigh,  11 Sept 1833   Allen Lypscomb  and  Sarah McDonald,  both of  Howard,  were

 w:  Smith Hughson,  Rebecca Cambel.   md.  8 Apr 1834.  w:  Robert Smith,  Daniel Slike.
 George  Lang,  of  Harwich,  and  Mary  Denny,  of  Romney,  on   James Rands  and  Charlotte Webster,  both of Chatham  Town-

 22  October 1833.  w:  John Dawson,  John Edwards.   ship,  md.  15  June 1834.  w:  Joseph Eberts,  Henry Eberts.
 Joseph Jackson  and  Martha Badder,  both of Romney,  19 Nov   Shubael B.  Sliter and Amirah M.  Thomas,  both of Da\'m.  md.
 1833.  w:  John Kingston,  Diana Badder.   6 January 1835.  w:  John Ballan,  Wm.  Granger.

 John Kinsan and  Diana Badder,  both of Romney,  19 Nov 1833   Henry S.  Larned and Mary Ann Nelson, both of Chatham Town-
 w:  Joseph and Ann Badder.   ship,  md.  3  Feb 1835.  w:  Stephen Brooks,  Charles :Kelson.

 John Smyle and  Delilah Clinansmith,  both of Raleigh,  11  Feb
 1834.  w:  James  Priee,  Elen Priee.         By Rev.  Charles Stew2 rt,

 James Emery,  of Tilbury,  and  Sabina Abraham Chapman  of   Regular Baptist Church,  Gosfield:
 Raleigh,  23  l\Iarch 1834.  w:  Nelson Chapman,  Hanah Chap~an.

                     Warren W.  Williams  and  Elizabeth  Herrington.  of  Gosfield.
                  14 July 1833.  w:  Peter Haws,  David Iler.

                     Francois Dequire alias Larose, and Sally Stewart. of i\Iersea.
 Marriages by Thomas  Turner
                  md.  1 Sept 1833.  w:  John Stewart,  John Whittle.
 British Wesleyan Missionary:'
                     Joseph B.  Baldwin  and  Christina  1\IcCalpin.  of l\lersea.  md.

 William Wilson, blacksmith of th   1 Sept 1833.  w:  John Whittle,  John Stewart.
 of Michigan,  and Jane Calvert  f  e to~nof Desmond,  Territory   Loringe D.  Vaughan,  of Gosfield,  and \Volly Stewart. of .l.Ier-
 w:  William Janes  J  p   M  '   Sarma Township,  1  July 1833   sea,  md.  1 Sept 1833.  w:  John Stewart,  John \Yhittle.
 '  ·  · '   ary Janes  El'  b
 Abijah Martin, farmer of the T   '.   lZa  eth Turner.   George Dewhurst and Judith Bruner.  of Gosfield,  married on
 ownshlp of Delaware, and  EmilY
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