Page 20 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 20

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 The Ontario Register
                                                       St.  Paul 's,  Ft.  Er ie                                  15

 R · d   yeoman,  and Eliza his wife .                             1852
 George Askew of Limestone   1  ge,
                          7  Mar.  COWTHARD,  Mary Elizabeth,  born 28 June 1851, dau
 Baptized pr~vatel~N  William Arthur, born 1 February 1851,  son   of  George Cowthard of Ber tie, farmer,  and Hannah his wife.  sp:

 25Aug.  \\AR~  '  .   f  Fort Erie, gentleman,  and Julia his   the parents.
 of Henry Bowdom Wai ren o
                          4  Apr.  LAUR,  James  Edmund,  born  27 August  1851,  son  of
 wife  Baptized pri vatel y.   Henry Laur of Limestone Ridge,  farmer ,  and  Isabella his wife.
 ·   ON  William Thomas,  born  5 September  1849,
 31 Aug.  WILS   ·   h h '   r   J   sp:  John Spedding,  James Graham by his proxy Isaac Haun Esq,
 son of  John Wilson of Bertie and  Elizabet   lS Wl  e .  sp:  ames
                      Margaret  Rooth.
 Adair,  Wilson Lennox,  Matilda Johnson.   .   13 June.  NORRIS.  sons of William Norris of Ft. Erie, ostler,
 /fiLLER  Caroline Anne,  born  30  Apnl  1851,  dau of
 31  ug.   1\ 1   '   •   h'   'f   and Mary his wife.  sp: the parents.
 Benjamin 1\liller of Bertie, farmer,  and ~hzaAnne  .1s Wl  e.  sp:
                                        Charles and William ,  both born 5  January 1852
 Matthias Haun,  Eliza Elizabeth Haun,  Ehza  Anne Mlller.   20 June.  STAMP,  Thomas  George,  bor n  11 July 1851,  son of
 7 Sept. SUl\1MERFIELD,  Robert Edward born 25 May 1851 son   Thomas Stamp  of  Bertie,  cooper,  and Annas his  wife.  sp: John

 of David Summerfield of Limestone Ridge,  mechanic,  and Bar-  Ray,  Joseph Goulding,  Anne Goulding.
 bara his wife.  sp:  the parents.   4  July.  KANEEN,  John Anderson,  born  24  June 1851.  son  of
 7 Sept.  BENNER,  Mary Jane, born 10 November 1850, dau of   William Kaneen of  Black Rock,  sailor ,  and  Mary Anne his wife.

 John Benner  of  Limestone  Ridge,  blacksmith,  and  Sarah Anne   sp:  the parents.
 his wife.  sp:  John Benner,  Mary Shotwell,  Mary  Jane Buck.   4  July.  GRASETT,  Helen  Bligh,  born  28  March 1852,  dau  of

 9 Sept.  DAGGER,  Mary Jane, born 9 August 1851, daughter of   Rev.  Elliott Grasett  and  Margaret  Letitia  Y oule  his  wife.  sp:
 George Dagger of Ft.  Erie, fisherman, and Ruth his wife.  Bap-  Henry  James  Grasett  by  his  proxy  Hon.  James  Kerby,  Sarah

 tized  privately.  Added  note:  This  child  was  admitted  publicly   Marie Grasett  by  her proxy  Mrs.  George Hardis on.  and  Helen
 into the church at Ft. Erie 19 October 1856,  the sponsors being   Anderson.

 William Harrman,  Mary Allen,  Nancy Jane Bowling.   11 July.  GOULDING,  Alice, born 29  November 1851, daughter
 19 Sept.  HURST,  Melissa  of  Bertie,  born  7  February  1824.   of William Goulding of Bertie, farmer ,  and Abigail his wife.  sp:
 Baptized privately.   Philip Benner,  Christine Benn er,  Elizabeth  Benner.

 19 Oct.  BUCK.  Daughters of John Buck of  Brantford, farmer,   18  July.  NEAR,  William Henry,  born  23  1\Iarch 1 "52,  son of
 and Jane his wife.  sp: Jacob Benn er,  Chr istian Benn er, Jane Buck   Joseph Near  of  Humberstone,  farmer,  and  1\Iargaret  his  wife.

 Mary Elizabeth  born 1 May 1847   sp:  John Hallam,  John Near,  Susan Near.
 Catherine Melissa  born 20  March 1851   25 July.  REID,  Bowden Warren,  born  25 Augus t  1S51,  son of
 26  Oct.  LAMONT.  Children of  David Lamont of Stevensville,   Kenneth Reid  of  Ft.  Erie,  gentleman,  and  Mary  Jane  his wife.

 schoolmaster, and Mary his wife.  sp: William Stevenson  George   sp:  James Kerby,  George Hardison,  Sophia Hardison.
 Nelson Buck,  Mary Stevenson,  Mary  Mc Murray.   '   1  Aug.  BARTLETT,  Amos,  born  2 1\Iay  1852.  son  of Amos
 David  born 17 December   1848   Bartlett of Ft. Erie, fisherman, and Lucinda :Maria his  wife.  sp:

 Mary Elizabeth  born 25 Cctober 1850   Charles Brace, Elliott Grasett by his proxy  William Tomelston,
 16 Nov.  HURST,  James Henry  born 9 M   Caroline Warren.
 Aaron Hurst of Alb   N   '.   .  ay 1850, son of James   1 Aug.  TOMELSTON,  Sarah Jane , born 22 Febr uary 1852, dau
 deceased  sp·  JohnanBy,  t  .Y.,f trundermlst, and his wife Melissa
 ·   ·   es on o  Utica  by his   of William Tomelston of Ft. Erie, yeoman,  and  Louisa his  wife.
 John Gebhard  of  Alba   b  h.   proxy Geo Hardison,   sp:  Charles  Brace,  Charlotte 1\IcKenzie,  Caroline Warren.
 Beston,  of Utica,  by h::'  y   .proxy  Henry Mil lard,  Esther   8 Aug.  WILSON,  Janet Anne .  born  29 Xo,·ember  1S4S.  dau of
 pr oxy Miss Henrietta Smith.
                      John  Alexander  Wilson  of  Bertie,  farmer.  and  Elizabeth Anne
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