Page 16 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The Ontario Register                                   St.  Paul's,  Ft. Erie
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 n of Isaac S  and Elizabeth Jane Haun.  sp: Isaac   9  June.  FORSYTH,  Mary Eliza born 17 October 1849  dau of
 pres en   So  ·
 t year.
 S  Haun,  Richard Thompson,  Elizabeth Wilson.   .  .   Ho ratio Nel~on Forsyth and Archange his wife. Sponsors: Nelson
 ·  Oct  ROOTH,  Benjamin born 28 January 18.48,  son of Wtlh~m   Warren, Ehza Angelica Gi v ens by her proxy Mrs. Kerby warren
 Anthony Rooth  and  Eliza Anne his wife.  Bapttzed at St.  John s.   and Helen Anderson.

 sp:  John Rooth,  Benjamin Rooth,  Caroline Rooth  by  her  proxy   .  30 June.  SMADES,  Mary Ellen  born 8 December 1832.  Bap-
                       tt_zed at St.  John's. sp: Jacob Dunklee,  Mary Dunklee,  Elizabeth
 Eliza Ann Rooth.
 21  Oct.  COWTHARD,  Martha  Anne  born  9th  June this  same   S1mpson.

 year,  daughter of George Cowtherd and Hannah his wife ·.   30 June.  WRIGHT,  Metissa,  born  7 October  1834.  Baptized
 4 Nov.  THOMPSON,  Jane born on Good  Friday, 6 Apnl  1849,   at St.  John's.  sp:  as above.

 daughter of Isaac Thompson and Barbara his wife.   30 June.  WRIGHT,  Melvina Jane, born 3  June 1837. Baptized
 4 Nov.  HARDISON,  Helen Jane born 18August 1849, daughter   at St.  John's.  sp:  as above.

 of David Hardison and Helen Jane his wife.  sp: William Hepburn,   21  July.  WARREN,  Susan Alice born 22 September 1849. dau
                       of William Henry Bouden Warren and Sarah Anne Eliza his wife.
 Anne Hepburn,  Martha Stanton.
 4 Nov.  HEPBURN,  Rhoda born 18 July 1849,  daughter of Wm   sp: George Hardison,  Sophia Hardison,  Caroline Warren.

 Hepburn, postmaster at Chippawa,  an~ Anne his wife.  sp: James   28  July.  MILLER,  Eliza Anne, born 24August1828.  Baptized
 Kerby,  1\Iary Oliver,  Elizabeth Senior.   at St.  John's.  sp: Henry Laur, Elizabeth Simpson, Isabella Laur
                       by her proxy Mrs.  Mary Wilson.
 25 Nov. ABRAHAM.  Children of Robert Abraham and Charlotte
 his wife,  of Limestone Ridge. sp: Charles Coulter, William Daw-  28  July.  LOWN,  Alvira,  born  12 October  1834.  Baptized  at
                       St.  John's.  sp: as above.
 son,  Ellen Coulter.   Charles James  born 2 Sept 1849
 Charlotte  born 4  February 1846.   4 Aug.  ASKEW,  William Henry born22 February 1849, son of
 9 Dec. THOMSON,  Lavinia born 15  October 1849, daughter of   George Askew and Eliza his wife,  residing at Limestone Ridge.

 William Alexander Thomson and Lavinia Day his wife.  Baptized   25 Aug.  HYDE,  Rebecca Anne born 13 Aug 1850,  daughter of
 privately. Added note:  The above infant was publicly admitted to   Henry Hyde and Dorcas Anne his wife. An added note, not dated:
 the church on Sunday,  21 July 1850.  Sponsors: William Alexander   Since  dead  and  buried,  in  my  absence,  in  a  Methodist burial
                      ground.  Baptized privately.
 Thomson,  Elizabeth  Newcomb,  and  Mary  Louck  by  her  proxy
 Phoebe Maria Newcomb.    8 Sept.  ROOTH,  Maria,  born 15 June 1849,  daughter of John
                      Rooth and Ellen his wife.  Baptized privately.
 16  Dec.  COWTHARD,  Caroline,  born 11 June 1849,  daughter
 of John Cowthard and Marianne his wife.   22 Sept.  BARTLETT,  Robert Henry Cam pion, born 1 October
                      1849,  son  of  Ames  Bartlett  and  Lucinda  Maria  his  wife.  sp:
 23  Dec.  :MILLER,  Edward Carr  born 6  Feb 1849  son of Ed-
                      Ames  Bartlett,  Elizabeth Therese Smith.
 ward M~ller and Salome his wife.  Baptized at St.  Jo,hn's,  Lime-
 stone Ridge.             6 Oct.  MILLER.  Children of Benjamin Miller and Eliza Anne
                      his wife.  Baptized at St.  John's.
                                 Elizabeth  born 27  April  1848
                                 Isaac Eugene  hern 11 August 1849.
 19.M.ay.  GOULDING,  Elizabeth Anne born 4  March 1850  dau
 of William Gouldi  g   d Ab.   .   .   •   20 Oct.  TUTTON,  William,  born 21  July 1850,  son of Joseph
 n  an   tgall hts wife.  Bp at St  John's
 f ~May. TESTOR,  Anne  Elizabeth,  born 7  1850.  da   William  Tutton and Ellen his wife.
 o   enry  Tes tor  and  Emily  Reb   h.   .   '   u   20  Oct.  NORRIS,  John,  born  26  July  1849,  son  of  William
 and Harriet Bristow.   ecca  lS  Wlfe ·  sp:  the parents   Norris and Mary his wife.

                         20  Oct.  COLLARD,  Boswell  Augustus,  son  of  John  Collard
 of 23  ~ay .. RUSSEL,  Philip Benjamin,  born
 Ben]amm Russel and Elizabeth his wife.  4 August 1847'  son   and Mahatable his wife.  [birthdate not stated]
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