Page 17 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 17


                                                                                      The Ontario Regis ter                                                                                                      St.  Paul's,  Ft.  Erie
                                                        12                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13

                                                                                            .         f William Johnson           a nd  Sarah his                               his wife.  sp: Wm Anthony Rooth,  Isaac S.  Haun,  Eliza Jane Haun.
                                                           20  Oct.  JOHNSON:  Chtldren o  •  Stevenson,  Matilda Johnson,
                                                        w1  e.   sp· \Villiam Wightman,  l\Iary                                                                                    17 Mar.  COWTHARD,  William,  born 31 October 1850 son of
                                                                                                                                                                                John  Cowthard  of  Fort Erie,  brickmaker.  and  Mary Anne  his
                                                        and John Speddings.                           t  1835
                                                                   Abraham  born 16 Augus                                                                                       wife.  Baptized privately.
                                                                   Emmeline  born 5  May 1837                                                                                      18 Apr.  TEAL,  Sarah Jane,  born  3  1\1arch 1851,  daughter of
                                                                   William  Powell  born 16 March 1839                                                                          Joseph Teal  of Limestone Ridge,  farmer, and Ellen his wife.  sp:
                                                                                                                                                                                the parents.
                                                                   Mary  born 20 January 1841
                                                                   Alfred  born 16 June 1843                                                                                       20 Apr.  BUCK,  Margaret Agnes,  born  14 October 1849,  dau

                                                                   Jacob  born 13 October 1845                                                                                  of Philip Buck of Limestone Ridge,  farmer,  and 1\Iargaret Dud-
                                                                   Albert  born 24  February 1848                                                                              leigh  his  wife.  sp:  Edmund  Rooth  by  his  proxy  James  Rooth.
                                                                                                 1850                                                                          Agnes  Rooth by her proxy Mrs Major Rooth,  Margaret Rooth.
                                                                   James  born 13 July                      .  .                      u  st 1850
                                                                N       ANDERSON  Francis  Wllham,  born 25 A  gu                                                                  18 May.  SHERK,  Benjamin of Limestone Ridge,  born  23  Feb
                                                            17  ov.                      '                 .       h  1  aster  and Ellen                                       1826.  sp:  Robert Stevenson,  William Stevenson.
                                                         son of William Anderson of Ft.  Ene,  sc  oo rn                            ,  11     El'
                                                         Maria his wife.  sp:  John Francis Smith, John McConne  •                                lZa                              18 May.  BUCK,  George Nelson of Stevensville, born 26 April
                                                                                                                                                                                1830.  sp:  Agnes  McMurray,  Robert Stevenson,  Wm  Stevenson.
                                                         Martha Smith.                                                                       0  d
                                                            17 Nov.  Sl\IITH,  Marian Augusta,  born 11 Octo.ber  185  •  ~u                                                       18 May.  FORSYTH,  Sarah  of  Ft.  Erie,  widow,  born  29  May

                                                                            ·  s  'th of Ft  Erie  dentist  and Ehza Martha h1s
                                                         of John  FranciS  m1                    ·       •           '                                                          1824.  sp: Geo Hardis on,  Mary Elizabeth 1\Ieyers.  Margaret l\Iary
                                                         wife.  sp:  Francis Gere Elliott by his proxy Hon.  James Kerby •                                                     Warren.
                                                         Helen Anderson,  Ellen Maria Anderson.                                                                                    18 May.  FORSYTH,  Amanda Josephine of Fort Erie,  born on

                                                            18 Nov  GRISDALE, William Champion, born 3 September 1845                                                          9  January 1829.  sp: James Robertson Stanton,  Sophia Hardison,
                                                                                                                                                                               Charlotte McKenzie.
                                                         son of J;mes Grisdale of Ft. Erie and Jane Eliza his wife.  Bap-

                                                         tized privately.                                                                                                          18 May.  HARRIS,  John Cowles of Ft.  Erie,  yeoman.  born on
                                                            22 Dec.  STANTON,  Arthur King, born 24 September 1850 son                                                         30 December 1834.  sp: James Robertson Stanton. Geo Hardison,
                                                                                                                                                                               Archange  Forsyth.
                                                         of James RobertsonStanton of Ft. Erie, magistrate, and Martha
                                                         Anne his wife.  sp:  Isaac  Brock Stanton,  Geo Hardison,  William                                                       20 July.  ALLEN,  John Myron,  born 9 November 1S50. son of
                                                         Henry Bouden Warren.                                                                                                  Reuben Bentley Allen  of Willoughby,  farmer,  and  Matilda Jane
                                                                                                                                                                               his wife.  sp:  David Lament,  Agnes  l\Icl\Iurray.
                                                                                                                                                                                  27 July.  EVERITT,  Jacob Edward. born 2 August 1S49. son of

                                                                                                                                                                               Jacob Everitt of Willoughby, farmer, and Phoebe Maria his wife.
                                                                                                                                                                               sp:  the parents.
                                                             26 Jan.  TOI\IELSTON,  Louisa,  of Ft. Erie, born 16 September
                                                                                                                                                                                  27 July.  NEES,  Mary Jane,  born 10 November 1S49, daughter
                                                          1822.  sp:  George Hardison,  Sophia Hardison,  Helen Anderson.
                                                                                                                                                                               of Barnhart Nees  of Ft.  Erie, farmer, and  Frances Y.Iel\•ina  his
                                                             9  Feb.  ROOTH,  William  Hepburne,  born  14  November 1850
                                                                                                                                                                               wife.  sp:  William Anderson,  Jane Bigam,  Salome Hershey.
                                                          son  of  William  Anthony  Rooth  of Bertie,  merchant,  and  Anne
                                                                                                                                                                                  27 July.  NEES,  George Alexander,  born  26  ~!arch 1 ~:)1.  son
                                                          Eliza his wife.  sp: William Hepburn,  Elliott Grasett by his proxy
                                                          James Rooth,  Agnes Rooth.                                                                                           of Barnhart Nees of Ft.  Erie, farmer, and  FrJ.nces  ~rel\"ina his
                                                                                                                                                                               wife.  sp:  William Anderson,  Joseph Tutton.  Henrietta Smith.
                                                              16 Feb.  JOHNSON,  Henry Francis,  born 14 January 1851,  son
                                                                                                                                                                                  6 Aug.  THOMSON,  William Murray, born 2 January .1S31.  s~n
                                                           of Robert Johnson of Little Ireland,  farmer,  and Mary .his wife.
                                                                                                                                                                               of  William Alexander Thomson  of Ft.  Erie.  merchant,  and lus
                                                           sp:  Robert Stevenson,  Elizabeth Richardson,  Thes Richardson.
                                                                                                                                                                               wife Lavinia Day.  Baptized prh·ately.
                                                              9 Mar .. D~WSON, Edward Wellington, born 6  September 1850
                                                                                                                                                                                  10 Aug.  ASKEW,  l\lary Anne,  born 23  June 1851.  daughter of
                                                           son  of  William  Dawson  of  Bertie,  schoolmaster,  and  Isabella
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