Page 180 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 180

Rev.  William  Fraser
 174                                      Eastern District Mar  .
 ·chibald 1\Icintosh and  Duncan McMillan of                                                         175
 5th Jan 1848.  W:   John McCallum  &  Mary Mcintosh  b  th
                                                                            0    of Lochiel  22
 Lochiel.   d  of Newtown,  Canada East, and Nanc,,   1849,  by lie.  w:  Donald Meintosh,  Archibald Mein  •   Mar
 Ale"':ander  l\Ic Le  an  '   J   Norman McLean &  Sally Mcintosh  both  f                ~sh.
 .   f  L  h'el  on  0  Jan 1848.  w:  Duncan McMillan of
 1\IcKmnon  o   oc  1  '   b   1849.  w:  Angus   M  G11"               '        o  Loch1el  18 A      pr
                                             c  l  lVray,  John McCallum.
 .   1\Ici-.Innon of E.  Hawkes  ury.
 Lochtel and E~ve~ ld  &  Christiana  Campbell '  both of Lochiel   Angus  S~ith & Catharine McMillan, both of Lochiel
 Dugald 81\lcb  ulgca  '' .'  Dugald  McDugald  of  Lochiel  and  Joh~   1849,  by lw.  w:  Duncan McMillan,  J.  Fraser.   '   12  June
 7 Jan 184  ,  Y  1  ·
                    John Cameron,  of Kenyon,  and Rebecca l\ cc
 Campbell  of Kenyan.   dian Land,  21  June 1849,  by lie.  w·  Allan Came                     d
                                                                                       ree,  of the In-
 Josep  h  L  Roque  and  Parmilly  L.  Carkner,  both  of  East      ·                 ron an  .Mal-
                 colm McDougald,  both of Kenyan.
 HawkesburJ,  on 21  Feb 1848.  w:  John  Dochstadder  and  John
                    Finlay  ~clntosh &  Ann  McLeod,  both  of  Lochiel,                            July
 Carkner of the same place.                                                                     19
                 1849,  by he.  w:  Donald Mcintosh,  Donald  1\IcLeod.
 Anson Bane  & Clemas l\1arander,  both of East Hawkesbury,
                    Duncan McMillan  &  Catharine 1\IcRae,  both of Lochiel  6th
 7 April  1848.  '': Alex'r Be teh and Wm  Fraser of Loc hi el.
                 Aug 1849,  by lie.  W:  A.  1\IcDermid,  Angus 1\JcRae.                           '
 Malcolm  1\IcCaskel and 1\Iary Urquhart,  both of Kenyan,  on
                    William Miller &  Janet  Forbes,  both of Hawkesbury,  6 Oct
 27  June 1848,  by lie.  w:  Wm  Murney,  Donald Urquhart.
                 1849,  by lie.  w:  James  Forbes,  Duncan  Forbes.
 Robert 1\IcKenzie, of Kenyan & Marjory Lothian, of Lochiel
                    Donald Campbell &  Ann 1\.IcLennan,  both of Lochiel,  12 Feb
 on  1 ï  July 1848.  w:  William McKenzie,  of  Kenyan,  and Adam
                1850.  w: Allan McKay, James  Fraser, both of the same place.
 Lothian of Lochiel.
                    John Dumicason  &  Harriet  Mcintosh,  both  of  Lochiel,  7th
 John 1\lcGillivray  &  Mary McGillivray,  both of Lochiel,  on
                March 1850,  by lie.  w:  William Robertson  and James  Fraser
 3 Oct 1848.  w:  Angus  McGillivray,  William McGillivray.
                of the same place.
 Dugald 1\Icintosh & Christy McLennan, both of Lochiel, lOth
                   Colin McLauren &  Sally Mclntosh,  both of Lochiel,  12 Mar
 Oct 1848,  by lie.  w:  Archy Mcintosh,  Angus  McGillivray.
                1850,  by lie.  w:  Archibald and Malcolm 1\IcNab.
 Donald  1\IcKinnon,  of  E.  Hawkesbury,  and  Mary  McMillan
                   DonBld  McLeod,  of Lochiel,  &  Euphemia l\Iclntosh  of West
 of Lochiel,  21  Nov 1848,  by lie.  w:  Allan McKay,  of Lochiel,
 and Ewen 1\lcKinnon of E.  Hawkes  bury.   Hawkesbury,  2  April  1850.  w:  James  McLeod  and  John Mc-
                Intosh of Lochiel.
 Ewen Dewar &  Catherine McMillan,  both of Lochiel,  16 Jan
                   Finlay Mcintosh  &  Sally 1\IcPhee,  both  of  W.  Hawkesbury,
 1849 ·  w:  John Dewar and John Campbell of Lochiel.
                2 April  1850,  by lie.  w:  John Fraser and  John :1\fclnnis of\\'.
 Al~xander MeRae,  of E.  Hawkesbury,  and  Christy Meinnis
 of  \\est Hawkesbury,  23 Jan  1849,  by  lie.  w·  David  Meinnis   .                      h'  l  4th
 and John Campbell  of West Hawkesb   .   James C.  Stewart &  Mary Ann Duncan, both of Loc  e •
 Farquhar McCrim   &   ury.   April  1850.  w:  William  1\IeDonald  of  East  Hawkesbury,  and
 Feb 18 49   b   1 .   m~n   Sally MeRae,  both of Kenyan,  5th   Sam '1  McCann of Lochiel.
 Donald' My  1e.  W:  Fmlay MeRae,  Murdoch Campbell.

 1849  by l"  unro  &  Nancy  MeMillan,  both of  Kenyan  15  Feb
 B;ttis L~·Rw: Hugh Munro,  Donald McMillan   ,
 oque  &  Saler·  p  h   ·
 20  Feb 1849  w·  W   la  uc  et,  both of E.  Hawkesbury,
 ·  ·  ·  Fraser of L  h"   e
 of East Haweksbu  ry.   oc  1el  and  Baptiste La Roqu

 Ewen McMillan &  M
 1849,  by lie   . A   ary McMillan,  both of Loehiel,  21 Mar
 .  w.  ngus  MeMillan
 •  Donald MeMillan.
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