Page 178 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 178

 Re v.  William  Fraser                  Eastern Distr ict Marr·
 172                                                                      tages
 .   ,   24   June  1845,  by lie .  w:  John Kirkconnell
 East Hawkesour) .   1   John Mini  &  Jane Shelom  both of II  k
                                                                         aw  esbury  7
 h  McCalum of the  same p ace.   w:  Justi  Bedore and Peter  Delore,  both of th     '    0  ec  1846.
 and Jo  n   L  d and Catharine McLeod,  both of Lochiel  on   p eter O'Cleman  &  Mary Galushi  of  L   :  same place.
 Kenneth  Mc  eo   f   h '   '
 ·c  w·  James  Fraser  o  Loc  1el and Alex'r   .   d               •        ochtel  22    0
                                                                                              ec  1846.
 b  l 1
 26  June 1845,  Y   ·   ·   w·  Rodenck an  Donald McGillivray of th        e same place
                                    &  N
 Campbell of East Hawkesbury.   John Hope   ancy Mclntir e,  both of Neiston                   ·
 Duncan McLeod and  1\Iary  McGillivray,  both of Lochiel,  on   29th Dec  1846,  by lie.  W:  William  Fraser J   ' Canada East,
 July   , by lie.  w:  Angus  McGillivray and Allan McKay of   McLauren,  both of Lochiel.   r.' and Lawrence
 8   1845
 the same place.   Angus  McMaster Jr.  and  Mary  McMillan  b  th  f
                                6  b  l'
                                                                                 '  o  o  Kenyon
 Finlay Gray, of Caledonia Township, and Harriet McLeod of   30 nec  184  '  y  lC.  W:  John Murray,  Angus  McMillan   ,
 Kenyon,  18  July  1845,  by  lie.  w:  Alex'r  Campbell  and  John   Elouza  French,  of  Lower  Canada,  and  Sybell  Jac~on  of
 Campbell,  both of Kenyon.   west Hawkes bury '  27  Jan 1847 t  by lie.  W:  1\lr.  Ross  of \\~est

 Colin Cameron,  of East Hawkesbur y,  and Ann McLauren of   Hawkesbury,  and James  Fraser of Lochiel.
 Lochiel.  3 August 1845,  by lie.  w:  Robert Campbell and Don-  Donald McLe?d and Margaret  McGillivray,  both of Lochiel,

 ald McLauren.   2  Feb 1847, byllC.  W :  Donald McLeod,  Edward McGillivrav.
 Batis  alias  John  La Roque  &  Ashael  Cusino,  both  of  Eas1   John McCuaig and Catherine McMillan,  both of E.  Hawkes-

 Hawkesbury,  on 23  Sept 1845.  w:  Donald McArthur  and Peter   bury,  on 9  April  1847, by lie.  w:  Collin McPherson,  Malcolm
 Lothian,  both of Lochiel.   McCuaig,  both of the same place.

 Donald  McArthur  and  Janet  Campbell,  both of Lochiel,  on   Oley  McCuaig &  Catharine McRae,  bath of E.  Hawkesbury,
 19 Nov  1845,  by lie.  w:  Allan McDear mid,  Peter Campbell.   14 April  1847, by lie.  w:  John McCuaig of E.  Hawkesbury and

 Peter De lam and 1\Iargaret Cusino,  bath of Hawkes bury,  on   Andrew  Fraser of Lochiel.
 17 Dec  1845.  w:  Joseph Glade,  William LaRoque.   Duncan McCrimmon  and  Ann McGillivray,  bath of Lochiel,

 Allan Campbell  and  Miny  Lothian,  both of Lochiel,  11 Dec   1 July  1847,  by lie.  w:  Wm  and 1\lalcolm l\lcGillivray.
 1845,. by lie.  w·  Donald Campbell,  Allan McKay.   Donald McLeod,  of Lancaster,  &  Sarah 1\IcLeod,  of Lochiel

 Nell  McKinnon  and  Margaret  McKillican  both  of  Kenyon   20 July 1847,  by lie.  w:  Donald McLeod,  Roderick McLeod.
 24 !\larch 1846  by l'   . D   '   '   William McLeod  &  Ann Campbell,  both of Lochiel,  2S  July
 .   •   tc.  w.  onald Cattanach Esq.,  and James
 1\lcKenzte,  bath of the same place.   1847,  by lie.  w:  Angus McGillivray,  Allan McG11livray.
 14 ~~:~~~~~M~l~~· of Lochiel, and Ellen McLeod,  of Kenyon   Alexander McLachlan & Sally McRàe, bothof \\'. Hawkesbury

 McMillan of Loc~i~~: W:  Duncan McLeod of  Kenyon and Arch'd   6 Oct 1847,  by lie.  w:  John and Hugh 1\lcLachlan.
                  Charles James Stewart and  Rebecca  Griffin,  bath of  West
 Donald Campbell  &  M  b'   Hawkes bury'  on 7  Oct 1847'  by lie .  w:  Holis Griffin and John
 1846  by lie  w  L  .   au  le Orton,  both of Lochiel  12 June
 '   ·  :  evt Orton  All   M   '   Fraser of W.  Hawkesbury.
 Donald McLeod  of K   '   an  cKay.   Farquhar McRae  of Charlottenburgh, and  Catharine ~feRa~
 donia,  on 9 July i  :ny?n, and Margaret Fraser,  of Cale-
 846           of Lochiel, on 16 N~v 1847'  by lie.  w:  Arch.  :\IcDearmtd  an
 McLeod of Kenyon.  '  y he·  W:  Malcolm Fraser and Norman
               Donald McDonald of Lochiel.                                               .      6 ~ov
 Duncan  Cathbert  and  M                                                                  1  1
 5  Aug 1846,  by lie   . D  ary  McKenzie,  both of  Lochiel,  on   Angus  McMillan  &  Ann  McMillan,  both of Lochte ·
 Al  '   ·  w.  onald McK'   1847'  by lie.  W:  Ewen McMillan,  Ewen l\IcKinnonh.  1  ·J3  Dec
 e:x:  r Cameron, of Finch   mnon,  Hugh McMillan.
 22               Donald  ---- and Isabella Cameron,  bath of Loc  te :  ...
 Sept 1846,  by lie.  W·  Joh' and Nancy Morrison, of Lochiel,   1847   '11'  •  .  James  Fraser.

 Cameron,  of Finch.   ·   n Morrison,  of Lochiel,  and Hugh   ,  by lie.  w:  Malcolm McG1  n·ra~ ·   h  ofLochiel
                  Al                                               "· l\l'l rv :\lcintos  .
                     exander McMillan, ofKenyon.  o.:                   '  •  "
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