Page 175 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 175

Rev.  William  Fraser
                                                  170                                                                                                                                     Eastern District l'viar  .
                                                         .          b ,  .   w· M. Hay and Henry Cain of Breadalbane                                                                                                                                 171
                                                  3 Aprtl 183   8    )  1 0  ·   •                                                          ·                    albane,  on  8  Oct 1841,  by lie.  W:  Duncan
                                                                  '.    d  of Longueuil, and Mary Rockburn, of West
                                                     Joseph Re} nar  ,                                            f                                              Stewart of Lochiel.                                            McArthur  and John
                                                  Hawkesbury,  3 July  1838.  w:  N.  Reynard,  o  Longueuil,  and
                                                                                                                                                                    Nehemiah  Carkner,  of  Winchester                         d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •  an  Cathar·
                                                  Henry Cain of Lochiel.                                                                                        of Lochie1,  15  March  1842,  by lie.  W·  Dunca                          me  Fraser
                                                     Donald  McLaren,  of Lochiel,  and  Ellen  Forbes,  of East                                                Archy McLauren of Lochiel.                                ·         n McArthur  and

                                                 Hawkesbury,  on  19 Sept 1838,  by lie.  w:  Allan McDermid and
                                                                                                                                                                   Donald  McDermid  and  Janet Campbell  b  th
                                                  Peter Campbell  of Breadalbane.                                                                                                    2  b  1  .                               •   0    of Lochiel
                                                                                                                                                                18  March 184  ,  Y 1c. w:  Duncan Campbell  Ali                                    • on
                                                     James  Forbes,  of East Hawkesbury,  and  Janet McLaren of                                                                                  d                              •      en McDermid
                                                                                                                                                                   John  McLauren  an  Margaret Stewart  b  th  f                                .       ·
                                                 Lochiel,  18 Dec  1838, by lie.  w:  Wm  McLaren of Breadalbane                                                                          .                                   '   0  ·  o  Lochtel  on
                                                                                                                                                                5 July 1842,  by he.  w:  Peter Stewart,  John Stew  t                              '
                                                 and Duncan Forbes of East Hawkes bury.
                                                                                                                                                                   Archy McMillen, of Lochiel, and MaryMcDonaladr  · f
                                                    John  Oba  and  Luisa  Lapoint,  both  of  Hawkesbury,  25 Dea                                                              842  b  1     .                                            , o  Kenyon
                                                                                                                                                                lOth  Nov  1         ,  Y  10.  W:  Alexander McMillan  of K
                                                 1838. w: Joseph Cyolade and William Lapoint both of the same                                                   William McMtllan of Lochiel.                                                enyon  and
                                                                                                                                                                   Peter McPherson,  of Lochiel,  &  Christy Campbell  of East
                                                    Alexander  :f\IcDougald,  of Clarence,  and  Isabella  McLaren
                                                                                                                                                                Hawkesbury,  16 March 1843,  by lie.  w:  Peter McLauren  and
                                                 of  Lochiel,  28 Dec  1838,  by lie.  w:  John  McLaren  and  John                                             Archy McLauren,  both of Lochiel.

                                                 Stewart of Breadalbane.
                                                                                                                                                                   Charles Mitchell and Mary Bangs, both of West Hawkesbury
                                                    Malcolm  McCallum and Ann Carkner, both of East Hawkes-                                                     27  March 1843.  W:  A.  Lauson Cob,  Leny Bancroft.

                                                 bury,  3 Sept 1839.  w:  John McCallum and Walter Kirkonell.
                                                                                                                                                                   Mr Peter McLauren and Miss  Margaret McLauren,  both of
                                                    Roderick McLeod and Sally McRae of Lochiel,  31 Dec 1839,
                                                                                                                                                                Lochiel,  2  March 1844,  by lie.  w:  Dugald Cameron and Colin
                                                 by lie.  W:  Roderick McLeod,  Norman McLeod.                                                                 Cameron of East Hawkes bury.
                                                    Peter  McLauren  &  Peggy  Mcintosh,  both  of  Breadalbane,
                                                                                                                                                                  Donald Campbell and Elizabeth Lothian, of Lochiel,  18  June
                                                 22nd April  1840,  by lie.  w:  John Mcintosh and Archibald Mc-                                               1844,  by lie.  w:  John Mcintosh,  James Lothian.
                                                 Lauren of Breadalbane.
                                                                                                                                                                   George  Orton  and  Lucy  Laroy,  both  of West Hawkesbury,
                                                    John Dunee,  of  New  Edinburgh,  District of Ottawa,  &  Miss                                             24 Sept 1844,  by lie.  w:  Charles Treadwell Esq.  of L'Orignal
                                                 Ma_ry  Stewart,  of West Hawkesbury,  27  Oct  1840  by lie.  w:                                              and Leny Or ton.

                                                 Nfell  Stewart  Esq .•  and  Wm  McKenzie,  student-;t-law  both                                                 Henry Metcalf  and Miss  Emma  Frith,  both of  Plantagenet,
                                                 o  West Hawkesbury.                                                              '
                                                                                                                                                               2 Nov 1844.  w: Edward Metcalf and James Frith of Plantagenet
                                                    Duncan Mcintosh  of E  H  k
                                                 Lochiel, 13Nov                    ·.  aw  esbury,  & Mary McLauren,  of                                          Peter Eastman and May Tierney,  both of Alfred,  on 14 Dec
                                                    William McMillan' byhc. w: John McLauren,  John Mcintosh                                                   1844.  W:  Henry Cain and James Fraser both of Lochiel.
                                                 21  Nov 18   40   b  l"     & Catharme McLeod,  both of Lochiel, on                                              Elias  Carkner  &  Sophia Laroque, both of East Hawkesbury
                                                    John  Mc.Àrt:Urtc. dw:  Donald McMillan,  Lewes  McMillan.                                                 2 6 May 1845  by lie  w·  Frances LaRoque,  John LaRoque.
                                                                          an  Peggy  Deiv              b  h                             .                                        '           ·     ·                                   f      h"  1  on
                                                 Lochiel,  4 Feb      1841     b  .              er,  ot  of  Breadalbane 1n                                      Joseph Ladyroot  and  Mary McClennan,  both                        0   Loc  e ·
                                                 McArthur of the sa  '  yl he.  W:  Donald Campbell  and  Arthur                                               27th  May  1845.  w:  Mr.  McPhee,  the postmaster,  and  Angus
                                                                           me pace
                                                    Ewen  McKinnon  &  EU              .                                                                       MCGillivray of the same place.                                           .      2 June
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1  1
                                                 1841,  by lie.  w:  Geor  e ~n ~cDonald, both of Lochiel,  3  MaY                                               Alex'r Raddy and  Mary Campbell,  both of Lochle ·
                                                    Donald  McPhee  anJ Ma cKmnon,  Donald McDone11.                                                           184 5,  by lie  w·  Robert Campbell,  Donald Camp~Ill.
                                                  July 1841  by  .                   ry McKinnon  both  f  L  h"  1  25th                                         J  0  h        .    .                      .         b  th of Lochle .  17 June
                                                              •      tc.  w· Angu  M                   ,         o      oc  1e  ,                                     n Robrin  and  Sophia  Balmger,
                                                     Arthur  McArthur.  d  s  CGillivray'  James Hay                                                          184                                                      1
                                                                             an  Christ·          M                          ·                                     5  ·  W:  Peter Obleman,  Miles Ob·l·  li  both parties of
                                                                                             tan  cLauren,  both of Bread-                                       Hugh  McCalum  and  Catherine  Kukconne  ·
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