Page 185 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 185

Re v.  H.  Hayunga                                                                                        Fastern District Mar  .
                                                          180                                                                                                                                                                 ~    rtages
                                                                                 rkell & 1\Iatildn Garrow.  both  of  Winchester.
                                                                                                                                                                          6  Feb 1840.  w:  Henry Gerl~ch, Nancy Bouck.
                                                             William J 18~1:  w·  1\Iatt 1\iarkle,  Ellen Garrow.                                                            William Wegar &  Catharme Elizabeth S n·
                                                          6 February               &.S  rah Ellwood Seacord, both of Williarns-
                                                              r·n  I  a  Pruner  ·  a                                                                                     1   msburgh,  23  Feb 1840.  w:  Peter We  u  IVan,  both of WU-
                                                             \\     r         838         Th os  seacord  and --- Prunner.                                                 ta                                                        gar,  John Sul!'
                                                                                                                                                                             George Bouck  &  Caroline Emily  Wegar  b
                                                          burgh,  7 Feb lh  f.fw:& Caroline Ra~bach, both of Osnabruck                                                                                                                    '  oth of wm·
                                                             Thom  p  Sc  ae  er  '                                             .                                         b urgh  3  March 1840.  w:  Nancy Bouck  St'm                            .       tams-
                                                                    ·  ·            Fred  Rupport  Charlotte Elhot.                                                               ,                                                 •       on Hatnes
                                                          18 1\Iarch 183  .  w:            ·             '                .  .                                               Andrew  Lyman Snyder  &  Lucretia  Maria  E                                ·
                                                                            t  & B
                                                             Henry Froa s  '         etsy Crowdar  both of  Wllhamsburgh,  20                                             iamsburgh  and  Osnabruck,  22 March                      1840     b ml~ey, of  ~ill-
                                                          March 1838.  w:  Stephen Garlach,  Peter Froats ..                                                              Snyder,  Anna Sn y         d  er.                               '  y  tc.  W·  Stdney
                                                             Nicholas Hanson & Almira Empey,  both of Matilda,  27  Mar                                                      Charles  Daniels,  of  New York  State  and  n·                          L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tana  andt  of
                                                          1838  .  w:  George 1\larseles,  Alty Empey ·                   .  .                                            Williamsburgh,  9  June  1840.  w:  James Ault  and  N                             H'
                                                             Jacob Barckley &  Deborah Hale,  both of Wllhamsburgh,  on                                                   mer of Osnabruck.                                                         . ancy  el-
                                                          9 April  1838.  w:  Jacob Markley,  Bathurst Heagle.
                                                                                                                                                                             Adam  Swartfeger  &  Leny Elizabeth  Mattice,  both of  \\'ill-
                                                             Mathew  Barckley  &  Fanny Mattice,  both of Williamsburgh,
                                                                                                                                                                          iamsburgh,  lOth  June 1840,  by lie.  w:  Henry Mattice,  .Maria
                                                         10 April 1838.  w: Arch 'd McCracken,  James Thurl.                                                              Swartfeger.
                                                            Cyrus \Vinters  &  Sophia Juliann Poabst,  both of Osnabruck,
                                                                                                                                                                             Peter  Henry  Fetterley  &  Elizabeth  Bedstead  of  Williams_
                                                         17 April 1838.  w:  Alpheus  Poabst,  Sophia Hahn.
                                                                                                                                                                         burgh,  11 June  1840.  w:  Gordon Fetterley,  :Maria Fetterley.
                                                            Sephrenus 1\larkley  &  Sarah  Cassel man,  both of Williams-
                                                                                                                                                                             John  Adams  Shaeffer  and  Mary Eliza  Swartfeger,  both  of
                                                         burgh,  26April 1838, by lie.  w:  George &  Richard Casselman.
                                                                                                                                                                         Winchester, 21  June 1840. w:  Henry Barkley, Jenny Schaeffer.
                                                            George \\'ittaker &  Caroline Meyers, both of Williamsburgh
                                                                                                                                                                             Joseph Barbary  &  Anna Maria Sparbeck  of Winchester,  on
                                                         29  Jan 1839,  by lie.  w:  Henry Wittaker,  John Meyers.
                                                                                                                                                                         7 July 1840.  w:  Henry Sparbeck,  Cornelia Duions.
                                                            James  Cairns  &  Eliza Ann  Bradshaw,  both  of  Osnabruck,
                                                                                                                                                                             Jacob  Weaver  &  Mary Barkley of Williamsburgh,  by lie on
                                                         26  Feb 1839,  by  lie.  w:  William Cairnes,  Elias Shaver.
                                                                                                                                                                         19 July 1840.  w:  William Weaver,  Jane Empey.
                                                            Jacob Poabst  &  Eliza Empey,  of Williamsburgh and Osna-
                                                                                                                                                                            Edward  Willman  &  Magdalinah  Rosenberger,  26 July 1540
                                                         bruck,  2 May  1839 by lie.  w.  Daniel  Grant,  Jane Empey.
                                                                                                                                                                         at Williamsburgh.  w:  Elizabeth Gerlach.  John 1\Iunroe.
                                                            Elias Shaver &  Mary Bradshaw  of Osnabruck,  14  May 1839
                                                                                                                                                                            Ans on G.  Sherman & Sarah Jacox of Osnabruck, 1 Sept 1840
                                                         by lie.  w:  John Shaver,  John Ramback
                                                                                                                                                                         by lie.  w:  Catharine Markel,  John 1\Ianning.
                                                             John  G.  1Iarkley &  Evy  Maria Staty,  both of Williamsburgh
                                                                                                                                                                            Gordon Dillabough &  Maria Swartfeger of \\ïnchester. 6 Oct
                                                          13 Aug 1839,  by lie.  w:  Simon Staty,  Caroline Markley.
                                                                                                                                                                         1840.  W:  Mathias Markel,  Samuel Dillabough.
                                                            Ira Bush  &  Christiann Cath.  Schaeffer  both of Osnabruck,
                                                             \~~~~        ·  by lie.  w:  Leonard Helmer,' John Schaeffer.                                               24
                                                          10        1839                                                                                                    Nicholas  Schaeffer  &  Eliza Ann  l\Iorgan  of Osnabruck.  on
                                                                  1                                                                                                          Nov  1840.  w:  Betsey Shaeffer,  Frederick \\'arner.
                                                          Octo~e:7 ~ah~ ~·Mary Barkley,  both of Williamsburgh,  31                                                         John Manning &  Catharine Markel,  both of Osna!:lruck,  lSth
                                                             J              '  y  tc.  W:  Henry Barkley,  John Barkley.
                                                              ames Barkley  &  Mary  Ch  .                                                      h                       Decernber 1840  w·  Nicholas Whyatt,  Edward l\IarKel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bruck  !9th
                                                          14 January      1840            .        nsrnan,  both of  Williamsburg  ,                                       Hiram Hollister  &  Nancy Helmer,  bath of Osna.                              ·
                                                                                ·  w:  Ehas Barkley  E              .
                                                             Samuel  Panimelton                     .     •  me me Barkley.                                             January 1841.  W:  Hiram Fetterley,  Catharine Ho~h~erf \\'ill-
                                                          burgh,  28  Jan                &  Emehne  Meyers,  both of  Williams-                                                                                                                   0    0
                                                                              1840                                                                                         Henry Whittaker  and  Betsey Diana  Barckley,                                     .
                                                                                    •  W:  Peter Wegar  J  h                                                            ia     b                                                    .  .. ,.  .  and Catherwe
                                                             Charles  Williard  &  Ma                    .  •  o  n  Munroe.                                               llls  urgh,  27 Jan 1841.  w:  Barney \Vhitt:.u-.ei,
                                                          5 Feb 1840.  W· wm·                ry  Matttce,  both of  Williamsburgh,                                      Barckley                                                                         ·  F  b
                                                             Stephen GerÏach  ~a~ Wegar,  Catharine Sullivan                                                                          .                                            .  )f Osnabruck.  3  e
                                                                                                                                                                           Jacob  Cook  &  Catharine  Jane  Stanl~  l
                                                                                          aroline  Bouck,  both of Williamsburgh,                                       1841
                                                                                                                                                                               •  by lie.  w:  William Haines.  John ShaYer.
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