Page 174 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 174

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 The Ontario Register
 168                            Eastern District ~farr·

 Runions.   Je remiall Vandusen.                                                            169
           Joseph Unor and  Mary Lapapy  both  f                             .
                       .                         .       '         0   1  OChtel,
        1836,  by  he.  w:  Henry Cam  of  the  same  lac                          on  ~ June
 Re v.  \Vi lliam  Fraser,   Depe  W  of Hawkesbury  ·                  P    e  and  Mtchael
 Baptist Church of Breadalbane,   Lochiel   Henry Holmes,  of the Township of Alfred   d   .
                                                                       • an  ArnehaSoph·
 1835 -1850   McCann,  of  Hawkesbury,  15 July  183            6    by  .                    ta
                               ·  1                               '       tc.  W:  Peter Mc-
       Lauren  of Loc~1e  and Peter McCann of Hawkesbury.
 Hector Be  th  une   Of Kenyon  &  Marv McLeod  of Hawkesbury  •   Ziphanah Swtft Moore Hersey and Caroline Ma  ·  Cl
                                                                               rta  eveland
 2 oth January 1835.  w:  Dugald McDugald and  Sam '1  Fraser of   both  of Hawkesbury,  on  13  October 1836,  by lie.  w:  Charles
       Henry and James Wells all of the same place.
 Breadal bane.

 Peter McCuaig  and  Catherine Bethune,  both of Lochiel,  on   Lewes  Cusino and Malisa Hall,  21 November 1836.  Th~ Wit-
 24  Feb 1835.  ": James  Lothian,  Allan Campbell.   nesses were AJ ex'r Cusino and Abell Hall, all of Hawkesbury.
 Donald  1\IcNaughton,  of l\1artintown,  and  Mary  McLeod,  of   Hugh Mcintosh,  of  Hawkesbury,  and  Isabella  Campbell,  of

 Lochiel,  10 l\larch 1835, by lie. w:  Peter McLaren and Alex'r   Lochiel,  23  December 1836,  by lie.  w:  Duncan McArthur and
       Duncan Campbell both of Lochiel.
 1\Ieldrum of Breadalbane.

 Peter  l\lcintosh  and  Catherine  Campbell,  both of  Hawkes-  Ralf Grant and Miss Fanie L. Thistleweete, both of Hawkes-
 bury,  19  l\Iarch  1835,  by lie.  W:  Dr.  Stuart  and  Duncan Mc-  bury,  28  February  1837,  by lie.  w:  John Edward  of Chatham
 Arthur of Lochiel.   and Robert Thistleweete of Hawkes bury.

          John  Johnston,  of St.  Andrews,  and  Ellen Gibson,  of  East
 Donald  Dewar  and  Isabella  Bethune,  both of  Lochiel,  26th
      Hawkes bury,  13 June 1837. w:  John Gibson and John Richey of
 1\Iarch 1835,  by lie.  W:  Alex'r Meldrum,  Duncan Campbell.
      the  last mentioned place.
 Jonathan Sherman and Rosa McNulty of Hawkesbury,  on the
         Cyrus Bening Larock and Cecil Delair, bothof West Hawkes
 2nd  April  1835,  by lie.  w:  Hugh  McNulty  of  the  same place,
 and Alex'r l\Ieldrum of Breadalbane.   bury,  4  September  1837.  w:  M.  Del air  and  Lea Gload  of the
      same place.
 1\Iishael Bon and Aelade Oba,  both of Lochiel,  13 Apr 1835.
 W:  Henry Cain and  F.  Oba of Breadalbane.   Samuel H.  Tibbitts,  of Dundas,  Niagara District,  and Miss
      Hellie  Pattie,  of East Hawkesbury, 2 October 1837, by lie.  w:
 Samuel  Mooney  and  Mary  Lough,  both  of  Hawkesbury,  on
 23  July 1835,  b)  lie.  W: Hugh Lough,  Wm  Huskinson.   Dr.  Pattie and Mr.  Thomas of East Hawkesbury.
         Edmund E.  Warren and Elizabeth Thistleweight,  both of the
 Robert Douglass and Isabella McKenzie  both of Kenyon, on
 4   18  Township  of  Hawkesbury,  8  January 1838,  by  lie.  w:  De:xier
 Nov   35, by lie.  W:  John McKenzie and' James  McKenzie of
 the same place.   Flin of Longueuil and Robert Thistleweight of Hawkesbu~y."

         John  Cameron,  of  the  Township  of  Finch,  and  Nanc). ~-c-
 18~:m~s ~~cl\:Iillan and Catherine Ferguson of Kenyon,  29 nec   M
                                                            8  b  re  w·  John  Ftsher
        1  lan,  of  Lochiel,  31  January  183  ,  Y  1  •                  ·
 Mor;is~n ~~·Ke:;o~.rchibald McMillan,  of  Lochiel,  and  John
     and Donald McKinnon of Lochiel.                                         .     f Bread-
 Duncan  Stewart  of   1   h'   Joseph Laroch,  of Hawkesbury,  &  Ann 1\:c~enz~;;:enzie.' of

 Fortune  21  111r   'h   oc  tel,  and  Ann  McLachlan  of Point
 •   ~narc  1836  b  l'   '   albane,  on 2  February 1838,  by lie.  w:  Wilham
 Stewart of Lochi  e.   '  Y  le·  W:  Peter  Stewart  and  John   B   d   h  f Hawkesbury.
       rea  albane,  and Francis Laroc                   0       r,  &  Catharine  Mc-
 A mean  Mc Lauran  of  Loc  .
        Dougald  Cameron  of  East  Hawkesbu  Y·                             . ld 'IcLaren
 Hawkesbury,  on 22nd Marc  htel,  and  Margery  Cameron,  of   L   '   b   ·   w·  Don,l  •'
       aren,  of Lochiel  29 March 1838,  Y  IC.                      •
 Cameron of the sa   l   h  1836,  by lie.  W:  Dugald and John   '
 me Pace.   and  John McNab of Lochiel.                                  both of Lochiel.
                                                              l  rson
        Thomas Bradden and Christian 1\Ic                    P 1 e      ·
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