Page 14 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 14


 The Ontario Register
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 Lot 22.  Concession 3,  Raleigh.
 JOHN  \\'ILLSON,  (27  ?) ,  born at .Middle  Town,  East Jersey,
 by Dan.  l\Iillard,  J.P.,  6 May 1795.  He  was entered on the same   REGISTER  OF  ST.  PAUL'S,  FT. ERIE

 day for Lot 11 of Concessions 5 and 6,  Crowland.

 Included  with the  above recor ds  ar e  sorne  rough  notes  on  a   Baptisms 1849-1852
 scrap  sheet  ( perhaps  in  John Small 's  handwriting)  regarding
 four  applicants for land.  The  notes cannot be  dated except that

 they are written on the  back of  a  printed  proclamation of  1792   [Continued from Volume 1,  page 154]
 al though they probably date from about three or four years la ter.

 The notes are as follows:
 JONATHAN 1\IATHEWS.  Soldier.  Col.  Butler.                      1849
 JOHN STANSFIELD,  says he served on board the Magnificent   11 March.  TOMELSTON,  William Jefferson  born 1 Aug 1S4S

 upwards of a  year  at the  close  of the  last war when he was dis-  son of William Tomelston and Louisa his wife . s p: Charles Brace.
 charged.  He was  born near  Halifax in  Yorkshire  and  is in his   William  Tomelston,  Martha Stanton.

 fiftieth year.          13 May.  BENNER,  John Robert Cornelius  bor n  17  February
 JAMES  LEA.  23 Regt.   preceding,  son of Jacob Benner and Sophia his wife.
 ISAAC  HORTON.          13 May.  BENNER.  Children  of  John  Benner  and  Sarah Ann

                      his wife:           Caroline Louisa  born 29  July  1847
                                          William Henry  born 14 March preceding.
                         13 May.  SUMMERFIELD,  Mary Ann  born 12  September 1 ~4S

                      daughter of David Summerfield and Barbara his wife.
                         20 May.  CREGOR,  Mary Caroline  born 7 July  184S  daughter

                      of Benjamin Cregor and Mary Ellen his wife.
                         5  July.  ANDERSON,  Shelton Ash  born  5  Januar y  1S49  son of
                      John Anderson,  Rector of Ft.  Erie and Ellen his  wife.  Baptized

                     by  Wm  Leeming,  Rector  of  Chippawa.  sp:  William Anderson.
                     Alexander Douglas,  Agnes  Douglas.

                         29 July.  BURKE,  William James Adalbert  born  2 No,·ember
                     1843,  son  of  Patrick  Adolphus  and  Elizabeth  Burke:  Baptized
                     privately in sickness.

                         27  July.  TEAL,  Joseph  born 13 May 1849,  s on of Joseph and
                     Ellen Teal. Added in a la ter hand:  "The aboYe  infant \\ as  publicly
                     admitted  into  the  church  on  4th July 1857.  the  sponsors  being

                     Thomas Shotwell,  Mark Bailey and Jane Shotwell;  by  me  Elliott
                     H.  Grasett."
                         27 Aug.  STAMP,  John  Goulding  born  18  February  preceding

                     son of  Thomas Stamp  and  Alice his wife.  Baptized privately  in
                     s ickness.
                        30 Sept.  HAUN,  Richard  Thompson  born  10  February  in the
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