Page 127 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 127

The  Ontario Regis ter

                                                                                                                                                                                               Kitchener Death  Notices
                                                                                d  t  tlle  "ccident  on the New York Centrai
                                                                   , --)  K 11 e  a         ••
                                                                      1                                                                                                                                                                                  123
                                                     (Oct 21,  l:Sn                l'tl  Oct  Catharine,  2nd dau of Peter
                                                     R        r  Svracuse on  :.>      1       · •
                                                  R.  . nea       -           d  .  t  r  of George  Br own,  1\I. p. p.                                            Aemilius Irving, and mother of Aemilius Irving Esq. Solicitor
                                                             Toronto  an  SlS  e                                                                                    of  the  Great Western Co.
                                                  Brown.                ·              Edinburgh,  on  29th  Sept.,  Gordon
                                                     At  31  Buccleuch pace.                                            f  T                                           on  the  8th  ult.,  Alexander  1\IacGregor.  He  was  born 1/9
                                                                       . d  75  brother of Peter  Brown o
                                                  Brown Esq .. age             ·                                             oronte and                             in  Glasgow, ~cotland, e~isted in the Royal  Artillery at age                           5
                                                      le of George Brown,  l\I. P. P.                                                                                                                                                                     16
                                                                                                                                                                    and  served  111  the  Penmsular War  and in Canada since 1816.
                                                 une       ')"   1857  ) At Berlin on 25th  inst.,  Margaret dau of Wn                      1                       For 7 years  he  was  Grand  Scribe  of the  Port Credit Sons of
                                                    (Oct .... s.
                                                 Davidson Esq .•  aged 3 yrs  & 9 ms.                                                                               Temperance.
                                                    (No'  25.  1857)  In Havana, Cuba, on 29th Oct of ye~low fever,                                                    (Mar 2,  1858)  At  Galt on  26th  inst.,  Martha,  wife of Thos

                                                           C  ·  forn1erlY of Galt  only  son of John Cra1g of Doon.
                                                 James  ra1g                   .           '               .                              .                         Blain  Esq.,  aged 52 yrs.
                                                    At  his  residence.  Ann St. ,  Tor onto,  111  the  44th  yr  of h1s                                              (Mar 9,  1858)  On  3d  inst.  Peter Woods  Esq. in an accident.

                                                 age,  Edward Wookey  Esq. ,  late  of Galt.                                                                        He resided in the 5th Concession of Downie  near Stratford.  A
                                                    On  16th inst. .  :\Iargar et,  wife  of  James  Anderson  of Galt,                                             native of Devonshire.  England,  he  emigrated from  Exeter to

                                                 aged 51.                                                                                                          Stratford  with  his  late  father and mother and  brother James
                                                    On 15th inst ..  Robert Turnbull.  farmer,  Dumfries.                                                           in 1843.  He leaves a  widow,  two  sons and two daughters.  ~lrs

                                                    In  Edinburgh.  Scotland,  on  18th  Oct,  Christiana,  relict of                                              Hicks of  Mitchell is a  sister of l\Irs.  Woods.  Deceased was  a
                                                 the late Archibald Ainslie  Esq.  of Peas ton,  and aunt of Adam                                                  member of the Church of England.
                                                Ainslie Esq.  of Galt.                                                                                                 (Mar 16,  1858)  In Puslinch on 6th inst.  Adam  Forbes in  his

                                                                                                                                                                    39th yr.
                                                   (Dec  16. 1857)  In North Dumfries on  lst inst.,  William,  2nd
                                                son of John Goodall,  aged 12 yrs  7 ms.                                                                               At Doon on the 4th inst.,  John Craig.  aged 49.
                                                                                                                                                                       At Shakespeare on 26th ult. l\Irs Christian Conacher, widow
                                                   In South Dumfries  on the 21st ult. ,  Donald,  son of Murdock
                                                l\lcRae.  aged 19 yrs.                                                                                             of the late J .  Conacher,  aged 26.

                                                                                                                                                                       In Ancaster on 5th inst. Catharine, only dau of William A. A.
                                                   In  Brantford on  25th ult. ,  the  wife  of  George Allchin  Esq.
                                                formerly of Ayr.                                                                                                   Cooley Esq.,  aged 6 yrs 2 ms.                                 .           .
                                                                                                                                                                       (Tues,  Mar 23,  1858)  On 20th inst., the mfant child of E. L.
                                                   (Wed, Dec 23, 1857)  On Satu rda y evening last,  James Wyllie
                                                of Galt.  proprietor of a  saw mill.                                                                               Cutten  Queen's Arms Hotel,  Galt.                                                   . h
                                                                                                                                                                       On 19th inst. at Ancaster, the Wl  e                 f H  n  Harmanus Snut  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ··f  0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0  •
                                                   (Jan 6.  1858)  On  21st September  of wounds  received at the
                                                taking of Delhi,  Brigadier Gener al  J ohn Nicholson  eldest son                                                  aged 66  yrs.                                                       ?Ill     . aued  ' "
                                                                                                                                                                       Near Galt onSaturday afternoon last .  .1\Iary"  ~  ro~.  f
                                                of  the  late  Dr.  1\icholson  of  Stramor e  House,  c~unty Down,                                                                                                                                      ~-·
                                                                                                                                                                   mother of  1\Irs.  Lockie  of Galt  and of  James  l\Illro~  o                    1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      O\\ a ,
                                                Ireland,  and cousin to l\Irs.  Hugh K.  Junk of Mitchell,  county
                                                of Perth.
                                                                                                                                                                   formerly of Galt.                                         .    Lana recently from
                                                           3 18                                                                                                       In Paris on the 13th inst., l\Irs.  George                       0
                                                   (Jan } ·        58)  At  Edinburgh,  Scotland,  on  30th December,
                                                JJohffn  \\lison Rutherford,  engineer'  son-in-law  of  Mr  James                                                 Elderslie,  Renfrewshire,  Sco_tland. l\Irs  AUI·illa  l\faus  in  the
                                                 a  ray,  of Galt.                                                            ·                                       In  South Dumfries  on 14th mst.'                        ·

                                                   ~epb 10.'  1858) In North Dumfries on 2d  inst.  Mr L .C.  Howell.                                              73rd year of her age.                                  . fternoon last.  Archibald
                                                         arls,  France on 8th Ja  Ch                                                                                  (Tues, Apr 6,  1858) In Galton Tu_~.: a
                                                aged 39 yrs  &  ms                  .  n,      arles Boscary de Velleplaine                                        son of James Anderson,  aged  1 ~x'r: Stewart aged ôS ~Ts. the
                                                Berlin,  Canada We~t son-tn-law of Madame A. B.  Hespeler of
                                                                                                                                                                      On Saturday morning, Capt.                      :       ·denee  Garth Cottage.
                                                   At Newmarket on 2~ Jan  lVI                                                                                     Registrar of  Wentworth              C  0  ·  •   at h1s  res1
                                                                                    •  rs.  Irving,  relict of the late Hon                                        Hamilton.

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