Page 125 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 125

The Ontario Register

                                                                                                                                                                                               Kitchener Death Notices
                                                                                        d  f  C  J  Ferrie & Son,  President
                                                                      S  d  ,  Bea  o             ..
                                                  residence  on  un  a)·               f  Ham il ton.  He  was  the  eidest  son                                                                                                                        121
                                                                                                                                                                    Dundas,  aged 45  yrs.
                                                  Gore Bank.  first  n~ayord obrother of Robert Ferrie, M.P.P.
                                                    f H      Adam  Ferrte an                                      .    M       Ch  .  .                                 (Apr 22,  1857)  In  Galton the  18th inst.  Mrs Ann  Mulheron,
                                                  o   (Nov 19,  18::>6)  On     th  e   9 th inst.  ne ar Berlin,         r .      r1st1an
                                                                                                                                                                    relict of Thomas Mulheron of Glasgow,  Scotland,  aged                              .
                                                                             77                                                                                                                                                                      63
                                                  Shantz,  aged about            yrs.              Tobias Yost,  Iate merchant                                         (Apr 29,  1857)  On the 9th inst. at her residence,  Elizabeth
                                                     At  St.  Jacob's on 7th inst.  l\1r.
                                                                                                                                                                    wife of  Rev.  John Davidson,  Presbyterian Minis ter of Rich-
                                                  aged about 50 yrs.                                                       Id      ff                               mond,  New  Brunswick,  and sister of  A.  D.  Moodie,  agent of
                                                     At Berlm, on       9th  ·  st  Samuel  son of Mr Leopo                    Ho  man      '                       the G. T. R.,  Berlin,  C. W.
                                                  aged about 2 yrs.                                               .                                                    (July 1,  1857)  At Waterloo Village on the 28th inst.  Joseph
                                                     (N  , ?6  1856)  At the residence of her son-m-Iaw,  Mr Menno                                                  Latschar,  aged about 23  yrs.
                                                        m~ ·                                                                  Ibfl  ·
                                                 Snyder,  \Vaterloo  Village,  on  23rd  inst.,  Mrs.  Ka                           e1sch,                             (Wed. ,  July 22,  1857)  On  Monday rnorning  at  the Queen's
                                                 aged 66 yrs.                                                                                                      Arma Hotel,  Galt,  Henry  Buncombe Esq. ,  native of England.

                                                    At  Guelph on  Nov  15th,  Mr.  George Horwood of Horwood's                                                        (July 29,  1857)  On  the 23rd  inst. ,  at  "The Poplars"  near
                                                 Hotel,  late of Toronto.                                                                                           Guelph,  John Harland  Esq.,  Secretary of the  Wellington Co.

                                                    (Jan 7,  1857)  At  Berlin on 27 Dec last, the wife of Mr James                                                Agricultural Society.
                                                 Butchart of the Queens Arms Hotel,  aged 32 yrs.                                                                      (Aug 12,  1857) At Berlin on 5th inst. ,  1\Iary Ann,  daughter

                                                    In Waterloo on 27  Dec  last, Mary Elizabeth, dau of Mr Adam                                                   of G. M Debus,  aged 10 ms 25 ds.
                                                 Ruby,  aged 20 yrs 3 ms 27  ds.                                                                                       (Aug 19,  1857)  At Berlin on !8th inst.,  Mary Victoria,  2nd

                                                   At  Berlin  on  lst inst. ,  Mary Ruth,  dau of  Eider Bamford,                                                 dau of John A.  Mackie,  merchant,  aged 2 yrs &  3 ms.
                                                aged 23 yrs 7 ms.                                                                                                      (Aug 26,  1857)  At Berlin on 21st inst.,  John, son of William

                                                   (Jan 21,  1857)  At Waterloo Village on 18th inst.  Mr John K.                                                  Davidson Esq.,  aged 11 ms.
                                                Nahrgang,  tavernkeeper,  aged about 29 yrs.                                                                          At Berlin on 22nd inst., William,  son of the late Dr.  Scott,

                                                   (Feb 4,  1857)  On the 2nd,  the infant son of Mr.  Wm Young.                                                   aged about 1 yr.
                                                [ln  the  same  paper  recorded  under  births:  On  2d  inst. ,  the                                                 (Sept 2,  1857)  At Berlin on 27th ult.,  Clara,  dau of Abram

                                                wife of Mr Wm  Young_  grocer,  Berlin,  a  sonJ                                                                   Tyson  aged 1 yr 9 ms 25 ds.
                                                   (Mar 4,  1857)  At  Hamilton  on  28th ult.,  Rachel Campbell,                                                     (Se;t 9,  1857)  On 2nd inst.,  Albert,  youngest son of Henry
                                                                                                                                                                   Boedecker,  Berlin.
                                                wife of Dr.  Bown of Brantford and youngest dau  of Hon. Adam
                                                Ferrie,  aged 33 yrs.                                                                                                 On  7th inst. '  Henry son of Henry Boedecker,  Berlin,  a geel

                                                   (Mar 11.  1857)  At the residence of his father in Preston on                                                  4 yrs 8 ms.                                            .                   Avey  son
                                                9th inst .. Urias Kauffman of the firm of Moses Springer & Co.                                                        (Sept 23,  1857)  At Berlin on  !9th mst.'  George                            '
                                               of Waterloo Village,  aged about                   yrs.
                                                                                              20                                                                  of Dr.  Whiting,  aged 15 ms..                                  f Henry Nahrgang,
                                                   (Apr 8,  1857)  On  30th ult.,  George Sunley  Esq                        Mayor of                                 At Berlin on 19th inst. ,  Ehzabeth,  dau  0
                                               Guelph  aged 42                 H'                                       · '
                                                         •  .          yrs.  1s father,  a  native of the  North Riding                                           aged 1 yr 6 ms 26 ds.                          d      a  dau of Jacob Hoffman,
                                               of Yorkshire  brought  h'  f                 .                                                                        At Berlin on 21st inst. ,  Mag  a              1  en  '
                                               d1ed  111  Eramosa  Geor           lS  am1ly  to  Canada  in  1831  and he
                                               H  l                .    ·        ge,      e  th1rd  son  was  born  in  1815.                                     aged about 4 yrs.                                       t    n aged about 30 vrs.
                                                 e  eaves a W1dow  and  ·              hl                  '                                                         At Berlin on 23rd inst., Charles Deh~aon 26th inst..  H~nry
                                               years of age.                     SlX c  dren,  the  eldest of which is 17
                                                                                                                                                                     (Sept 30,  1857)  In Waterloo Towns  p
                                                  (Apr 15,  1857)  At  Stratford  on                    .
                                                                                                                                                                  Kraft,  aged about 70 yrs.                       .  t     Caroline  wife of  John
                                               Chapman Campbell, relict of th                    lOth m~t.' Mrs.  Mary Ann                                           At  Waterloo  Village  on             26 th  ms · '  •
                                                                                            e  late Da111e1  Campbell Esq. of                                     Hoffman Esq.,  aged about 45 yrs.
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