Page 120 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The Ontario Regis ter

 ??)  At  Hamilton on the  14th inst.,  by Rev.  T.J   Kitchener l\Jarriagc Notices
 f   'lt   t   ·                                                                                   115
 (Tues.  June  ww   •
 .   R  bert Ferne  Esq.  o  Haml  on  o  Harriet
 Hodgsktrl of Doon.   o   ct   d  d
 .  t  f the late  Aeneas  Kenne  y  Esq.  an   au of the   (July  1:,  ~858 - Cont'd)  On July G by  Rev  F. W.  Bindemann
 l1c  o
 Russel,  re
              at Green  us  ,  Joseph Hallman of Blenheim to Salome Schmitt
 late Samuel  Bown Esq.   .   of Wilmot.
 .  t  b\  Rev  R.  Rogers,  James Somervllle  of the
 On  lbth  ms  .  .   ·   By the same at the same place  [and probably the same date
 Dundas   B  armer   former!\  of Ayr.  to Jenette  dau  of Alexander   was  intendecl] Benjamin Hunshberger and Elizabeth Berlet,  of
 Ro  d  gers  Esq  . .   Springfield  South Dumfnes.   Wilmot.
 In Galton Tuesday morning by the Rev.  Mr.  James,  Joseph
                 (July 27)  At Trinity Church,  Galt,  on  20th inst.  by Rev.  M.
 Yeaman to Isabella,  eldest dau of William Hall,  of Galt.
              Boomer,  William Ralph Esq. of Deal, Kent,  England, to Clara
 At  ChristChurch,  Hamilton,  on  15th inst.,  by Rev.  George   Jane eldest dau of James Wilson Esq.  of Preston.
 l\Iingaye.  l\I. A., Rector of Wilby, Suffolk.  England,  assisted by   (Aug 10)  In Hamilton on  2nd inst.  by Rev.  J.  Brennen,  John
 Rev J. Gambie  Geddes,  1\I. A.,  Rector of Hamilton,  William c.   w.  Mc Lean of Ayr to Miss Agnes  L.  Somerville of Dundas.

 Stephens  Esq .. Secretary. Great Western Railway Company, to   (Aug 17)  Marriages by F. W.  Bindemann:

 Jessie Isabella. 4th dau of the late Edward Durham Esq. of the   Aug 1.  John Weber to Elizabeth Gondor,  of Wilmot.
 Cape of Good  Hope.   Aug 8.  John  Peter Emtz. of Baden, to Cathr.  Lowisa Ek-
                        hard of Berlin.
 (June 29)  On 30th l\Iay by Rev F . W.  Bindeman,  John Dopfer
 to Therese Henell.  of \~/oolwich.   Aug 10. Josiah Chamberlain of London to l\Iiss l\Iagdalena
                        Bowman of Berlin.
 On  22nd  June by Rev F. W.  Bindeman,  John Bennet  to Cath-
 arine l\Ieyer.  of Wilmot.   At Paris on 6th inst.,  by Rev.  David Caw,  George Goold to
             Miss Martha Downey,  both of Paris.
 On June 22. Allen Kaufmann of Plattsville to Hannah Ziegler
 of Berlin.      At Paris on  llth inst.  by Rev Mr.  Stevens,  James Kay Jr ..
             Mossen Coylton,  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  to  Jennie  2nd  daughter
 At the R. C.  Church, Guelph on 14th inst.,  Richard Moore of
             of Hugh  McWhirter,  farmer,  South Dumfries.
 Fergus to Mary, eldest dau of John Sweeney,  proprietor of the
 Wellington Hotel,  Fergus.   (Aug 24)  At Walkerton,  Bruce Co.,  on Aug 2  by Rev.  R. C.
             Moffat,  U. P.  Church,  William Collins Esq., teacher, Walker-
 At  Arthur Village on 18th inst.  by Rev John Whyte  William
             ton,  to  Jane  Jamieson,  eldest  dau of  James Jamieson  Esq ..
 Brians,  school teacher,  to Barbara,  eldest daughter' of James   Clerk of Division Court.
 Fraser,  carpenter,  both of Arthur.
 6              At the Wellington Hotel,  Guelph,  on 15th inst. byRev Robert
 (July  ) On 28th ult.,  by the Rev Mr.  James  James Ruther-  Torrence  John Mc Farlane.  painter, Galt,  to 1\liss l\Iary  Fer-
 ford Esq of Burford to l\Iiss Margaret Sharp  ~ieee of Thomas   gus on,  Dumfries.            .
 Ingles  of Dumfries'  late of Roxburghshire  ~cotland
 24             (Aug 31)  on Aug 13,  by Rev l\Ir Bindeman, William Snuth of
 B Ohn   th ult.'  by Rev.  John Dunbar,  Gle,nmorris  Alexander   Peel to Elizabeth McDonald of  Normington.
 uc  anan,  Kansas  Terrt   t   .   '
 1  0           On  14th  inst. ,  by  Rev.  Mr.  Bindeman,  Frank Lambert  of
 of Thomas Stewa  t  S   hory,   .Mlss Margaret,  3rd daughter
 r  ,  out  Dumfnes   Berlin to Jane R.  Sergant of Stratford.                                    .
 On  16th ult.  in St  James' Ch   .   On 22nd inst. by Rev  Mr.  Bindeman,  John Pritz to Carohne
 Grasett  of FortE ·.   J   urch,  Paris,  by Rev Mr Elliott
 '   rie   ames  N'
 M.  Warren  of Paris '   nnno Jr ·  of Brantford to  Anna   Libts,  of Guelph.                 19tl
 '   ,  grand-daught   f  h   At the residence of the bride's sister in  Woodstock ° lt  t           1
 Kerby of  Fort Erie.   er o  t  e  late  Col.  James   ·ct  T  S  Fisher  merchatH,       0 a  ,  o
 (July 13)  On June 27th b  R   inst. by Rev Mr McDiarml  •  ·  ·         d'  E     f  \roodstock
            A                         f th  1    t  John Sutherlan            sq  0                  •
 John Heckedorn and Mar  y G  ev F · W ·  Bindeman at Greenbush,   gnes,  2nd dau o   e  a  e   .   .   \\'m  Sinclair to ::\Iiss
                In Ayr on 20th inst.  by Rev l\Ir Rltchle.
 Y  ood,  of Waterloo Township.
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