Page 121 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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The Ontario Register
                                                                                                                                                                                               Kitchener Marriage Notices
                                                 Alziner Bastard.                                                        .  ,
                                                    On  the  25th  inst. ,  at  the  residence  of  the bnde s  father,                                               merchant,  Galt,  to  Miss  Mary  McDougall  d
                                                                                                                                                                      McDougall Sr. '  formerly  of Ke1so,  Scotlan'd. aughter  of John
                                                 \Vater    oo    .llage  by Rev  James Sim,  John  Wanless,  school                                                      (Oct 12,  1858)  On Sept 22,  by Rev  F  W  B"  d
                                                         1  V1
                                                 t     her  Bridgeport,  to Miss Mary Bothwell.
                                                  eac       '                                                     1  T  .  •t                                         Thompson,  of Peel,  to Melinda Gree.n  o. f W.  111~  eman,  Astor
                                                    (s    t  7  1858)  rn Toronto on  3 0 Aug at Ho Y  nm y  Church                                                                                                            •        e  mgton.
                                                       ep  '
                                                                                                                       t  M'
                                                 by Rev Dr Duckett,  Richard Martin Hore Esq.  o                              1ss Eliza-                                 on Sept 30,  by the Rev.  F. W.  Bindeman  J                          h L  osch and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •  osep
                                                                                                                                                                      Margaret Ettmger of Waterloo.
                                                 beth Walpole Bailey,  both of Toronto.
                                                    (Sept 14)  On Aug 15  by the Re v.  F. W.  Bindeman at Berlin,                                                       On  Sept 30 b~ Rev.  F. W.  Bindeman,  Joseph Wedderburn of
                                                                                                                                                                     oneida  Townshtp,  Haldimand Co.,  to  Ellen  Webster  widow
                                                 Abraham Berge to Susan Braety,  of Waterloo.
                                                                                                                                                                     of Wellesly.                                                                   '          '
                                                    On  Aug 29  by the Rev.  F. W.  Bindeman at Berlin,  Joachim
                                                                                                                                                                         On Oct 3rd by Rev F. W.  Bindeman,  Ludwig Gielo  to Maria
                                                 Christoph Klee to l\Iaria Louisa Kuse,  of Berlin.
                                                                                                                                                                     Dorothea Moeler of Berlin.
                                                    On Sept 5 by the Rev F. W.  Bindeman at Berlin,  John Adam
                                                                                                                                                                         On  4th inst.  by Rev.  J.  Sim,  Francis Tilt  of Waterloo Tp.,
                                                 Zimmer to Catharine Knechtel,  of Waterloo.
                                                                                                                                                                     to Miss  Mary  Pedder,  3rd dau of Thomas  Pedder Esq.
                                                    In Berlin on 5th Sept at St. Maria 's Church by the Rev P. G.
                                                                                                                                                                        At  Trinity  Church,  Galt,  on  Oct  5th  by  Rev.  1\I.  Boomer,
                                                 Laufhuber,  John Stehly to Miss Christina Jantz,  of Berlin.
                                                                                                                                                                     Robert Lingwood  of  Fergus,  Wellington  Co.,  son  of  Edward
                                                    (Sept 21)  On Sept 10  by Rev F. W.  Bindeman,  John Mueller
                                                                                                                                                                     Lingwood  of  Battisford,  Suffolk,  Eng1and,  to  Ellen Lois.  the
                                                to \Vilhelmina Kruger,  Waterloo Township.
                                                                                                                                                                     eldest dau of Mr.  Munford of Clifton Grove,  Galt.
                                                   On 14th inst.  by Rev.  F. W.  Bindeman,  John Euler  to Anna
                                                Margaret Faust,  of New  Hope.                                                                                          At Hillhead near Paris on 5th inst.  by the Rev.  A.  Stevers,
                                                                                                                                                                     Thomas  Ballingall  Esq.,  of Stratheden,  near  Ayr,  to  Agnes
                                                   On 17th  inst.,  by  Rev.  F. W.  Bindeman,  John Campbell  of                                                    Watt Laird,  niece of the late Robert Watt Esq.  of Hillhead.
                                                Wellesley to Charlotte Clogg of Wilmot.
                                                                                                                                                                        In Ayr on  Oct lst by Re v Mr.  McRuar,  Thomas Wallace  to
                                                   In  Preston on  15th inst.  at  the residence of  N.  Booth Esq.                                                  Miss Jane McAuslan,  both of Galt.
                                                by Rev Mr.  Hughhill,  J. M.  Smith Esq.  of Detroit,  Mich.,  to
                                                                                                                                                                        At Montreal on Sept 21 by Rev  F. Kemp of the  Free Church,
                                                Miss Booth,  youngest dau of Charles Booth Esq. ,  Lynn.
                                                                                                                                                                     William Kerr,  boot and shoemaker,  Galt,  to  Miss Annie,  2nd
                                                   In Ga1t on 15th inst.  by Rev Mr.  James,  James Johnston to                                                     dau of James Thompson Esq.  of Stewarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
                                                l\Iiss Mary Ann Corbett,  both of Glenmorris .
                                                                                                                                                                        (Oct 19)  On  13th inst.  by  Rev.  Joseph E.  Sanderson.  B. A .•
                                                   In .Paris on  11th inst.  by Rev Mr Newton,  Robert  Robinson                                                    Wes1eyan minister of Kingston, at the residence of the bride's
                                                to Miss :.iary Ann  Printess,  both of Blenheim.
                                                                                                                                                                    father,  Alfred Boomer,  merchant of  Wellesley,  to l\Iiss Jane
                                                   (Se~t .... 8)  At Goderich on 15th inst.  by the Rev Mr Fletcher'                                                eldest dau  of Samuel McLelland Esq.  of Toronto.
                                               Darwm  Thompson  Ba 1                     f  S
                                                D                      .         ey,  o      tratford,  merchant,  to  Jessie                                           (Oct 26)  [Editor's note:  the following marriages we~e prob-
                                                  rummond Erskme of Goderich.
                                                                                                                                                                    ably performed by the Rev.  F. W.  Bindemann of Berhn]
                                                   At Berlin on 28th inst  t th                  .
                                                b  R          .                   ·a      eres1dence of the bride's father                                             On 12th inst. Joseph Snyder to Elizabeth Betzner, of Water-
                                                 Y  ev.  Mwhael Boomer of  G  l t  F
                                               of Chas Stanton E                           a  '    rances Emma,  eldest dau                                         loo  Township.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    t  Mary Prensey  of Waterloo
                                                Frederick Campb:~· 'rJreasurer of Waterloo County,  to John                                                            On  lOth inst.  Dav1d Stau  er  o                                    •
                                               of Chippawa.                      Y son of the late  Edgworth Ussher Esq
                                                                                                                                                                    Township.                                                     .      and  of  "ïlmot
                                                                                                                                                                       On  19th inst.  Joseph Carrer  to  Augustme B                          ·
                                                  At Hamilton on 17th inst.  b                              .
                                               Hepburn to Miss Jess·  W  '  Y Rev.  Dav1d Inglis,  Alexander                                                        Township.                                                         t  Berlin  William
                                                   (Oct 5)  In Galt           le  oods,  Hamilton.                                                                     (Nov 9)  On Oct 22 by Rev F . W.  Bindeman a                             '

                                                                        on 30  Sept by Rev Mr James,  W.  Patterson,                                                Struthers to Isabella Sim,  of Wellesley·
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