Page 115 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                      The  Onta rio  Register

                                                                                                                                                                                                Kitchener Marriagc  Notices
                                                        Puslinch.                                                    ·d           f  th
                                                           (Jan  13)  In Galt on  31st Dec  at  the  res1  ence o                       e  bride•s
                                                                                                                                                                        Rev.  John  Porteous,  John Colvent to  Miss Cather ine  Kennedy,
                                                        father br Re,· John James ,  Robt Cr anston,  of Cedar Creek,  to                                               both of Beverly.
                                                       1\liss Aines l\IcDougall,  eldest dau of  J ohn McDougall,  Galt.
                                                                                                                                                                           On  the same  day at  Kirkwall by the same,  David Stewart to
                                                          At  St.  Paul's,  London,  C. \\ .,  on  6th  inst.,  Edward Blake,                                           Miss Elizabeth Caldwell,  both of Preston.

                                                       Esq.,  barrister at law,  son  of  Hon.  W.  H .  Blake,  Chancellor                                                On lst inst.  at  the  Free Presbyterian Manse,  Woolwich  by
                                                       of Upper Canada,  to 1\Iargaret,  second dau of the Rt.  Rev.  Dr.                                               Rev G.  Cuthbertson,  James Hepburn,  of Minto, to Rachel,  2nd
                                                       Cronyn,  Bishop of Huron.                                                                                        dau of Wm  Ruxton Esq.,  Woolwich.

                                                          At  Bothwell,  C. \V.  ,  on  3Oth  Dec  by  Re v.  Mr.  Peake,  John                                            In Dumfries at the residence of the bride's father on 9th inst.

                                                       1\lcCracken Esq. to Margar et,  youngest dau of Alexander Scott                                                  by Rev John James,  William Crane,  of Galt,  to Miss Elizabeth
                                                       Esq.  of Kelso,  Scotland.                                                                                      dau of Robert Turnbull,  of Dumfries.

                                                          At  Guelph on  Jan lst  at  the  residence  of the bride's brother                                               On  llth inst. at the residence of the bride's  father by RevR.
                                                       by the Rev.  Dr.  Cooney,  J ames U.  1\IcKenzie,  station master,                                              Torrance,  Hugh  Whyte,  farmer, Dumfries, tol\liss J .  Wallace
                                                                                                                                                                       of Guelph.
                                                       Rockwood.  to l\Iiss  Sarah A.  Benner.
                                                          On  Jan lst at the residence of the  bride' s  father by Re v  John                                              (Apr 6)  By Rev F. W.  Bindemann on 5th April,  Henry Bicker
                                                                                                                                                                       to Sophia Iders,  both of Berlin.
                                                       Duff,  Richard Knowles  to :Miss Ann Walker Laird,  both of Elora
                                                                                                                                                                           On 23rd March by Rev Mr.  Halley,  H. D.  Tye,  of Haysville,
                                                          (Feb 17)  In  Brantford  at  the  residence of  the bride 's father
                                                                                                                                                                       eldest son of Daniel Tye,  Esq. ,  to Mary eldest dau of William
                                                       on  llth inst.  by Rev.  John Dunbar,  Glenmorris,  James Young
                                                                                                                                                                       Puddicombe,  Esq. ,  of Wilmot.
                                                       Esq.  of the Galt Reformer,  to  Miss Margaret,  2nd dau of John
                                                      l\IcNaught of Brantford.                                                                                            At the residence of the bride's father on 26  March by  Rev J.
                                                                                                                                                                       James,  Thomas Hall,  of Galt,  to Agnes dau of Robert Turnbull
                                                         (Feb 24)  In  New Hamburg  on  21st inst.  by Rev.  Mr.  Rally,                                               of North Dumfries.
                                                      Isaac Bean to Miss Tindall,  both  of Wilmot.
                                                                                                                                                                          In Guelph on  23rd ult.  by Rev.  Dr.  Cooney,  John Warren to
                                                         (Mar 16)  In  Toronto by the Rev.  E. Baldwin,  John T.  Mullen
                                                                                                                                                                       Ann Barnwell,  both of Guelph.
                                                      Esq., 1\I. D. ,  of St.  George,  Dumfr ies  Township,  to Mary Ann                                                 In Elora on 16th inst. [sic) by  Rev.  C.  Thompson,  Benjamin
                                                      eldest dau of Peter Lamb,  Esq.,  Tor onto.
                                                                                                                                                                       Case,  of Huron,  to Miss Margery,  dau of  George Simpson,  of
                                                      l\  In  Stratford  by  Rev.  Mr.  Millar,  J ohn  Rennie,  saddler,  to                                          Pilkington.                                                              •   •       •
                                                      dary.Ann  eldest  dau of  J .  H.  Durnsmore Esq.  of the  Gore of                                                  At Salem on 20th inst. by Rev J. 1\Iiddlemiss,  \\ 1lham 1\hlne
                                                                                                                                                                       to Miss Wilhemina Anderson,  both  of Salem.
                                                         (1\Iar 23)  On  9th .March  b  R                F           .
                                                      Mll       t                             Y  ev.       · W.  Bmdemann  Charles                                        (Apr 13)  on 7th April,  Edmund  Fleming to Eliza Codling,  of
                                                         l  er  o Lea Schwartz,  both of Wilmot                                     '
                                                                                                                                                                      Berlin.                                                                    ,
                                                         On  llth March  George  M'  h.                        ·
                                                      both of Galt.           '                mc  le  and  Catharine  McFarlane,                                         On  8th Apr  John Prohn to  Magdalene Sehl,  of\\ aterloo Tp.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 s  -d
                                                                                                                                                                          On llth Apr  Menno Bowman to  Susa  ny  er                       of Waterloo Tp.
                                                         On 16th March  Ch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               t  Hotel  of\\ llmot Tp.
                                                      Wilmot.                 '     ristian Horn  and  Amanda Kress,  both  of                                            On llth Apr  John Block to Margare                             '
                                                                                                                                                                                            '  h  Adan1  Reichert  to  Margaret Nergart.  both
                                                                                                                                                                          On  23rd Marc  ,
                                                         On 16th March,  Mr.  H
                                                      Waterloo  Township.                enry  Huff  to  Cunigunda Wahl,  both of                                     of Woolwich.                                                                     b  tl    f
                                                                                                                                                                          On  28th  March,  Jacob            IIerl11an  n  to  Elizabeth Ruhl,  o  1  o
                                                         On 16th March  Mr  J  h
                                                      N                       '      ·  o  n Koch       0  f  N
                                                        afziger,  of Wilrnot                          •        ew Hope,  to Magdalena                                 Woolwich.                                                      11   both of \\'aterloo
                                                         At the United Pre~byterian                                                                                      On 4th Apr'  Noah  Weber Lo  Elizabeth Ro  .
                                                                                                Manse,  Kirkwan, on llth inst.  by
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