Page 110 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 110


 The Ontario Register

 .   h  Ab  ham Green who was a balcksmith living in Brant   Abram Green
 wtth t  e   ra   -                                                                               105
 ford at the time of the 1871 census.  But .perhaps  the best news
 was  that she indicated that he was born m  Waterford,  Ontario,   she found the data when she did and not  f
            all!  Such is research. At least the prio:  ew  ?enc.e, ~f at
 15  March 1849.          d .d         ·                                 searc  mgmM1eh1gan

 The census  return  of  Waterford for  1851 was iminediately   records  1  prov1de,  among other things  th  b   h
                                                                          •  e  rot  er Albert
                      ,  b'
            Green s  1rthdate, the name of his wife a  d h'  fath
 searched.  The  family  of Bremen  Green  was  found  living  in        n    lB       er, and the
            date  and  place of death of both  Albert  and  Ab                           Al
 Townsend  Township,  Norfolk County.  Waterford is located in   .               ram.        so,  the
            names of two s1sters,  Polly Blumfield and Alie M  th·
 this township.  Bremen Green was listed as a  farmer,  born in   ·  M'  h'          a  1as, were
            foun  m          IC  1gan  records.  Alie is probably short for Alvira
 Canada, a Baptist, aged 54.  The family resided in a  one story
            in  the  cens us  record,  and  Polly  is the  din:: inutive for Mary,
 log bouse.  His  wife  Lorry,  aged 42,  was  born  in  the  United
            probably the Mary J.  in the census record.
 States and was also a  Baptist.  The children were ali listed as
                I  now  hope  to  trace  the  identification of  Bremen Green of
 having been born in Canada.  They were: Ammi Green, a  male
            Townsend Township,  Norfolk County,  Ontario.
 aged  19,  Maria 17,  Al vira 15,  Albert  12,  Hannah 8,  Mary J.
 4,  and Abram 1.  There is a  column heading of those born dur-
                              GENEALOGIES  IN  PREPARATION
 ing 1851,  and a mark is after  Abram 's  name  in  this column.
 If this  is so, then he would have been about 60 when he died in   CURRAN.  All Descendants of  John Jones Curran of Orillia
 1911,  and  this  is close enough  to the reported age at death of   Ontario and his two wives,  Jane Watson and Jennie Millar  and
 58.  His  age  of  20  at  the  time  of the 1871 census would also   the  ancestry  of ail.  John J.  Curran  published  and  edited the
 i~dicate that he was born  about  1851,  and this agrees exactly   C anadian Workman and the Orillia N ewsl etter. The fa mil y came
 ~VIth, the  record  in ~he 1851 cens us.  He was  undoubtedly born   from Curran, Antrim which is nowa suburb of Larue, Antrim,

 m  \\aterford,  as Mtss Crum's record indicates  although the   N.  Ireland.  His  grandfather  was  first cousin  to  John Phil pot
 year 1849 is perhaps two years off from being c~rrect.   Curran,  the  Irish  orator.  Family  quarterly  planned.  - Mrs .

 . The re appears to be an interesting clue as to the identifica-  Gay Curran Hus band,  1043 Strathmore,  Nanaimo,  B. C.
 ~ton of  Lorry Green,  wife of Bremen Green.  On the next line

 m the 1851 census after the entry of Abram Green  who is the   BA TES.  Ali  the  descendants  of  George Bates  and his wife
 thast  p~rson reported  with  the  name  of  Green  in' the family   Patience Churchill  who came to  Glen Elbe,  Leeds County,  in
 ere  1s  an entry f  r   1   '   1791 from New York.  Churchills and Bates from Mass.  Their
 United States   B o t· a ma e named  Ammi Swain,  born in the
            son Joshua Bates settled in Smith's Falls; son Ezra settled at
 that  th·   ,  a  ~P Ist,  aged  75,  and widowed.  It is thought
 1s  person  hved  with th   Whitby;  and son  George  stayed near  Brockville.  There were
 Arnmi Swain  names  the  head e  Greens as the entry following
           fourteen children.  (As  above)
 name, Arnmi,  is also the nam  of  another family.  The unusual
 in the cens us record  Th   e  of the eldest child of the Greens   BRYANS  William  and wife  Mary of Scotland arrived circa
 ·   erefore  ·t ·
 Arnmi Swain  was  Lorry G   , '   1  18   strongly suspected that   1847 at We~tminster Twp,  Middlesex Co.,  Ontario (Old Sc?ts
 that the Greens were ori  i re~t  father ·  There is a  tradition   Settlement)  Children were George, Mary and Thomas. Destre
 Thus  the  search  fo  tgh na.  y from  "York State."   correspondence  wlth  descen  an s.   _  Maryann  Griffith,  7~75
                                                      d  t
 r   e  tdent'f  t·
 ended.  One can 't help b  t f   Ica Ion  of  Abram Green  is   Airport Hwy. ,  Rolland,  Ohio.  43528.
 d   u  eel  that 'fM'
 ate  and  place  of  birth  f   Iss Crum had found the
 years  before  she  did th ~  Abram Green  in her papers a  few   OLMSTEAD  VanRanslar, bornAug 1837: traced to Re~rew
 been  avoided.  But  perh~sa ~~:of extra searching would have   County. - Mrs William A.  Stellmon, 1122  lOth A\·e ..  Lewtston,
 '  one  should  be  grateful that   Idaho.  83501.
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