Page 172 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 172
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Surname Maiden Name Data
POULIN Constance Died June 11, 1937 in Sudbury at 8 months, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date
June 12, 1937. clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Hooey - ordered by Poulin, Lucien - charged to Poulin. Lucien -
1 lof 267 Murray
POULIN J~oronna 1 I~ied October 16, 1920 in Felix, Ont. at 16 years, born Chelmsford. occupation student, residence Felix. Ont.,
buried in Hanmer, funeral date October 18, 1920, clergy F. Neal, physician Dr. Howey - ordered by Poulin,
Ovila - charged to Poulin, Ovila - of Félix, Ont.
POULIN Donat Died April28, 1942 in Sudbury at 63 years 30 days. born St Thomas d'Alfred, occupation CPR S. foreman,
residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date May 1, 1942, clergy Mgr. Coallier. physician Dr. Boyce -
ordered by Poulin, Lucien - charged to Poulin, D. (Mrs.) & Poulin, L. -of 260 Murray
l~ied October 2, 1919 in Sudbury at 43 years, born Thurso, Ontario, occupation carpenter, residence
Chelmsford, buried in Chelmsford, funeral date October 4, 1919, clergy F. C6té, physician W. H. Mulligan -
l Timothie ordered by Mrs. A. Hill
Died May 28. 1939 in Azilda at 79 years 1 month 2 days, born Orleans, occupation farmer, residence Azilda,
buried in Chelmsford. funeral date May 30. 1939. clergy Mgr. Cbte, physician Dr. Desrnarais - ordered by
1 I~oulin, Donat - charged to Poulin. D. -of Azilda
1 Wilfrid 1 [~ied March 5. 1924 in Sudbuw at 21 vears. born Azilda. occuoation labourer. residence Azilda. buried in
1 1 1 I~helmsford, funeral date ship;ed ~arch 1924, clerg; F. ~bté, physician Dr. McDonald - ordered by Poulin, 1
l~imothie charged to Poulin. T. -of Azilda
H m . 1 IDied Seotember 22. 1939 in Markstav at 79 vears 10 months 7 davs. born Montebello. P.Q.. occuoation
farmer, iesidence Markstay, buried in ~arrein, funeral date ~e~tehber 1939. clergy F. errea ah, physician
Dr. Poirier - ordered by Poulin, Aimé & Laurent - charged to Poulin, A. & L. -of Rivière Veuve 1 Aime-River
Valley. Ont
POULIOTTE Arthur Died December 29, 1935 in Sudbury at 58 years 2 months 6 days, born Rockland, occupation labourer,
residence Blezard Valley, buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 3. 1936, clergy F. Lemay, physician Dr.
1 l~ulli~an ordered by Papineau, F. - charged to Papineau. F. and Jos. Pilon -of Blezard Valley
POZINEK IShtif 1 IDied June 19. 1920 in Sudbury at 5 months. born Sudbury, residence Sudbuw. buried in Sudbuw. funeral date
1 1 1 I~une 21, 1920. clergy F. carrière. physician J. A. Dixon - hrdered by ~ozinek..~imitro charged io Pozinek, D. -1
1 (of Sudbury
l~rank l~ied October 21, 1920 in Levack, Ont. at 30 years, born Spain. occupation miner, residence Levack. Ont.,
1 1 1 lburied in Sudbuw. funeral date October 23. 1-920. clerov F: ~arrière.ohvsician G. A. Henw - ordered bv 1
l~refosi, Frank (Mrs.) - charged to compensation 'Board - of ~oronto; Ontario
I T I a b e r t e IDied February 17, 1922 in Sudbury at 8 months, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
date ~ebruai 19. 1922, clergy F. Primeau, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by ~revost. L. - charged to
Prévost, L. - of Sudbury
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