Page 177 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 177

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

 Sudbum. Ontario, Canada
 i^iyoc   I   1
 '~urname   Maiden Name  Data
 QUESNEL   Alphonse   Died February 6. 1944 in Sudbury at 53 years 9 months 9 days. born Pointe Aux Chenes, occupation labourer,
 residence Sudbury, buried in Hanmer, funeral date February 8, 1944, clergy F. Charpentier. physician Dr.
 (~aflamme ordered by Quesnel, Firmin - charged to Quesnel. F. - of 153 112 Notre Dame
 QUESNEL   IBabv   1   IDied October 30. 1941 in Sudbuw at Stillborn. born Sudbuw. buried in Sudbuw. funeral date October 31. 1941.
 l   l   l   lclergy F. ~oallier, physician Dr. &apple  - ordered by Quesnel, René - charged to Quesnel, R. -of 476 Notre  '1
 QUlNN   Edward   Died October 6. 1919 in Sudbury at 45 years, born Bamston. P.Q.. occupation engineer, residence Sudbury,
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date October 8,  1919, clergy F. Carrière. physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by John
 I~uinn -of Sudbury
 QUlNN   1 Fred   1   IDied June 14, 1919 in Levack, buried in Chelmsford. funeral date Januarv 0. 1900 - ordered by St. Jean -
 charged to Mrs. F. Quinn - of Chelmsford
 RACICOT   Arthur   Died September 21. 191 7 in Sudbury at 32 years, born Montebello, occupation steam fitter, residence
 Coniston, buried in Coniston, funeral date September 23.  1917, physician W. J. Cook - ordered by Racicot,
 David - charged to Racicot, David - of Fawcett
 -- .  1918 in Sudburv at 21 vears. born Québec. occuoation traveller. residence Québec. buried in
 RACINE   Nao.   Died October 22.   ~~   ~   ,  ~  .    ,   ~~
 I~uéebc, funeral date October 23, 1918, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by N. Racine
 RAlCHE   ICharles   1   I~ied June 24. 1944 in Cobalt at 44 years 10 months, born Au Bic, P.Q., occupation Can. Customs clerk,
 1   l~lbert   1   Iresidence Cobalt. buried in sudbuw. funeral date June 27. 1944. clerav F. ~eaault. ~hvsician Dr. Joval.  .   1
                                                    -  .. .
 I~aile~bury ordeled by Raiche, J. 6: - charged to   aiche.'^. B. :of  ~;dbury
 RAICHE   IM. Lydia    LAV VOIE   l~ied March 20, 1925 in Sudbury at 58 years 6 months, born Au Bic, P.Q.. occupation housewife. residence
 Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, furieral  date March 23, 1925. clergy F. Paré, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by
 Raiche, J. B. - charged to Raiche, J. B. -of Sudbury
 RANGER   Albeit   Died April5. 1921 in Sudbury at 60 years, born St. Thomas Alfred, occupation labourer. residence Sudbury,
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date April 11, 1921. clergy F. Carrière, physician G. A. Henry - ordered by Coroner -
 charged to Ranger, Albert Mol'se - of Sudbury
 RANGER   Alfred   Died November 12. 1936 in Sudbury at 71 years 5 months 28 days, born Les Cèdres, occupation farmer,
 residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral date November 14, 1936. clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr.
 Desmarais - ordered by Ranger, E. - charged to Ranger, E. (Relief) - of 460 Myles
 RANGER   Alphonse   Died August 16, 1940 in Hanmer at 64 years 3 months 14 days, born Bouchette, P.Q.. occupation farmer.
 residence Hanrner, buried in Hanmer. funeral date August 19, 1940, clergy F. Charpentier, physician Dr. Lacey
 - ordered by Charbonneau. Philippe 1 Ranger, Arthur - charged to Ranger, A. -of Hanmer

 RANGER   Arthur   Died June 12, 1924 in Sudbury at 14 rnonths, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
 date June 14, 1924. clergy F. Paré. physician Dr. McDonald - ordered by Ranger, Ernest - charged to Ranger,
 E. - of 126 Xavier

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 do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury. ON. P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Coardinator
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