Page 167 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 167

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

 Surname   Maiden Name  Data
 PILON   1 JOS   IROCHON  l~ied December 14. 1921 in Sudbury at 63 years. born Scotch River, occupation housewife, residence Sudbury.
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date ~ecember 16, 1921, clergy F. Prirneau, physician Dr. Morrison - ordered by
 Pilon, H. - charged to Pilon. Xavier - of 136 Xavier Sudbury
 PILON   Joseph   Died Novernber  8, 1941 in Blezard Valley at 74 years 10 rnonths 16 days, born Plaisance, occupation lumber
 cont., residence Blezard Valley, buried in ~lezard Valley, funeral date ~ovember 10, 1941, clergy F. Dufresne,
 physician Dr. Laflamrne - ordered by Pilon. Adélard - charged to Pilon, A. - of Blezard Valley

 I   I   I
 PILON   l~ichel   l~ied Auaust 10. 1937 in Sudbury at 73 years 3 rnonths 9 davs. born Clarence Creek. occu~ation relired.
 1   1   1   Iresidence Sudbury, buried in ~udbury, funeral date August i3,. 1937, clergy F. ~oallier. phisician Dr. ~an~uay
 1   1   lordered by Pilon, Midas - charged to Pilon, Midas -of 296 Peter
 PILON   l~aulidore  1   l~ied May 31,1924 in Sudbury at 55 years. born St André Avellin. occupation labourer, residence Sudbury.
 buried iichelmsford,   funeraldate June 2.  1924, clergy F. COté, physic'ian Dr. Kelly - ordered by paquette,
 Elzéar - charged to Pilon. Ernest - of Tionaga
 Roger   Died May 9.  1937 in Sudbury at 12 years 7 months 15 days, born Larchwood, occupation student. residence
 ~archwoid. buried in ~helmkford. funeral date May 10, 1937. clergy F. Kennedy, physician Dr. Desmarais -

 ordered by Pilon. Paul - charged to Pilon. Paul - of Larchwood
 PILON   Thérése   Died January 30, 1936 in Sudbury at 6 years 7 months 7 days. born Sudbury. occupation student. residence
 Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date February 2, 1936, clergy F. Coallier. physician Dr. Laflamme - orderec
 by Pilon. Ovila - charged to Pilon. O. - of Garson Rd.
 PILOTE   Y. Celina   Died March 24, 1920 in Coniston at 2 years 27 days. born Coniston, residence Coniston, buried in Coniston.
 funeral date March 25.  1920, clergy F. Carriére. physician H. Koljonen - charged to Pilote. F. - of Coniston,
 PILOTTE   Eugénie   GAGNON   Died November 9,  1941 in Sudbury at 79 years 10 rnonths 1 day, born Matane, P.Q., occupation housewife,
 residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date November 11, 1941, clergy F. Legault, physician Dr.
 Laflarnrne - ordered by Pilotte, J. B. - charged to Bouffard B Pilotte. J. B. - of 54 Samuel
 PINSONNEAULT  Marie C.   Died August 5,  1920 in Sudbury at 3 112 months. born Casselman, residence Warren, Ont.,  buried in Warren,
 Ont., funeral date August 7, 1920. physician M. O. Gorman - ordered by Pinsonneault. L. -of Warren, Ont.

 1   1   I
 J.   Died July 31, 1936 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date
 August 1, 1936, clergy F. Lernay. physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Pitre, A. - charged to Pitre, Adolphe - of
 ~   ~
 398 Bond
 PLANTE   Peter   Died August 6, 1921 in Worthington, residence Worthington, buried in Worthington, funeral date January O,
 1900 - ordered by Morris, Ed and Mallette, Sam - charged to St. Denis, A. - of Worthington

 lllegal Io copy without permission -copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch. Ontario Genealogical Society
 do Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie SI.. Sudbury. ON. P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Co-ordinator
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