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P. 171

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

 Sudburv. Ontario. Canada


 POTVIN   Child   Died Fall 1918 in Long Lake at 3 years. born Long Lake, residence Long Lake. funeral date Fall 1918 - orderec
 by Potvin. Mo7se
 Died December 13. 1935 in Sudbury at 69 years 18 days, born Gatineau. P.Q.. occupation retired farrner.
 Ï   Gilbert   ordered by Potvin, D. (Mrs.) - charged to Potvin, D. (Mrs.) - of Skead, Ont.
 residence Skead, buried in Sudbury. funeral date Decernber 15. 1935, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr. Boyce -
 Died December 4.  1917 in Sudbury at 3 years, born McFarlane Lake, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury.
 funeral date Decernber 6. 1917. clergy F. Descoteaux, physician N. R. Patterson - ordered by Potvin, Rérni -
 charged to Potvin, R. -of Sudbury
 Died October 24, 1918 in Sudbury at 34 years, born Desert. P.Q., occupation traveller, residence Sudbury.
 buried in Sudbury. funeral date October 25, 1918. clergy F. Deswteaux, physician J. E. Charbonneau -
 1   (ordered by J.  Potvin - charged to Moïse Potvin
 POTVIN   1 Loretta   l~ied Januarv 14.1918 in Sudbury at 20 rnonths. born McFarlane Lake. residence Sudbuw. buried in Sudbury.
 funeral date January 16, 1918. clérgy F.  esc cote aux, physician W. ~ulli~an ordered by Potvin. R. - charged
 -   to Potvin. R. - of Sudbury
 POTVIN   Died October 11, 1939 in Sudbury at 78 years, born Embrun, Ont.. occupation iarrner, residence McFarlane
 Lake. buried in McFarlane Lake. funeral date October 14. 1939. clerav F. Cete. ohvsician Dr. Surnmers -
                                         ~  -,
                                                      .,  ,
 ordeied by Potvin, L. (Mrs.) - charged to Potvin, L. (Mrs.) -of McFarlane, Ont.
 POTVIN   Rémi   Died July 12,1923 in Sudbury at 31 years 27 days, born Sudbury. occupation labourer. residence Sudbury,
                                      ..  .
 buried in Sudbury. funeral date Julv 14. 1923. clerav F. Prirneau. ohvsician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered bv Potvin.
 IR. (Mrs) - charged to Potvin. R. -of 175 ~dm;nd
 PONlN   IRose   1   l~ied Novernber 16, 1917 in McFarlane Lake at 10 years. born Sudbury, occupation student. residence
 McFarlane Lake. buried in Sudbury. funeral date ~overnber 18. 1917, clergy F. Descoteaux. physician R.
 Patterson - ordered by Potvin. Delphis - charged to Potvin, Delphis - of McFarlane Lake
 PONlN   Thér6se   Died May 6.1922 in Sudbury at 13 months, born Thetford Mines. P.Q.. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury.
 funeral date May 7.  1922, clergy F. Prirneau. physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Potvin. R. - charged to
 Potvin. R. -of Sudbury
 POTVIN   Wilfrid   Died October 13, 1921 in Sudbury at 22 years, born Smokey Falls, occupation labourer, residence Sturgeon
 Falls, buried in Sturgeon Falls. funeral date October 14, 1921, clergy F. L'Ecuyer, physician J.  R. Hurtibise -
 ordered by Potvin. Olivier - charged to Potvin. O. -of Sturgeon Falls
 POULIN   Azélie   BOULAY   Died May 22.  1924 in Sudbury at 65 years, born Lislet, occupation housewife, residence Chelmsford, buried in
 Chelmsford, funeral date Shipped May 22.  1924, clergy F. Coté, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Poulin.
 Gérald - charged to Poulin, Amédée - of Chelmsford
 POULIN   Baby   Died January 13. 1943 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral
 date January 14, 1943, physician Dr. Hooey - ordered by Poulin. Adelmar - charged to Poulin. J. A.  -of 517
 Notre Dame

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 cl0 Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Co-ordinator
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