Page 164 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 164

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                      Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

                              Surname                              Maiden Name  Data
                                                                                       Died March 16, 1920 in Sellwood at 11 rnonths 22 days. born Sellwood. residence Sellwood, buried in Sudbury
                                                                                       funeral date March 18, 1920. clergy F. Carrière. physician J. E. Swarts - ordered by Perry, Nauarino - charged
                                                   1                                  Ito Perry. N. - of Sellwood
                              PHARAND              1 Babv         1                   l~ied Seotember 15. 1937 in Sudbuw at Stillborn. born Sudbury. residence Sudburv. buried in Sudburv. funeral
                             I                     I              I                   ldate ~eptember 16;  1937. clergy F. iemay, physician Dr.  vans - ordered by Pharand. Alfred - charged to
                                                                                        har rand. A. -of Byng St.
                              PHARAND              1 Babv         1                   I~ied Aoril 19. 1940 in Sudbury at Stillborn. born Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date April20, 1940, clerqv
                             I                     l              I                   IF.  ~ouian~eau, physician Dr.~esmarais ordered by  har rand, Lucien - charged to  har rand, L. -of 826
                                                                                      J~oniston   ci.
                             ImAdEdgar                            1                   IDied February23. 1937 in Sudbury at 6 months 26 days. born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury,
                             l                     I  -           I                   lfuneral date Februaw 24. 1937. clerav F. Coallier, phvsician Dr. williams - ordered bv  har rand. Albert -
                                                                                                                                               ..  .
                                                                  I                   Icharged to Pharand. A. - of 377 St. George
                              PHARAND              l~eannine  1                       IDied March 19, 1937 in Sudbury at 1 years 7 rnonths 2 days, born Sudbury, residence Coniston, buried in
                                                                                       Sudbury, funeral date March 21. 1937. clergy F. Lernay, physician Dr. Desmarais - ordered by Pharand. Lucien
                                                                                         charged to Pharand. L. - of Coniston
                                                                                       Died January 17,1943 in Sudbury at 1 rnonth 13 days, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury,
                                                                                       funeral date January 19, 1943, clergy Mgr. Coallier. physician Dr. Duncan - ordered by Philion, Arthur - chargec
                                                                                                                               -  ~
                                                                                      Ito Philion, A. -of 463 Notre Dame
                                                   I~deline  1                        I~ied October 18.1925 in sud bu^ at 80 vears 25 davs. born St lanace. P.Q.. residence Sudburv. buried in
                                                                                                                                                  . .
                                                                                       Ottawa. funeral date Shipped October 18, 1925, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Tanguay - ordered by Leclair, S.
                                                                                       C. - charged to Leclair, S. C. - of Sudbury
                                                                                       Died June 23. 1919 in Sudbury at 32 vears. born Ste. Adèle. occuoation housewife. residence Verner. buried ir
                             I                     d Osias         1                   Iverner. funeral date June 25, i919, hysic,an J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by C. ~ichè- of Verner
                                                                                       I~ied May 18, 1918 in Sudbury at 24 years, born Bonfield, Ontario, occupation labourer, residence Espanola,
                                                                                       Ontario,buried in Sudbury, funeral date May 20, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. N. Dixon - ordered
                                                                                       by Isidore Piche
                                                                                       Died March 19, 1918 in Sudbury at 2 112 years, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                       ldate March 21, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux. physician J. Hurtibise - ordered by M. Pilon
                                                                   1                   IDied Aoril28.  1922 in Sudbuw at Stillborn. born Sudbuw. residence Romford. buried in Sudbury. funeral date
                                                                                       April 30, 1922. clergy F. ~rirnéau. physician Dr. Dixon - ordered by Pilon, 1.  - Charged to Pilon. lsidore -of
                                                                                        Died February 11, 1924 in Sudbury at 1 month, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                        date February 12, 1924. clergy F. Pare, physician Dr. McDonald - ordered by Pilon, Dan - charged to Pilon.

                                                                        lllegal Io copy without permission -copyright 20M Sudbury Distrid Branch. Ontario Genealogical Society
                                                                            do Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie St . Sudbury, ON. P3C 4x8  Att  Publications Co-ordinator
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