Page 14 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 14

                               Thia  genealogy  is organized  in the form which  waa  developed  by  the
                          editore  of  the New  En  land  Historical  and  Genealo  ical Re  iater   The  families
                          are alphabetireGy su9rname  and  if  thezieo*i               with  the  same
                          aurname  these  familiea  ere then  further  alphabetized  by  the aivsn  name  of  the
                          progenitor  of  that  line.
                               You  nhould  Lirsr check  the  alphabetized  family  sum-   in which  you  are
                          interested.  Even  if  you  find the  n-   you  are searching,  look  aecondly  in the
                               The  index  in the  back  of  the  last  vol-   contain-  individual  namea  and
                          the page-  where  you  will  find them.   These  are generally  the  people  who  are
                          SPOU~~B and  the ~arenta of  huabands  or wires,  but  there are names  of  clergy,
                          $giatrates,   military  officers  and  other  associatea  as well.
                               In  the  index  there will be  caaea  of  "eee"---.   Thia  my be  e reference  to
                          another  ~Pellina of  the  a-   name.   Be  sure to look  for poeaible  various
                          spelling<beceu;e  many  French  surnames  have  been  angliciied  or altered  over
                          the  generations.
                               Many  French  aurnames  begin  with:  le,  la,  les or du,  de  (de la)  or der,
                          maaning  ,'the"  or  "of  the".  Sometds they  are  attached  to the name  end
                          r-thee   they  are  separated.  For  e-le,   La  Chapelle  may  be  Lachapelle  or
                          even  ChaPelle.   The  n-   De Quindre has  bec-   Desuindre  and  La  Croil ia often
                          written  iacroix end  has  been-translated  to Cross  L some  caaea.
                               N-r   beginning  with  St  or Ste are alphabetized as  if  they  were  spelled
                          out  Saint  (Sainte)  and  are treated  as one  word.   Because  there  are s-
                          Scottieh  aid 1rish name  beginning  with  Mc or Mac, they  are  alphabetized  as
                          spelled  so  be  sure to check  both  poasible  spellings.
                               Also  be  aure to check  an  enti-  -  -
                                                             Peae  for  a  reference  because  the name  mav
                          occur  -re   more  than  once.
                               An  unique  problem  in French  genealogy  is the  "dit"  name,  for  e-le
                          Delcoro~s dit Labadie;  Chene  dit La  Butte:  Casse  dit St Aubin.   The  word  "dit"
                          means  "said,  "called"  or  "alao  known  as".  This  eecond  name  is really  an
                          inherited nickname  and  after several  generatione  it bec-ll   the  surname.   The
                          "dit" name  may  have  referred to the  place  of  origin  in  France,  either town  or
                          province,  or thia  eecond  n-   my have  been  a humoroua  name  or the  n-   of  an
                          occupation  or of  the  land or farm  where  the person  lived.  The  tradition  in
                          the St  Louis  family is that their progenitor,  Villerr  prayed  for rain  on  the
                          feast  day  of  St  Louis  and  it  rained,  so tha  family  n-   because Villera  dit St
                               In  the  index  John  Villers  dit St  Louis  will be  indexed  twice,  once  as
                          John  Villera  and  aecondly  as  John  St Louis.
                               Now  let ue  look  at the genealogy  of  one  family.  The  earlieat male
                          ancestor  who  0-   to North  America,  usually Qutebec,  ia  the  first head  of  a
                          family and  is given  the Arabic  n-ral   1.  Phis - of  the male  head  of  the
                          family  ia  in block  letters.  To  the  right  of  the first n-   is r  superscript
                          or raised  number  which  mane  the  first generation  in North  America.
                               In  lieting the  children of  the head  of  the  fdly end his wife,  Roman
                          numbers  are used.   The  children  are  named  in order  of  birth.  Under  the word
                          "children"  and  to the  left  of  s-   male  children ace Arabic  numbera  which
                          means  that  thia  son  will bec-   the  head  of  a  family  and  is given  a  number.
                               The  children of  female  members  of  the family will be  found  under  her
                          husband-  name  in another  part  of  the  genealogy.
                               Note  that  after the  name  of  the haad  of  the  faly that  this  following
                          information  is given,  if  known,  in  the  following order:
                               1. Data  and  place  of  birth
                               2.  Date  end  place  of  baptism
                               3.  Date  and  place  of  deeth
                               4.  Date  and place  of  burial,  church  and/or  cemetery
                               5.  Date  and  place  of  marriage  and  to whom  (in block  letter*)
                          Then  this  a-   intomtion is given  for the wife,  if  knom.  After  thia  the
                          nee of  the parents  =re given.   Note  that  the  maiden  name  of  the  wife  is
                          retained  throughout  her  life.  The  placea  of  residence  are often added  and  the
                          occupation  of  the head  of  the  family  is included  as well  as any  military
                          exprience.  Other  narrative mterirl ie inserted  at this point.
                               A  son  who  ia  carried  forward  aa  a  head  of  a  new  family has  more
                          information  after his name  only  aa  a  head  of  a  family,  and  not  as a  eon.  As  a
                          eon  in the  list of  children of  his  father,  only  an  identifying  date  ia  given.
                          TO  the left of  his  R-n   numsral  (child number)  is the  Arabic  numsral  which  ia
                          his  aarigned  head  of  the  family nlunber.
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