Page 13 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 13

                           Vautein  and  ia  found  in the Denissen  Genealogy.  The - been anglicized
                            to Woteing  sa  many  French  aurnamss  have been  changed.
                                 After  the  formation  of  the  editorial  cornnittee  several decisions  were
                           made  in order to facilitate the  publirhing of  the  Genesloqy.
                                 These  -re:
                                 1. Minimize  punctuation  where  mening  is not  affected.
                                 2. Omit  the time  of  day of  birth to  save  apace.
                                 3.  Retain  spellin0 of  forenames  as used  bv  Denissen,  e.0.  Maudelene,
                                 4.  Leave conm~ts in French  without  translating.
                                 5.  Retain  C.M.  Burton'a  c-nts.
                                 6.  Use  the  n-   of  parishes  without  the  use of  the possessive,  e.g.  Ste
                                    Anne,  not  Ste ma's
                                 1. Index  the  names  of  Indiana.  if  a  nm is used  end  not  the  name  of  a
                                 8.  Not  to index  the  already  alphabetized  surnames.
                                 9.  Index  all other  nanes  not  in the  alphabetized  areanpewrat.
                                10.  Index  several spellings  of  a  rur-,   e.g.  Piche  see  Pichet
                            Again  may  I  thank  ell those  who  helped  to being Fr. Deniaaen'a  work  to a  much
                                    rider audience.
                                                       Harold  Fhd4ric Powell  PM
                                                       ProLesro= Emexitua
                                                       Wayne  State University
                                                       Detroit.  Michigan
                            1976  Editorial  Committee  were:
                                 1. Harold  6.  Powell,  chairman
                                 2.  Eliahth Case  Errin.  fo-e   secretsev  of  the  Detroit  Societv  for
                                    Genealogical Research
                                 3.  Beenice  Cox  Sprenger,  £0-r   chief  of  the Burton  Historical
                                 4.  A:G;  Leigh  IaChepelle,  teacher  of  genealogy  and  £0-r   resident  of
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