Page 11 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 11

By  early  1906  we  had  already  looked  at computerized  typesetting,  with  the
                            benefit  of  aome  experience at Burton  and  elaewhere.   Our  primary  intention  waa
                            to  retain  the computer-generated  diakettea  for  further  revisions  and
                            corrections  in a  continuing  process  of  updating  the  Denisaen  books.   The
                            Denissen  Cormittee  entered  into  negotiations  with  John  and  Loia  Ann  Vidolich.
                            Loia  Ann  had  been  active earlier in the Denirsen  work  and  they  had  ccwpleted  a
                            publication  Lor  Burton  in the  interim.  Alice  C.  Dalligan,  Chief  of  the Burton
                            Hiatorical  Collection  agreedto  a  similar arrangement  for publishing  to that
                            uaed  in 1976.  On  8  Harch  1986 the  Board  of  Directors  of  The  Detroit  Society
                            for Genealogical  Reaearch  voted  to provida  the  fun&  to prepare  the Deniaaen
                            Reviaion  for  publication.   The  date  ia easy  for ma  to remerber,  aa  Donna  and  I
                            were  married  the previoua  day,  had  a  final eeting with  Steve Keller  and John
                            and  Loia  Ann  Vidolich,  and  prepared  for  the Board  meeting  in the morning.   The
                            vote  took  place  while  eating wedding  cake  provided  by  DSGR  Magazine  Editor,
                            Ruth  Kannedy.   Thia  Revision  war  announced  as  part  of  the  50th  Anniversary
                            oelebration  of  the DSGR,  with  informstion  on  actual  publication  date  and
                            prices  available  aa  early aa  the  fall of  1986.
                                 I  would  like to thank  the  officers  and  comaittee  chairmen  of  the Detroit
                            Society  for Genealogical  Research  who  voted  to provide  the  funda  to pay  for
                            the preparation  of  the Revision  for  publication.   Theae  people  are:
                                  Robert  L.  Pilon,  President
                                  Richard  H. Doherty,  Vice-President
                                  Nancy  H.  Krohn,  Recording  Secretary
                                  Mary  L.  Freer,  Corresponding  Secretary

                                The  method  of  publication  was  expected  to be  similar to the  1976  version.
                            with  the  s-   high  quality  paper  and  binding.   In  an  attempt  to make the
                            reviaion -st   uaeful,  and  keeping  in mind  the almst  inpossible  task  of
                            obtaining  a  aet  of  the 1976  version,  publishing  a  aeparate  vol-   of  just
                            additions  and  corrections  seemed  beet  to be  put  off  until  auch  time  as the
                            basic  publication  was  more  etable.  The  500  numbered  first editions  from  1916
                            rill forever  be  cherished  by  those  fortunate enough  to have  purchared  them
                            initially or  inherited  them  since.  The  reviaed  edition  is  expected  to be
                            available  for  sale for  several year3  to all rho  desire this  unique
                            information.   We  would  like to continue  to update  this publication.  and
                            publrrh  Further  infomtlon ae it  ie pract~cal. We  ark-your  help  to
                            accompl~sh this by  submitting  additional  infomtion or corcectiona.  cit~ng
                            applrcable  aourcea  of  proof.  to
                             . .
                                  Editor,  sr. cenieaen' s Genealogy
                                  Detroit  Society  for Genealogical  Research
                                  C/O  Burton  Historical  Collection
                                  Detroit  Public  Library
                                  5201  Yoodrard  Avenue
                                  Detroit.  Michigan  48202
                                 I  would  especially like to thank  my  Aasistant  Editor,  Stephen  F. Keller,
                            for the years  of  work  on  this project.  Steve  volunteered  thousands  of  hour.
                            of  retirerent  time  to bring  about  the  completion  of  thia  Revision.
                                            RObert  L.  Pilon,
                                            Editor  Denissen  Revision
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