Page 95 - index
P. 95

Reading and Reference List


                                  Board  for  Certification  of  Genealogists.  The BCG  Genealogical Standards
                                    illanual.  Orem, Utah: Ancestry Inc, 2000.
                                  Canada, Department of the Secretary of State. The Canadian Style, A Guide
                                     to  Writing and Editing rev. ed. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1997.
                                  Cook, Terry, ed. Archi~vd Citations. Ottawa: National Archives  of Canada,
                                     1983.  (See  also  the  Library  and  iZrchires  Canada  Vl'eb  site,
                           and  follow  the  links  to  Publications  -
                                    Online Publications - Using Archives  - Using the  Information -
                                  Cos tell,  Margaret  F., and Jane  Fletcher  Fiske.  Guidelines far  Genealogical
                                     Writing (Style Guide for The ATeujEnglandHictoricaland GenealogicalRegister).
                                    Boston: New England  Historic  Genealogical  Society,  1990.
                                  Curran, Joan Ferris,  hfadilyn  Coen Crane and John H. \T7ray. Ahbering
                                     Your Genealogy: Basic  Jj'stems,  Complex Families  and  International  Kin.
                                    Washington,  D.C.: National  Genealogical  Society,  1994; Special
                                    Publication  No  64.
                                  Hatcher,  Patricia  Law  Produciig  a Quality Fami4  Histocy.  Salt Lake  City:
                                    Ancestry  Inc,  1996.
                                  Jacobus, Donald Lines. Genealogy as Pastime and Profession, Pd ed. Baltimore:
                                    Genealogical Publishing  Company,  1968.
                                  Kirkham, E. Kay. Professional  Technzqties and Tactics in American  Genealogical
                                    Research. Logan,  Utah: The Ererton  Publishers,  1973.
                                  Lackey, Richard.  Cite lour Sources, a i\lanualfor  Documenting Famiiy Histones
                                    and Genealogical Records. Jackson, hfississippi: University of hfississippi,
                                    1985 reprint.
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