Page 97 - index
P. 97

Reading  and  Reference List   93

                                  The following presentations  are a sample of the wide variety
                                  of  tapes  from  major  genealogical  conferences within  the
                                  last  decade  or less. To order,  use  the  reference  numbers  as
                                  below,  or ask  for a  sales list  from:
                                    Repeat  Performance
                                    291 1 Crabapple  Lane
                                    Hobart,  IN 46342
                                  Devine, Donn. T$es  and Uses of Genealogical Evidence (SL-50)
                                  Jones, Thomas VI:  r2.leaszrring  lbzrrself Against  Standards  (NGS02S214)
                                  --Seven   Habits  of  H&h/j  E$ectit!e  Genealogists (NGS02S225)
                                  --Soilrces  Don 't Agree? How to Resolve  Conjlicting Et~idence (01 FGSF189
                                  - (with Pamela Boyer Porter and Ann Carter Fleming) BCG Certt~catiom
                                     Wo~ksbop, Parts 1 & 2 (FGS02S 145 and FGS02S 153)
                                  Leary, Helen F.M. Cite Your Sources:  IF'%lat to Do  Whet2 and How (VFP-K'29)
                                  -Euidence  Ana~ysis: Dpjinitiarls, Prij~ciples and Practices (NGSOI 7)
                                  -Genealogy  Standards in the Ketv Alfillennirrm (FGSOO-F121)
                                  -Prepaving  to Become a Professsionak Goals and Options (FGSSLKr3)
                                  -Problem  Anabsis and Research Planning (FGSOO-T66)
                                  -Writingfor  Publication: The IVriterl  Point of-  IGeul  (hfRGOSF1)
                                  hfills, Elizabeth Shown. Genealogical ProofStandard in Action: How to Build a
                                    Case (NGSOI-F136)
                                  -In  a IZlrt? Seven  IE:&ys  to Jumpstart lbirr Research (NGS03F309)
                                  - LTsirg E~dence Creati1)~Iy (To Prone Parentage, Ongin and Identig) (JF-23)
                                  Reisinger, Joy.  Doczrmentation, or  Do  lbu Real!y  Want to  Do  Your Research
                                    Ti~~ice? (BAI-25)

                                  Web sites
                                  See  the  Board  for  Certification  of  Genealogists'  site  for skillbuilding
                                  articles  from  the  OnBoard newsletter:
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98