Page 64 - index
P. 64


                    July 23,1850 at St4j,;tsido,:rre q P "Q,.

                    The parents of lU1rtciine were Bl.isd.,se and i1 s GuilJLemette wbo
                    were married FeJb.12~,1816 at. St.Valie:r,F <l>Q.,
                    The pilrents of :alai,ISie M:athur in ,and his first                 'lilr:l:fe Genev.i~eve

                    ]3oule't.who were marlt'ied in 1.766 at, St...l'ra.n90is du SudlJE'lIJ>Qo Be
                    married as secolndl '1Ilrife GEi'nev'ive Co·upart in 177ft at S1::.. Fran~oiSl

                    du SUd,l".Oe and he Inarried a:s 'I::bi.rd \W'i:fe Louisa Ga.guOl'll in ~78.41
                    at St.Fran9ois du S,1Llld.
                    The pClrEln'ts of 1l1athlllrin were: Jle~m <uta his seco:l.'1d 1i~'i:fE~ Al1geliqt.lIEl

                    :r'r~eau July 27,17410 - ,civil :rlla1~riage cont1rB.ct by D1i.l:laurent. He
                   :married as first ~ljJ.:fe ~ev:Ceve Bl.al1.chet aJt"ound 1,73S..
                    The parents of Jean were Jea.n .and b::!.s second wife M:;a.1~gruerite
                    Gaul' who wexe lIl;arrj.Eld Au:g.. 6 ,116,86 at Ste Famille,,:£le d'OXlelans"
                    P.Q. He married hisl first wi.fe Isabelle N:ar'tineau Sep't.28 1682.
                    lit M,C)f.Lueal.
                    The parents of the ~s;eco.r.ld Jeal1 uere Pterre a.nd. Cathel::'ine Gosselin
                    of the Archdioc,ase lof r-tcuen, FX'ancEl e ,Jean was born aJrc)und 1655..
                   His first wlfe '~,as 'the dau.ghter of Louis ~1art.illlea'Ul :aJJ.d of l\ia.dlsleine

                    Marc,lOt and his iseccmd wife: )'largue.t'i'b:~ t.llltel daug]h.te:l: q~~f Joseph-lE:lie
                    Ga.ul:tier Sll'l.d. of NaJ:~(~U1erite ~r.oitieo She Wa\S born Dec olb15,,1666...

                                                       (1603 - 1979)

                   AL~R.EDA was bor:n         DecoJ.41&188.8 at ,st 41 Edou-mrd of Prc'3lm]p'ton..P"Qe <elnd
                   di.edl Oct.~nIt 1979 in a Lewist;on nursing Home fol10ilifilllQ a long ;~.ll­
                   netSs: 41 She .,ias the. daughter c~f ,J~)sElpli'L and EIlDOlirle( Elm:i.l1\a~Vall"

                   'l11ho were ma.rried SE~pto23,,1819 a1:: St!e Marie olf BemUlcqe"pc.(J.
                   HeIr husband was Jf .. l3l\,;tj!Jlil1~rel 1wh@ died in 196,2 in. Le1f1stl:JniJM.e
                   T.hey· had 3 daughteJ:~s:       M,t'S Gfinrard( LUiCienlrli!:l »,Mi.tche1.1 ,wmd P-1%:s Raphael
                    <c:at:herine)Lupa,rdo and Nrs George(Lamrette)Railnv:iLllqe all                   ()f I»iBWis-
                   tom and 5 sons: lllo'Bario          of Au.buJ:·rA"l~e and Ovil,a a1~id <3erald. and

                   Ro~benrt all of Lew.u5tOI1l and Bertrand of StoJ'(llhn.:sbuJc·y, '1fT and 32
                   gX'alllld<:hildren and ~13 91:-ea1::;.1l:'aLlfl,d4:hi.ltdlrelh
                   Hi.s .grandparents WE! Pierre and }'[a;~celline HruJJ;lpe wlhc) were ma.r.ried
                   Jcllnoll,1842 at S-te HariE! de Beauc:euJ? .. Q ..
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