Page 62 - index
P. 62


                     moved to New Hampshireo
                     Her grandparents were l-larcisse and Lucie valliere who were                           mar-

                     ried sept.30,la?3 at St..Victor,BeaucG"P .. Q",
                     The parents of Narcisse were Jean-Ba~tis~e and Julie Bilodeau
                     who were married! Oct Q .1.5 .. 1850 at Ste Marie of Beauce,PGlQ.
                     The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Jean-Baptiste and his second
                     wife Louise Poulin who were marr:i.ed OC'I:: .. 8 1822 at StoFran;:ois,
                     Beauce. He married as first wife M",Genevi4ve Lachance oct.24,
                     1820 at St.Josl~ph and as tlhirc1l wife Sophie CloutilE~r Jan.ll,1853
                     at St..Victor.
                    The parents of the second. Jean-Bapti.ste were Jean and Franyoise
                    catewbo were married Jane25 1190 at st.Fran~oisgBeaUCee
                    The parents of Jean were Michel and his first wife Anqelique
                    Provost who were married May 4,1764 at stoJoseph. He married as
                    second wife Madeleine Grav~l Feb o 19 Q 1776 at St.Joseph. Michel

                    is on page 57 with his two wivese)

                                                         (1607-1976 ),

                    l~OSAntE E. was born. N()'V' 0 3 1928 in Biddeford He and died at the
                                                         0                         i7
                    age of 48 at Miami, PIela whre he had been li.ving for the past
                    22 years. He died foll;owinq a long Illness. He was the son of
                    Joseph and Alida Frechette who were m.arried ~1ay 27,1924 in Bid-

                    He had a daughter L,inda and 2 sons vlayne and Steve all from New
                    Hampshire. His surv'iving sisters wereMrs~ Yvette Bergeron of
                    Biddeford,Me and Hrs e Roland Favale and ~1rs... Laurianne Begin
                    both of l'J&terbury lJ> CT, his brothers lIwexe Clement and Donald

                    they also from Wa:tetrbury llCTG He had 4 grandhcildren.
                    His grandparents we~re David and Elmire Nadeau who were married
                    i-lay 26,1890 at S'teE:lzear,poQ'l)
                    'l"he parents of Davi,d welC'e Pierre and Cesarie Filion who were

                    married Jul.y 21,184,6 at St.e Harie 0::£: neauce,P",Qe
                    The parents of Piex're 1t'1ere Pierre and his first wife Elisabeth
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