Page 63 - index
P. 63


               Lehoux who were maJcri.eld .i\u~r. S,a 1823 at Ste rl1arie.,. He ma:J:'ried as
               second wife G6n~vi~lve Tu:t'me1 NOV o a,1831 G,t ste lliarle and as
               Third wife Rose Gii.'n:oux Sep1:s.4" 18318 at 5te Matrie.
               The lparents of the second P.iElrre were Pierre and M...Ilo'u:Lse Tar-

               dif who we,re marriil!~ J'uly :L01I'1786 at Ste Marie..
               The lparents of the tid.rd Pierre were Pier're and hi.a fi]1:'8t wife
               Catherine Huard wh() were miu:ried May 9,1764 at St.Joseph.,Beauce.

               P.O. He married as second trlife Harle Chateauneuf in 1797 at Ste
               The par'ants of the P:lerre were ]I?ierre             and his second wife
               Hade.leine DeblQis uho were married Febolljl 1134 a:t St,Franciis, lIe

               d·orlet'ans P.Q. He rnarried his first wife Josette Marquis Feb.l3,
               1130 at ste FamillQ!, lIe dtOrJLeans,p .Q6
               The parents of the fifth Pierre were Pierre and Louise Letourneau

               who were married Al?r,,7,1104 at Ste Farnilleill
               The parents of the sixth Pierre were Nicolas and Marie Loignon
               who were married N~)vo6,l674 at Ste Famille,P&Q.
               The parents of Nic~)las were Robert and his second ,.d.fe Marie
      Who were married. N'OVe29,,1649 at Quebec City.(sse for
               this last couple IOln page 57.,)


               PIERRE S. was born July 2",1887 at St.Pierre of Beauce,P.Q. and

               died oct.IS" 1916 i:n Lewi,st.,onj,MeQ He was the son o:f Honors and
              Rose Bolduc who we:re mar'ri.•ed July 26 188JL a1l: BrOU~Uh'ton,P.CIIQ.
              His wife was l-1arie Filli,OIlI who werel married Sept. 21,1909 at

              Broughton"p .Qa> They hi:lld OI1le son Emile and 1 dlauqhi:4&r Mrs .Alma
              Robitaille of Lewi,stoJrl,Mie.. He had eme surviving br40ther Joseph
              of StoPierre de Beauce al1101 2 sistel:'s~ftts .. DomecilE~(Alida)F1Uppe
              of Sherbrooke"po(~Gl Cll'ld Nlrs;", OvideOtJlax'ie)Gagl1on of :Black Lake,
              p 000 He: was a textile wClrker and SElJct:on of Holy cr~oss Church :in
              Lewiston,Me. He li'Ved 1111 Il6wiston s:ince 1913@

              His grandparent.s w'e:re Antcline and Sophie Beaudoin who were married
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