Page 101 - index
P. 101


                His grandparents were Alphonse and Anna Mercier who were married
                Aug.5,l884 at StoLambert"Levis,P\1>Qfl\ He married as second wife

                Leda Auclair Auge24,1938 at StsRose o
                The parents of Alphonse were Pierre and Madeleine Clement dit
                Labontewho were married FebelSo1847 at St.Henri,Levis,p.Q.
                The parents of Pierre were Charles-Jean and M.Fran~oise Tanguay

                who were married Auge1g 1816 at stocharles,PoQe
                The parents of Charles-Jean were Charles and his second wife Jo-
                sette Asselin who were married Augo3 178S at St.Ch~les. He
                married as first wife ~nevieve Mercier Jan.27,1778 at st.Charles•
                The parents of Charles 'G'lere Etienne and his first wife. (See on '
                page 96')


                SIMONNE was born Septe8,1911 at St.Ephrem,P.Q. and died Sept.7,
                1979 at St.Mary·s Hospital in Lewiston,Me after a long illness.
                She was the daughter of Joseph and MoAnne veilleux who were mar-

                ried June 25,1907 at StoEphrem,P.Qo
                Her husband was Mr.Demerso They had two daughters:Joan Davis of
                West Palm Beach,Fla. and Anita Nolin of Lewiston,Me. Her survi-
                ving relatives were her mother MgAnne Lacasse and 1 sister Mrs
               Yvonne Bergmann of Lewiston and 4 grandchildren. She worked as

                a waitress most of her life g
               Her grandparents were Anselma and Sophie Gagnon who were married
               Aug.25,1862 at st~VictoropoQ~                    ,
               The parents of Anselma were Barthelemi and Josette Leclerc who
               were married sept.l~q1819 at St 0 Gervais,Bellechasse,p.o. He mar-
               ried as first wife Barbe Roy Sept.8$1806 at St~Gervais.
               The parents of Bartha-lami were Joseph and Marie Dallaire who were
               married Nov.15 1773 at St.Michel,BellechassegP.Q.
               The parents of Joseph ware Charles and his Jrd·wife,'M.Jeanne Renaud
               who were married ~ 2~,,11S1 at Chmr:lesoour9"p.Q. He married as
               fir8't" ,wife· .M.G:nevi""eve. GOnthi~r Feb. 9 (j 1733 at Beaumont and as 2nd
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