Page 105 - index
P. 105
contract by Michono He married as second wife M.Anne Chretien
July 30,1753 at MontmagnY~PGQo
The parents of Pierre were Pierre and MsLouise Poulet who were
married Febe7r;1684 at StCilPierre du Sud@P.Q.
The parents of the second Pierre were Louis and Jeanne Grenier
who were married Apre21,1659 at Quebec City.
The parents of Loaia were Adrian and of Marie Rebel of Pitres,
seine-Inferieure, Archdiocese of Rouenoin Normandie,France. His
wife Jeanne was the w 1dow of Rene Haheu and daughter of Sa ast1an
and of Marie Raux of St-Denis of Oleron,diocese of La Rochelle,
(1673-1978 )
FERDINAND was born Aug.15,1909 at SteNarcisse,Lotbiniere,P.Q.
and died Sept.l1 q 1978 unexpectedly at his home in Rumford,Me.
He was the son of Leon(Napoleon) and M.Leonne(Leonie) Goulet
who were married Mar e 4,1889 at SteBernard,p.Q.
His wife was Alphonsine Langevin. They had 1 son Robert of Rum-
ford,Me and 2 daughters: Mrs Clifford{priscilla)Marquis of So.
Rumford Me and Mrs John(Jacqueline)Gunther of West Bethel,J4e.
His surviving relatives were 1 brother Napoleon of St.Narcisse
and a sister Mrs G~rard(AlexiannS)Daigle of Que~c City. and
9 grandchildren.. He lived in Rumford for more than 50 years. He
retired from the Oxford Paper Co@
His grandparents were Louis and his second wife Apolline Royer
(no date and place.) He married as first wife Anastasie Dubois
Aug e 26,1828 at Lauzon g P o Q0
The parents of Louis were Ignace and Catherine Couture who were
married July 29,1805 at Lauzon.
The parents of Ignace were Joseph and Judith Magnan who were
married Aug$25,l777 at Lauzon. " ..
The parents of Joseph were Louis J. and l-1.Therese Frontigny
who were married Nov.ll~1748 at QU~bec Citys