Page 199 - index
P. 199
. .
194 INDKX.
CulvfitH l)_v riiilwiiyM (14(J Krection of buildings 460
DehtH line tlic ciowii '2!(5 Kxecutions against municipalities 350
UebeiitiiiTs m~ Kxemptions by statute 2((2, 720
When to be isMueil 281 By Council by-laws 314
How to lio uxecute<l H37 From general rates 576
Kodcniption of U7!>, 32" Fi'om assessments 202 205
Viilidil) of 33», 340 Kxceptions 530, 57»
Looal iniproveniont 341 Factory Act 548
Tratisfur of 343 Fences 472
KegiMtry hook for 344 Line 473
Miiiiiiiuni viiluc of 347 Barbed wire 474
IVioiity of 313 Snow 475
Di'dmatioiiN by iiii'iiibers fleet . .!t5, 131. 1!H) By er.unty councils 478
Itefoie whom l!tl Ferry companies .351
Peimlty for refiiHal 1!)2 Final audit by councils 180
By returning oHit'ers 108 Fire j)rotection 466
Deputy-retni'ning ofiicerM 3h-lH In portions of towns 468
Diseases among liorseH "»44 Food and drink by-laws . 486
Ditclies and watercronrses (132 Fi'ontage tax 556 569
Kxtent of ditch (133 Fraud in sale of fruit .541 543
Limit of <^ost 034 Fraudulent entry of horses at fairs 545
What lands liable 035 (iaolers, appointment of 418
How to proceed 036. 037 (iambling at fairs 532
Agreement between owneis 638 tJratuity to niuni<'ipal olfleers 197
Asking for engineer (WO, 041 (iravel beds 620
Kngineers award 042, 045 (Jranting monopolies ]>rohibited 350
Ajjpcals from awai'd 047 Kxceptions 351, 352
Knforcing award .' . 04!t Government report of debts. . . 3.35
Payment of co.sts 0.")0 (iuaranty c<mipany bonds 197
Kngineer completing delayed work05l,0.')2 Hawkeis 531
(jovering <litelies 055 High Schools 534- 538
Other owners using ditch 054 Highways and Bi'idges 688
Kngineers" liability 050 Highways, what ai'e 591
Draining to roads 000 Width of 600, 610
Natural watercourses 001 Railway crossings 588
t,'ouncil by-laws for 003 Klecti'ic cars on 589
Dogs and sheep bv-laws ()88-094 Traction engines on 590
Dog ta.\ 088 Cattle on 546
When dog may be killed 600, 602 Repair of 594
Recovering damages 001, 693 Injuries through defective 594
When no comj)ensation allowed .... 004 Townshii) roads 600
Doors of iiubli(! buildings 463 Opening new allowances 601
Drainage 558, 662 Townsbij) Ixmndary lines 603
Draining to roads (i(iO .loint jurisdiction of boundary lines
Driving on highways 400 604, 605
Karly closing of shops 551 When vested in the Crown ....... 006
Klections, Municipal 31-44 Ordnance roads 607
For new municpalities 33 Roads of ingress aiul ogress 608
Time for holding 37, IKi By-laws affecting 01 1, 012
Polling placei for .38-40 Mistakes in opening 613
Returning officer for 41, 42 Powers of councils over 615
By acclamation 54 Selling 621
Resignation .")3 Bicycle paths on 617
New elections .5(i, 1 15 Tolls for 618, 619
Not held at right time 07 Maintenance of 622
Postponement of 08 Closing \ip of 629
Where to vote 73 Unojiened . 623
Qualification of electors 31 -.35 Trees obstructing 630
Disciualification of electors 32 County boundary lines 625
Lawful expenses of 140 Travelling on 664
Controverted 140-140 House <»f Correction 438
Proceedings on recount 103, 133 Who to be committed to 430
(ieneral offences and penalties. . .104. 105 Incorporation 1-8
(hi New Yc!ir"s Dav 40 Of Villages 4