Page 201 - index
P. 201

196                      INDEX.
                                                 KKtTION                     HKCTIOK
                          l^ll)lil; fairs         Sir)  (Jndiu^ influence at elections  148
                          I'ublic inoraU          485  Voters' lists      B3, 227-2,32
      1  I
                          i'ul>li(! hIiowh, lii^MiHing  530  For new municipalities  64
                          QiiaHliinj; of l)_v-lawH  270-277  For added territory  fl.')
                            How to procciMl        270  For co\inty couneifs   69
                            LiniitatioiiH aH to tiniu  271, 272  For wards    244
                            ^Slay of ]>ro<;ci'iliiigH  276  Copies of     (1(1, (17, 243
                          Railway (iroHwiiigx      5S8  InHp(!iaion of        242
                          RogiHtiatioii of roail l)y-law«  (il2  Distribution of  228
                          Koinutiuratioii of coiiiicillors  443  Notices of   230
                          Rumiiiiuratioii of aliluiiiiuii  444 Voting          78
                          R«Higiialioim  of  mayor  or  (^ouni'illorH  Where to vote  73, 75, 76
                                             114,  117, lis  How often       74, 75
                          Kuturniiig ollicer       127  Penalties for voting twice illegally  74
                                                                             .  .
                          Dopiity rL-tiiining otlifer  88, 91  ( Opening of poll  .  77
                          Ruvision of voters' IIhI  231-243  Secrecy of     8! , 107
                            Notice of couit        2,33  For county councillors  126
                                                                           .  .
                            I'eualty for iion-atteiitlaiiuo  234  Voting on by-laws  24H, 2.55
                          fSanilary iiicawureM     487  Who can vote          257
                          Sale for taxes        72."),  72!l  Where to vote   2.i8
                            lCxL'in))tionH from  72(1, 730  Pro(!ecdiiigs at  2")lt-2(i8
                            Lands sold for tuxes   73(1  Scrutiny of votes  265-'. (17
                            Defective tax sale (lee<l  737  V^aluators        ISO
                          HcluHil Iward estimates  2(10  Valiility of bonus by-laws  264
       ;'                 Separate sciiool supporters  207  V^eliidi s on sidewalks  500
      ;  K'
                          Sowers and drains     488-4!'2  S'estibulcs for moterincn  ."((M)
                          Shop regulations      ij47-5i')l  Villages, incorporating  4, 3, 6
                          Sidewalks, jdank         573  Addition to            10
                            (iraniilithie          574  Annexation of        12, 13
                            By private owners      572  Unini.'orporation of   14
                          Snow fences           475,  (KiO  Police villages   739
                          .Snow roads, double tracks  (165 Water and gas works  504-507
                          Statement of i)rot)erty to assessor  218 Width of sleigh runnel s  489
                            Penalty for false statements  218 Width of roads  6(«l
       i«                 Statute labor            501  Width of streets, by-laws for  610
                          Streams anil watercourses  503, 504  War<ls, nundttu- of  16, 18
                          Street Railways          .508 Warden, election of   132
                            By-laws for            510  Resignation of        1 3it
                            Aiding of              .585
                          Tax defaulters' lists    57                        .  7.50
                          Taxes, property lial)le  201 Parliamentary Kiilcs of Order
                            Kxemptions from        202  Amendnioiits        706, 767
                            Exemptions by councils  314  Breaches of parliamentary <lecorum..
                            When duo               312                      776, 777
                            Payable by instalments  .533  Committees, ap])ointment of  787
                            Arrears of          733, 738   Procedure and rejjort  "88, 789
                            Sale for unpaid     725,  72!(  Committee of the whole  790
                            Exemptions from sale   7'i6  Introduction of business  760
                            Three years' arrears of  733  Motions           762-780
                            List of tax defaulters  08     To lay on the table  769
                          Tax collector and executions  726  To postpone to a certain day .... 770
       i|.;;              Tenant and landlord's taxes  730  To commit         772
                          Tender of award          408     To reconsider      774
                          Tender of compensation   384     The six months' hoist  771
                          Tolls and exemption from  618, 610  The previous question  773
                          Traction engines and bridges  590  Notices of       780
                          Trader's license         349  Orders of the Day    .  . 759
                          Treasurer             165-172  Presiding officer    751
                            Annual statements of  .325, 334  Duties and election of  762-755
                          Trees on streets         512  Putting questions     761
                          Towns, incorporation of   7   Questions, various kinds  778-786
                            pjxtcnsion of          11   Quorum                767
                            Annexation of        12, 13  Rights and duties of members  756
       1  ;'
                             Withdrawing from county  17, 18  Rules of debate  776
                            Re-uniting again       19   Who may not vote       763
   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203