Page 198 - index
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INDEX.                      193
                                         HKCTKIN                    HKCTinX
                 Bridges, County  Contiinii-d.  Constables         373, 374
                    Liability for dimmges by defeftivi"  .  . 594  Fees of  2:«>
                 By-laws                  245   Arrests by            375
                    (ioverninont approval nf  24(i  Suspension of     376
                    OpiKwition to         247  Corporations, Municipal  2
                    Voting on             248   Area of                9
                    Puliliciition of      24!)  Adilition to         11, 10
                    Polling places anil agents  250-2r)5  Redui'ing area of  15
                    Profeedings at poll  250, 25!) Corrupt practices and penalties  147-152
                    Who to vote on        257  Cost of sewers      554, 504
                    Where to vote         258 Cost of pavenieiits     505
                    Seerecy of proiieeilings  263  Councils, Municipal  20-30
                    Returns by Deputv Returning ((.  .  .  2(10  Qualifications for  20
                    Clerk's duties  .  .  .  .'  2(il, 21)2  lJis(iualitication for  21
                    Scrutii.y of votes  2(i5-2<i7  Persons cx('ni|)t fioni service  22
                    Wlien t> be |)as8ed l)y council  ....  2ti8  ('ily  23
                    Contirniation of      2(i9  Town                   24
                    Quashing of           270   Village                25
                    Time limii to ((uasli  271, 272  Townsiiips        20
                    Penalties uiidei' illegal  27<>. 277  County       27
                  By-laws creating debts  278-.SI5  Vacancies in      113
                    Wlien to talie eti'ect  278  Personal lial)ility of mcnd)ers  .324
                    Wiien (lel)t to be pavable  279  Head of       150, 157
                    Yearly rate for ...   280   When full council not elected  55
                    .Special rate for  282, 288, 29(i  Final audit by  180
                    Issuing (lel)entures under  •.8!  County Counial elections  120- 138
                    What the by-law must recite  283  Nominating ofiicer  121, 129
                    (lUaranteeing tiiedel)entnres  284  Notices for holding  126
                    Paying principal by instalments  .... 285  Nomination day  122, 123
                    Repealing of          292   Resignations          124
                    When not to l)e repealed  29.3  Clerk certifying results of  1.30
                    Registration of     2!l7, 304  Penalties for false returns  137
                    Contirniation of      209   Kxpenses of         112, 135
                    When absolutely valid  298 County Council by-laws for ,^20,00  i  311
                    Quasliing after registi'ation  301, 302 County roads and bridges  ,590, (127
                    Statutory caution concerning  303  Maintaining of  ,597
                    Reducing by-law rates  315  Abandoning of         628
                  By-laws that require assent of electors  .  . 289  Disputes lietween councils about  .  .  . 598
                    Exceptions          29 >, 291  Court of Revision in cities  223
                  Cal) stands              49(1  In otiier municipalities  224
                  Casting vote of clerk    91)  Proceedings at        225
                  Cattle and railway crossings  540  Ap|)eals from    220
                  Cell ir levels           489 Court-house and gaol  415-428
                  Civic telephone business  511  In cities         415, 410
                  Cleatiing sidewalks ....  49i  Care of           417, 419
                  Clerk                 158-104  Cost and maintenance  420, 4'il, 427
                    As returning officer   72   City and eo\uity   423, 425
                    Casting vote by        90   Amalgamation of two   424
                    Penalties for false returns  1 37  Separated town's share of cost  . .427, 428
                    Returns to Bureau of Industries  ....  102 County councils, how composed  27
                    Returns to Minister of Agriculture  103  Klection for  120-138
                    Certificates of Assessment Roll by  .  .  1 04  Resignations of  124
                    Remuneration of        235  Vacancies in          138
                  Collectors and their duties  725-738  Recoinit of votes  133
                    Seizing for taxes   725-729  Filling vacancies    134
                    Seizing under warrant  727  Voting for            126
                    Returning roll         731  Casting vote for      129
                    Taxes after return of roll  734  First meeting of  154
                  Commission to inquire into finances  330  Declarations of office  131
                  Compensation for lands taken  377, 379  Election of » ardcii  132
                    When to arbitrate      378  Conduct of business   155
                    How to proceed   379-38 1  , 382 Cdunty (J unci! divisions  27, 28
                  Controverted elections  140-146  Rearrangement of    29
                    Disclaiming the seat   146  Councillors' personal liability  324
   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203